Now don't be play'n around with this stuff indoors, it'll blow yur brains out before you can say "Elvis Ate My Mother in Law".
What can I say..this here gun can blow up one of them kind folk from a medow away. Jes like the dynamite sept it's on a Crossbow Helps Out Mighty good when you have things to blow up you jes can't throw it that far.
This here Wepon is one of Grandpa's ol' Family Fued'n Tools..Made right in his shack..Hell he could shoot all the way to Georgia with this little beuty.
Now grandpa was One of them Smart Folk..he knew that he wouldn't always have the pleasure of Far Away Shoot'n so he disigned this here wepon to grind up them there angry people that come right up in his face, thats why he made it spin so he could see the expression on his face when he did some crude sergery to their appendix.
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