I found these Newsgroups on news.webring.org:
-- Steven Kraus a.k.a. NeuroCrash
I missed the original post, but if the original poster is using Netscape, clicking on the following link will open the Netscape newsreader and load one of the newsgroups. Adding other newsgroups is easy.
Cya there. :-)
-- Robin Kelly
Hi. I couldn't get to this link. I'm using Netscape Communicator. When I clicked here, I got the hourglass mouse pointer, then the bar at the bottom said "document:done," but it hadn't gone anywhere.
Make sure Communicator is set up to use that news server. Actually, how you do it is quite easy.
- Hit the button that looks like two cartoon thought bubbles (bottom right of your screen). This will bring up your "Netscape Message Center" box
- look at the top, click on "File", and "New Discussion Group Server"
- In the new box, type
- Click "OK"
Notes from Morgan: an alternative would be to click on "Communicator" at the top of the screen, then "Message Center". When you get the box, do the above to add the "news.webring.org". When completed, the Newsgroup should be listed at the bottom of your "Message Center"
Now you have to subscribe to any of, or all of, the seven Newsgroups. To do this,
- While still in "Message Center", highlite the "news.webring.org" by clicking on it.
- Then click on "File", then on "Subscribe to Discussion Groups". You will get another box, with the tab "All discussion groups".
- Click on all the little boxes with + signs inside to show all the groups. This will show you how many messages are in each group.
- Click on any group you are interested in, to highlite it. Then to the right of the box, click on "Subscribe".
- When you are finished, go to the bottom of the box and click on "OK".
Now that you have subscribed you can read any of the newsgroups by
- double-clicking on it in the "Message Center".
- going to your Netscape Mail Probram. At the top, where it says "Inbox", click on the down arrow, scroll down and select (click on) the newsgroup you are interested in reading.
- in your normal Netscape window, go to the top and type in the URL of the newsgroup you want to access. For ex.:
End Morgan's notes.
Original answer by
-- John Meyer
Netscape's newsreader can carry any newsgroup, even if your ISP doesn't carry it. See above.
I use and it works just fine. Hope this helps all of you.
-- Andrew Ferguson
Has anyone elses queue been falling victom to fake sites being put into it, or sites that have nothing to do with the rings topic being put into it?
It's happened to me. I solved the problem by implementing a Javascript that checks the URL input'd because I only allow addresses from http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/.
It took care of the fake addresses.
-- Rodent
WebRing Support Services has published a new support form to help handle the mass amounts of emails that are coming into the system.
The form is at
How do I generate a mailing list of my Ring members?
In Ring Management go to "Generate E-mail Lists (<-that's a hyperlink). Create an e-mail list with the ring or queue members."
You will be able to generate email list of your ring members or queue members from there in many different fashions.
-- Angelea Kelly
I have a member who has a frames page. As I was doing a check of my ring today, I noticed that he moved the ring logo to another page. If he wishes to have it on the page it's on now, how do we point the webring link to that page?
Go to Webring management. Click on Manage Ring Sites, click on Edit next to the site you want to update the listing for. When the edit page loads make any changes you want then click Submit Changes. The listing will refect the changes you made, to include changing where the ring will lead to.
-- Bob Marion
I would like to put my ring sites back into numerical order. Is there an option to do this?
You can arrange them in numerical order by going to Webring management. Select "Edit Ring Sites", then select "Sorted by Site ID".
-- Galaxi
Allowed characters in Webring password
What characters can a member use in their Password?
All WebRing passwords must be between 4 and 16 characters
long and contain only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and
underscore ("_") ...
-- Dave in Development
Another message from SuperDave...
We changed the Ring and Queue notification emails that the RingMaster gets to be a CC of the one the RingMember gets to reduce system load.
Its much easier for the system to append a "CC" line to an email message than to generate 2 separate email messages. Plus it helps prevent our mail queue from going out of control if our email delivery system goes down.
As far as "remedying" goes, it will most likely stay this way for a long time.
In reference to users not being 'bounced' to the Ring Homepage, that was also done to speed up the system.
In order to redirect a user to the Ring Homepage, we would have to load the ring's Config file just get the URL of the homepage. NOT loading the config file and just printing an error page allows us to cut the number of system file operations IN HALF.
Again, we currently have no intentions of changing this behavior.
-- Dave