What is this about not linking to Brat's server?

Ok let me give you the scoop here of exactly what I am talking about and why I am telling you this...

When someone decides to use one of my backgrounds by linking directly to the background they choose from my page, many things happen that make it hard on everyone involved...these being...

1. This slows down my server and makes the pages run slower for everyone!

2. Tripod does not like it...as a matter of fact, they have made it so that more times then not when you try to load a background onto your page that is linked directly to my files, it will block you out and instead of seeing a pretty background on your page, you will see nothing but blank space. Not too great is it?

3. I occasionally change file names around and you may end up with no background showing, or maybe something else in it's place. Also not great.

4. It really is not nice to steal bandwidth:)

S0... Now do you understand why I ask you NOT to link directly to my server files?

Please instead download the files to your own server and use them from there. This will save everyone a few headaches and will be greatly appreciated:)