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Hello, Thanks for stopping in. Gail's Gallery is now open! It's real pretty. You'll find a link below.. I also have two better than sex cake recipes, and a NEW*** recipe I've added... Carrot Cake L'Orange. These three cakes are delicious, give em a try! I also have a new site I've added with a few delicious recipes! There is a link below for that site too. Stop by..I'm sure you'll find something wonderful to try. If you'd like to know more
About Me come here for a little info. 
Check out my F-Key page, it has some real great "useful" links. I have some nice AWARDS for special sites. Look them over in the Apply for Awards section below. If you would like to apply for one of them, fill out the application and I'll come visit your site. I tried my hand at making a couple of slideshows. Adorable Anne Geddes babies and some lovely Fairys....*New and *MUCH* improved!! You control looking at them. There isn't a ton of them so it won't take long to view. Check em out! I have a *NEW* GuestMap but I think it's only for puter users. You can put a little dot on the map and show me where you're from. I really need somebody to test it for me. I hope you enjoy your visit....I don't have much but I'm proud of all my pages.





Have you been to Neopets yet? It's an awesome virtual pet site that is fun for the whole family. It's really addicting- as millions of users can attest to. Check it out and tell em Gail sent ya.


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Updated April 20, 2002
Site opened March 2001