
  If you're looking for a sweet, down to earth lad, then Nick's the Backstreet
Boys for you! The babelicious blond thinks love is a million times more
important than trivial things like fame or money, so we're sitting here
thinking Nick's perfect boyf material, but Nick claims there have been girls
who wouldn't agree. "I liked a lot of the beautiful, popular girls in high
school, but they weren't interested in me. They were only interested in
dating the cool Italian or Spanish dudes and I was like 'Hey, give me a try',
but they never did."
  Finally Nick found someone who'd give him a chance, a girl called Bryn who
he fell for when they worked together on the musical Annie Get Your Gun.
"Me and this other guy both liked her, so she had to choose," he remembers
with a grin. "One night I waited backstage, and when she came back I
kissed her. So I won the girl and we went out for a year." Sounds romantic?
Well, they got along well, but Nick reckons it wasn't love. "I liked Bryn very
much, but I've never been in love. I've never had that strange,
'butterflies-in-the-stomach' feeling."
   As a boyfriend, he's got more to offer than his dreamy blond-haired,
blue-eyed looks - "I'm a very ordinary, down to earth guy, and I hope that's
what a girl would need," he smiles. He's also very loyal and faithful." I could
never see other girls besides my girlfriend. When I have a girlfriend I can't
even look at other girls."
  So just what will this lucky laydee who wins Nick's heart look like? "I like
long hair, but I don't mind what colour it is. Personality is what counts." If
you want an idea of the kind of girl he goes for, Christina Ricci, Claudia
Schiffer and Alicia Silverstone are three of his favourite laydeez, and he's
also into girls in their nighties! TLC were wearing satin pyjamas and
nightdresses on the front kind of their album and they looked really funky. I
like girls in stuff like that."
  And while he's talking about potential girlfriends - are Backstreet Boys fans
included? "Why not? We like to have a very close relationship with our
fans," he says. And he'd even be impressed if the girl made the first move... "
I like girls asking you out cos it takes the pressure out of you having to do it!"
He sounds perfect so far, but he does fall down a bit in the romance
department - he'd far prefer a game of Nintendo on a date than all that
hearts and flowers business!
  But shower him with lots of affection, because he loves it! "I need a hug
every day. I get lots of hugs from the fans and the guys, but I don't get a
proper hug - I wish I did!" Yeah, bet you're really short of offers mate! 


  That cheeky grin and hysterical sense of humour are gonna win any girl over
- and win the laydeez over he most certainly has! Brian reckons he's snogged
20 people since his first ever kiss, aged 10! And he's even had a taste of the
'L' word! He first fell in love in high school... "I dated this girl called Shannon
for three months," he confesses. "We grew up together so I'd known her for
ages. I'd always liked her, but by the time she started liking me, I discovered
she wasn't the person I thought she was. So we split up"
We don't know what they're feeding these Backstreet Boys, but Brian's
another one with a slushy romantic streak! He once found out the
combination for a locker of a girl he fancied, so he smuggled in a dozen red
roses and put them in her locker. "She started crying when she saw them,"
he grins cheekily. One surefire way to win Brian over is to run your fingers
through his hair. "I like a girl to play with my hair - y'know, rough and
tumble my head," he says with a quick shiver and a knowing smile!
Sounds as though Brians got it made, but there have been times when his
love-life wasn't exactly going to plan. "There were times when I sat around
waiting for the phone to ring," he admits. "Girls said,'I'll phone you tonight,'
so I'd sit around staring at the phone, willing it to ring." And he's another
boy still on the lookout for his perfect match. He's had his fair share of
girlfriends before, bout he says he definately hasn't found 'the one'. So
what's he looking for? Apart from being a Pamela Anderson or Sandra
Bullock type, he says, "She's definately got to have long hair, but it doesn't
matter what colour. The most important thing is her personality. She's got to
know what she wants and how to get it." And what's he got to offer a girl in
return? "The main things I've got to offer are a little love, caring,
understanding and emotion," he says sweetly.
  But he won't be quite so understanding if a girl tries to come between him
and the band! "If a girl wanted me to choose I'd tell her, 'Time will tell, but I
have to do things for myself right now." 


  AJ was an early starter when it comes to girls, but his younger snogging
adventures were a tad disasterous! He had his first kiss when he was just
four, with his neighbours daughter. "I kissed her and she didn't like it so she
punched me in the stomach!" he laughs. He had to wait another eight years
before he got to try again, and this is when he had his first 'proper' kiss, "My
first kiss, with tongues and everything, was when I was 12, through a chain
link fence. I ended up with a big mark around my mouth from the damn
fence, and everybody was asking me what the mark around my mouth was!"
Things didn't improve much once he started dating, either. "I took a girl to a
theme park and she wanted to go on all the scary rides. I didn't want to go,
but I had to pretend to be macho, so I went. I hadn't eaten anything
beforehand, and I ended up being sick in the car on the way home."
Eventually things got better, and two years ago, AJ fell in love for the first
time with a girl called Marisa. He still sees her, but AJ's work has got in the
way. "We do still date, but I can't look on it as serious cause it's too hard to
get to see each other,"he says with a touch of sadness.
  Even so, AJ can rival Howie in the romance stakes, too! The most romantic
thing I ever did was on our first anniversary. There was a big box waiting for
Marisa when she got home and when she opened it I jumped out with a
boquet of roses and a bottle of champagne! She was stunned!"
And he's still a softie at heart - his idea of a romantic evening is sitting by a
log fire with a mug of hot chocolate and marshmallows, and mellow music
playing..."It would be even better if the lights were low, the moon was
shining in, and it was cold outside," he says. "We'd cuddle up - a cuddle is
even more important to me than a kiss."
  And the girl he'd like to be cuddling? AJ wants a girl who can have a laugh,
but he does admit that the first thing he looks at when he sees a girl he
fancies is her bum! AJ says he's met a lot of attractive fans, and has even
dated a couple - "There have been times when I've seen a pretty girl in
audience who I've wanted to talk to," he grins, "So if she kept looking at me
during a show I'd get one of our security guards to tell her what hotel we're
staying in.Then when she arrived, I'd come down and meet her and we'd go
somewhere quiet and chat."


  Poor Kevin's had many a trauma in the love department. His first snog
encounter took place at an ice-skating rink when he was 12 - "That was
when I had my first kiss. It was with a girl called Jena, and it was very nice,"
he smiles.
  Things didn't stay rosy for long though. When Kevin was 19 he got engaged
to a girl named Beth, but the wedding never actually happened, and Kevin
and Beth split up. "We had dated for a year," he explains, "and I thought
that we were right for each other, but we found out that we didn't really
know each other at all. I was too young and I wasn't ready."
These days, he'd rather dream about the likes of Nicole Kidman, Michelle
Pfeiffer and Julia Ormond than get involved again. Even so, he claims when
it comes to relationships, perfect looks aren't essential. He likes a girl with a
good personality and a sense of humour. "The most important thing is that
we can talk on the same levl. She's got to be intelligent and confident about
what she's saying. It's important that we can talk about everything." Then
he admits that he wouldn't say no to a nice smile or sexy dress sense, either!
"That doesn't mean short skirts or anything like that!" he laughs. "She has
to dress sexy but classy, so when I see her I go, 'Wow!'
  Writing a song for an ex-girlfriend is about the most romantic Kevin's ever
likely to get. " I think romance is a total waste of time," he says. "Of course,
a candlelit dinner is nice, but it's got nothing to do with romance."
Don't fret though - Kevin reckons he's still a good catch! "I'm an honest
person - I don't play games. I say what's on my mind, and I treat people with
respect," he says. And you'll get his full attention - "When I'm out with a
girl, I like to be with her all the time. Sometimes when I'm with a girl I'm shy
because I'm afraid I'll say something wrong."
  In return he expects his gal to be honest with him, because if there's one
thing he can't stand, it's people who lie or break promises.
And we're sure there are plenty of gals out there who're happy to hear he's
still single! 


  He's already had his fair share of smooching, and if you're into romance
then Howie's your man! He scored his first snog at a friends party when he
was 12... "We were playing spin the bottle, and I got my first 3 kisses of the 3
best looking girls in the school. It was the best party I've ever been to!" he
giggles. Things just got better and better for this little smoothie! He met a
girl called Jennifer when he was 17, and they went out together for 2 years.
"On my 18th birthday, she asked her parents if she could have the house to
herself, and invited all my friends round for a suprise party! That was really
romantic!" he recalls dreamily. "Then I once cooked dinner for her - it was
grilled steaks and candles and everything. Then afterwards we drove to the
airport, because there's this strip in Orlando where you can sit, look at the
stars and watch the planes going over."
  In fact, Howie's no stranger to all this romance lark. "Hey, I'm Mr.
Romantic!" he grins, and then proves it by listing Paris and the Swiss
mountains as his fave places. This is where he dreams of cuddling up with a
girl on a veranda, snuggled up under blankets, just watching the snow fall...
He's also an affectionate soul. " I love hugs and kisses - I think it's because I
grew up in a big family. Even now, I grab my mum and give her big kisses on
the cheeks. When I'm with a girl, I love her to give me hugs - it touches my
heart. I could use a hug every day," he says. So as you're such an expert
ladies' man, where's the best place to meet laydeez? "The dancefloor -
dancing's a great way to meet people!" he grins.
  He does sound like good boyfriend material, but he also expects a lot from a
girl in return! His perfect woman would have the body of Cindy Crawford,
the personality of Louise, and the intelligence of Beethoven! "I do like
natural looking girls, though! Girls look really pretty in big sweaters - it
attracts me much more than a mini skirt." He also likes someone he can chat
to - "I'm into girls I can talk to for hours without getting bored. My dream
girl has to have a great sense of humour, and girls who don't talk at all aren't
very attractive."
  Spontaneity is also one of Howie's strong points, so the girl who falls for him
had better like suprises! "Oh yeah, I love to suprise a girl," he grins, " like
just taking her away for the weekend without telling her beforehand." So,
get packing - just in case!

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