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"Catch A Falling Star"

This border is from a picture of my youngest son when he was 3 years old.
This border is exclusively for my site, please do not download it or use it on any other web site

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Picture or Robert
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My Child
by Mary B
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     I followed your happy laugher 
      To where you were today
     You didn't hear me coming, 
     You were  so busy at play
     I had just cleaned the room 
     A short time before
     There I saw a gay profusion 
     Of toys on the floor
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     Clean up this mess, 
     I started to say
     We must quickly put 
     Everything away
     But your smile and 
     Dancing eyes 
     Unlocked memory's door
     For a moment I was you,
     Playing On my mother's floor
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     You didn't see a mess, 
     Just your own special treasures
     I will not be the one to 
     Take away this moment's pleasures
     All too soon this time 
     We share will be gone
     Today we'll make another memory 
     To build your Life on
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     So play , my child, and dream 
     Of marvelous,  mysterious things
     Take a trip to the moon, 
     Chase the wind, jump  over a tree
     And when all your grand 
     Adventures are through
     Come running back to me, 
     For I love you

Copyright © 1979. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction 
in whole or in part, in any form, without the written consent of the owner.

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