Let's Share the Lord!

Online Bible Study Newsletter


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How do you feel about the new hate crimes legislation?

Vote Here!


This site is focused on the Living, Risen Savior. Where God or the Son of God are mentioned, it will always be the one, true God as we find in the Bible. It will not refer to idols or to self.

This is a co-operative effort between my daughter and myself as a way of bringing insight and encouragement to others. The lessons will be available at any time to those who are new to the site, so that no one will be left behind or feel the need to catch up. We will have a "Site of the Week" and we urge you to visit it, and remember to sign the guestbook. We will also have a "Song of the Week" that you may want to listen to and even learn. We will also post a "Verse of the Week." This will be a Bible verse that will help and encourage you.

Any comments or suggestions you have about any part of this site are always welcome. You can use the message board for comments of any type, as long as they are not "flaming" others. If you want to share what you have learned in the lessons, you may use the message boards. If you prefer to keep your comments private, you may email me.



Voting last time went very well. So well, in fact, we've decided to add a VOTE!!! sections to this newsletter everytime!
Each newsletter we will have a new subject for you to vote on. We will post some of your responses/opinions in the newsletter. So start voting!
This week's question is about the new hate crime legislation. Read up on it and let us know how you feel!

We've had visitors since June 18, 1999

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Contact webmaster:Jennifer