I was caught inside my head one day
My little hands formed fists and
Banged and banged and banged
Only serving to echo pain
Until it bloomed across my brow

You saw my winced expression
And took my hand
Led me to the water
I protested but you gently assured me
"We'll chase the sun for awhile"

In the boat, you looked like a
Salty sea dog, cigarette dangling
From the corner of your mouth
Your face hadn't seen a razor for
Three days or more

We cruised across the bay, the sun
Just out of reach but the air
Refreshed me, left me surprised
I closed my eyes
Overwhelmed with emotion

We discovered a river and followed it
And you became my Tom Sawyer
The sunlight dove through the trees, hit my face
Magically unfolded the fists in my head
Leaving open palms to caress my fears

When the boat hit shallow water
You jumped out and pulled us, reluctant to
Give up our adventure even though it was over
I realized I would have done the same
If only you had asked

The river turned us away, lacking depth
The sun faded, its dappled warmth
Slipped into the mountains and
Sent me back into my pain
Back to my home.

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