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"King Of The Road"
 sequenced by Dick Anderson


This border is made from school pictures of my friends children.  They are grown now with busy lives, how quickly the years passed. 

During your lifetime if you have three or four really  good friends, not just acquaintances you can count yourself lucky. I have been lucky .


This picture was taken during a birthday party for my second son 
about 24 years ago

Fond Farewell
by Mary B

My dear friend I can not stay
Before I go I want to say
Thank you so very much
Thank you, Vicki for everything
For listening and caring without criticizing
For being a friend when I needed one so
For the comfort it gave me just to know
If I felt cold and alone
I could call You
In the wee hours after midnight
I could call You
When I was happy that something went right
I could call You
On my brightest day or my darkest night
I could call You
And so dear friend I hope you know
No matter where in this world I go
Any time night or day, please feel free
You can call Me
The years rolled by
Our children grew up
One by one they moved away
Now there are new little ones
They call us Grandma, Oh what fun
One more thing I must say
Our grandchildren are 
Perfect in every way
Thank you for baby setting 
My big old yellow dog
He does a wonderful
Impersonation of a log
For sharing your computer
 knowledge with me
You could have charged, 
but it  was free
For the holiday dinners and the 
hamburger fries
For planning my birthday surprise
For all of the laughter and the few tears
We have shared over the years
Thank you so much
Our home is now far away
I am anticipating the day
When looking out my window I see
You standing there looking back at me
So long, my friend for a little while and
Thank you, Vicki for everything
Mary B (Buzzerb)
Aug. 20, 1997

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in whole or in part, in any form, without the written  consent of the owner.


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