I'm so glad you decided to come in and read yet another one of my stories. I have created another new page. There are links to hundreds of sites. If you can't find it on one of these lists, then it doesn't exist!!!!


A Recent Story (too recent)

One day while I was on-line, my daughter's boyfriend (Chris) threw his clothes in the washer and left for the store. About an hour later, when he returns, he says "I think we have a problem". Since I sit in a recliner while webbing, I threw it down to the splash of water. Water? I was in the spare bedroom!!! Oh no. I went into the living room, more water. I proceded to the kitchen, even more water. I hear the washer running and shut it down. I'm in 10-12 inches of water. Chris says "does this happen all the time" to which I reply, "oh sure, we always have a foot of water in the house, that way we don't have to vaccuum". Geeez, kids. I'm in a state of shock, my mind is racing for a solution. Chris asks, "what should we do". I'm, for the first time in my life, at a loss for words. The best I could come up with was "start bailing". He had a large Burger King cup in his hand, so he emptied the contents and starting dipping the water into the kitchen sink. I reached over to pick-up the 40lb. bag of dogfood and the bottom gave out. Dogfood floated around the kitchen, we looked at each other and busted out laughing. It kinda broke the ice. The dogfood came out of the bag so small, but soon grew to a huge mass of giant mushy meatballs. I called the dog, but she would not come. As if she could have eaten very much anyways. Well, needless to say, we bailed until our arms hurt. Rented a carpet cleaner, to extract water from the carpet. I just got the check from the insurance company, so now I am in the process of getting things replaced. Yippee, new stuff. I just have one word of wisdom, .......huh, nevermind!!!! LOLOL
Be Safe Until We Meet Again

I have researched the best sights, and I hope there is something here for you to use. I picked the cream of the crop. There's html help sites, image sites, midi sites, card sites, chatlinks, and even some cool game sites. You could spend days in some of these sites!!!! Go ahead and HAVE FUN!!!!

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worth your while to participate! Thank You !!

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