Help BSB!!

  Well, here's a couple of places you can email or visit to help make 
the BSB a little more popular. All it takes is a few minutes - and those
minutes can make a difference. Afterall, who wouldn't want to see more
of the 5 adorable cuties?? =)



There's a poll going on at theTeen People's website! It's Backstreet Boys vs. 'N SYNC and currently Backstreet Boys are in the lead, but it's a close match.

There is another poll that is going on (for a while...) and it's Backstreet Boys vs. Spice Girls. It's at the Rolling Stone magazine website. Check it out and vote for the Boys!

Vote for BSB's videos on YTV's Hit List.(The Hit List airs on Saturdays - check your local listings for exact time)

Vote for BSB's upcoming single "That's the Way I Like It" at Z95.3. It's against the Tuesdays:

Below are a bunch of places you can email to request them to play the BSB videos more. They're mostly of MTV in the US, so if there's some that I leave out, or some that I don't know about, please email us and I'll try to put it on as soon as possible.

Request the BSB videos at:
Live on MTV
Hotel California
Ten Spot on MTV

Email YM to get the BSB on the cover of YM

Get the BSB on to the cover of Billboard's mag or request more of the BSB in their magazine. Or, you can always ask them to put a BSB special. To do this, email them at Ask Billboard

You can also email BOP and request more pinups, articles, centerfolds, posters, etc. of the guys.

Teen magazine also has its own email address: teen

Another magazine that has its own email is Seventeen

Wouldn't you like to see the guys on Oprah?

To make BSB more popular through the airwaves, request their songs here,here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here

Request the BSB on the following websites (the majority are radio stations, just so you know): WZPL KC101 FLY92 ABC STAR94 Z100 WJBQ

E-mail us at

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