The girls sent out a lot demo tapes to different recording places & were signed by Mercury Records. They went to L.A. and recorded a single, for the time being. Mercury wanted them to record the album, but they were waiting for summer.
After the single was released, they decided to go to Sam Goody and buy it so they could see what they sounded like. In Sam Goody the radio was on and turned to KDWB. It was Sunday, so the Rick Dee's Top 40 was playing. All of a sudden Rick Dee anounced "This next song is new from a group of 3 teens in White Bear Lake, Minnesota..." Beth went into complete silence. "coming up, debuting at 34, Northern Lights with Coquettish." Then Coquettish started to come on over the radio. Beth and Kate started to jump up and down screaming. "Hey, that sounds like us." said Kristin not paying any attention to her histarical friends. "IT IS US YOU DIP!" screamed Beth.