
Now let's see how you did.  Compare your answers to the 
correct ones and then give yourself a grade:

11-15 Right : Sandra Manic!

8-10 Right:  Sandra Savvy

5-9 Right:  Sandra Fan

0-4 Right: Why are you even at this site?

Check it out!

1. She was 11.

2. Leo.

3. Matthew McConaughy played her 

4. She won 3 in 1995 for "Speed".

5. Tate Donovan.

6. She is studying criminal law. 
(if you got  that, 
you're really good!)

7. He was a voice teacher until.....

8. He began running her company in

9. Fortis Films

10. She got a customer to help her 
mix drinks so she could get a bar-
tending job.

11. Tate Donovan again.

12. Either Keifer Sutherland or Jeff 
Bridges is right.

13. She reportedly got 6 million.

14. She went blonde to star in "Two 
if by Sea".

15. She has said "There's something 
comfortable about me.I'm like a 
sleeper sofa. A good couch your 
grandmother has." So, the answer 
is couch.'d ya do?

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