superstars: Okay guys, fill in the blank. The worst date I ever went on was when....
Nick: ...I was sitting with this girl and a boy wanted to fight me. I didn't want to fight.
Brian: ...I was about to kiss her, I leaned over and fell right out of the chair I was sitting in!
Howie: ...I tried being funny, but everything that I said came out was stupid!
A.J: ...I went to the movies with this girl, and just as we were about to kiss, I saw my mom and my grandfather were in the seats behind us!
Kevin: ...I went to a concert and my date left with someone else.
superstars: How much time do you give a romantic relationship to work?
Nick: ...Long, long, long time!
Brian & Howie: ...As much time as needed.
A.J: ...As much time as needed to make it special, wonderful, fun and keep it interesting and romantic!
Kevin: ...It really depends on the person and the situation at hand.
superstars: Has anyone broken your heart?
Nick: ...No
Brian: ...No, I've been hurt, but not broken.
Howie: ...Yes, but I just got stronger and it was a learning experience.
A.J & Kevin: ...Yes!
superstars:What are your best dating tips?
Nick & Kevin: ...Just be yourself!
Brian: ...Always be yourself and don't put on a front.
Howie: ...Have fun and enjoy each other's company.
A.J: ...Always allow the girl to make her own decisions, don't think for her ...have fun, discuss your date before hand and just be yourself.
superstars: I'd stay home if I thought I could...
Nick: ...Be a pro-football player.
Brian: ...Sleep all day
Howie: ...Not be bored
A.J: ...Draw, sleep or hang all day with the boys!
Kevin: ...Shoot hoops or write music
superstars: I hope I never have to...
Nick: ...Eat caviar
Brian: ...Be bedridden in a hospital
Howie: ...Stop entertaining
A.J: ...Learn new harmonies, dance moves, and things having to do with the performance at the last minute.
Kevin: ...Stop playing music!
superstars: You would never believe it if you saw me...
Nick: ...decked in scuba gear and diving!
Brian: ...On time for rehearsal!
Howie: ...Wear dreadlocks.
A.J: ...Wearing boys clothes! I can still fit into boys clothes!
Kevin: ...Nervous before a performance! I always get nervous!
superstars: My all-time biggest-ever food binge happend when...
Nick: ...My parents weren't around and I could eat all that I wanted one night. I cleaned out the fridge!
Brian: ...On my 18th birthday.
Howie: ...On my 18th birthday-at a Chinese restaurant all-u-can eat!
Kevin: ...I was at a family party.
A.J: ...I was sick and I couldn't eat for a week. When I was better, I ate everything!
superstars: If I was on a desert island, I would want these three things...
Nick: ...My regulator, my scuba tank, food.
Brian: ...Food, music ans a special girl.
Howie & A.J: ...Food, clothes, and someone to spend time with.
Kevin: ...Food, water and someone to share it with.
superstars: Why is your best friend "best"?
Nick: ...Because he cares about me.
Brian: ...Because he is just like me and I've known him since I was about four.
Howie: ...Because even if we haven't seen each other for a day, we still know the other one hasn't forgotten and still cares.
A.J: ...Because we were born in the same hospital and grew up together.
Kevin: ...Because they are themselves.
superstars: How did you know he or she would be a best friend?
Nick: ...Because he calls. If he sees me in a commercial, he'll call me and be all excited! We've been friends along time!
Brian: ...Because we became just like brothers right when I met him.
Howie: ...It was something inside.
A.J: ...We were exactly alike.
Kevin: ...Because they we sincere.
superstars: Have ever written a poem?
Nick & Kevin: ...Yes!
Brian: ...I am very romantic, so if I were to write one, it would take along time-I can't just think of one off the top of my head!
Howie: ...I've never been the poetic type.
A.J: ...Yes, it would be something like this...
The moon shines upon her enlightening eyes
Like the moonlight on the ocean at dusk
Her hair a waterfall, she is there for me
Near or far my pround evening star
superstars: Do you draw?
Nick: ...No.
Brian: ...No, I can't draw very well, my brother is the artist. He can draw anything.
Howie: ...I'm not good at drawing. My handwriting isn't the hottest either!
A.J: ...Yes!
Kevin: ...Yes!
superstars: What's your favortie ice cream?
Nick: ...Chocolate-chip cookie dough.
Brian: ...Vanilla.
Howie: ...Oreo cookies and cream.
A.J: ...Vanilla with caramel topping!
Kevin: ...Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter & Chocolate.
superstars: What's one thing you won't leave home without?
Nick: ...My shoes?
Brian: ...My cross, and the things I need to survive.
Howie: ...My nice clothes and necklaces.
A.J: ...My luck chain or necklace.
Kevin: ...Saying good-bye!
superstars: Where do you go for privacy?
Nick: ...The Islands off Tampa Bay.
Brian & Kevin: ...My room.
Howie: ...The lake.
A.J: ... My closet.
Howie: ...I'd like to be a star!
A.J: ...Bungee jumping or skydiving!
Kevin: ...Sky diving.
superstars: What do you hate to shop for?
Nick: ...Anything my mom likes.
Brian: ...Pants with my mom.
Howie: ...I hate shopping with my mom, because she takes so long-except when she goes ahopping for me, then she can take as long as she wants!
A.J: ...Shoes.
Kevin: ...I don't know! I do love shopping for new clothes and CDs!
superstars: Finish this sentence: The dumbest thing I did was...
Brian: ...Let a spider bit get infected! I had to get stitches and use crutches!
Howie: ...Sing the wrong words to the National Anthem at a high school basketball game.
A.J: ...I went swimming with red underwear under white bathing suit!
Kevin: ...I once forgot the words to a song during an audition!
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