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The Dummy's PlayLand


Welcome to the Dummy's Playland. I'm Benjamin and I'll be your host for your stay here. First off I would like to thank you for visiting this page and secondly I hope that you will enjoy your time here with us. Now if you would all like to fasten your seat belts, we will slowly commence take off.

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This webpage has been created for one purpose and one only and that is to provide you with a source for all your entertainment needs. If you have any comments about this page or would like to give us your suggestions, feel free to email me or write into the feedback form.

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The Creators

This page has been created by 3 guys all of which are studying for their O's now. So don't expect us to update this page frequently. Anyhow if you would like to contact anyone of us please email us or use ICQ.

Email Us

Web Maintainer----Benjamin (dumbot) amaila.gif (6311 bytes) UIN 4154460

smiling.gif (1578 bytes)Games Masters---Geliang (Redage) UIN 10601712

                           ---Alvin Lin (Avenger) UIN 3199136

If you don't have ICQ download the latest version at mirabilis.com


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Please link my page if you have one!

Use the following HTML for your page:

<-----start copying----->

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src="https://members.tripod.com/~benben2_2/dummyban.gif" width="400" height="75"

alt="dummyban.gif (15533 bytes)"></a></p>

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On 10/7/98 1316 people visited this page

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