The hide and seek saga of audioscopes in e-mail continues....
To find out the latest, check out Jazzman's page and Audioscope Works!
This is the first comprehensive guide to building audioscopes. This guide will help take you from the basic one line scope to building audioscopes into anything you can imagine. Your only limitations are those in which you set. We will go beyond the basic scope and learn how to space, stack and change color, embed backgrounds or gifs, put scopes over images, and even learn how to make a thumbnail once your scope is done! I hope that by the time we are done, you will leave with a better understanding of scopes and all the possibilities of what you can create with them.
Below is a list of all the different aspects we will cover. If you already have a basic understandng of scopes, you may want to jump ahead to new territory. Just click on the link and it will take you to the blackboard.
Page 2
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click the speaker for music.
Bg color determines the background color of your scope. This can be any color. Here is an example of an audioscope on a black background and then a white background.
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=white></center>
Height determines the vertical size of your scope. Maximum height for a web page (without having to scroll to see everything) is 380.
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black height=25></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=white height=50></center>
Width determines how wide your scope will be. Maximum width is 540 pixels for a web page, and 395 for an e-mail sig. If you have a border, it must be included in this number.
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black height=25 width=200></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=white height=50 width=400></center>
Leftoffset and rightoffset determine how far apart the left and right sides of the channel are. One side should be a negative number, and the other side positive.
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black height=25 width=200 leftoffset=2 rightoffset=-2></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=white height=50 width=400 leftoffset=10 rightoffset=-10></center>
Gain determines how much your scope reacts to the music. This can be a negative number, a positive number or a gain equaling zero.
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black height=25 width=200 gain=-10 leftoffset=2 rightoffset=-2></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=white height=50 width=400 gain=10 leftoffset=10 rightoffset=-10></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black height=25 width=200 gain=0></center>
Some notes on "0" gain:
*You do not need to have the left and rightoffsets included in your code.
*Due to the summer of 98 upgrade, we can no longer make vertical scopes with a gain of zero. >:(
Leftcolor and rightcolor are the colors of each track. You may use either the hex number for colors, or the color name itself. I find it much easier to use the color name. If you need to go back and change a value, using the color name helps when trying to relocate the right spot--especially on larger scopes. To see two very good color charts, one with hex numbers and one without, click wtvjunky's WebTV Color Chart (with hex numbers) or Netscape Colors For WebTV (without hex numbers). Want a color chart that has color names, hex numbers and scopes? Then Jacks' Scopin' Colors is the one you need!
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black height=25 width=200 gain=-10 leftoffset=2 rightoffset=-2 leftcolor=blue rightcolor=red></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=white height=50 width=400 gain=10 leftoffset=10 rightoffset=-10 leftcolor=blue rightcolor=red></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black height=25 width=200 gain=0 leftcolor=blue rightcolor=red></center>
Maxlevel is used when you want to show the peaks in the music. A floating line rides the tops of your left and right channels, marking the highest points.
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black height=75 width=200 gain=1 leftoffset=2 rightoffset=-2 leftcolor=blue rightcolor=red maxlevel=true></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=white height=75 width=200 gain=1 leftoffset=2 rightoffset=-2 leftcolor=blue rightcolor=red maxlevel=true></center>
Border lets you create a frame around your scope. (If you are on a classic, you will have a built in border that can not be removed.)
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black height=25 width=200 gain=-10 leftoffset=2 rightoffset=-2 leftcolor=blue rightcolor=red border=5></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=white height=50 width=200 gain=10 leftoffset=10 rightoffset=-10 leftcolor=blue rightcolor=red border=10></center>
<center><audioscope bgcolor=black height=25 width=200 gain=0 leftcolor=blue rightcolor=red border=15></center>
On to Page 2--the fun part!
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