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5/2002 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. To save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight. I'll be on a new schedule the next few months and may not have time for this stuff. Keep checking 'was Columns & Columnists' (C&C) and Radio Headlines yourself for the newest stuff.
5/31.7/02 - FYI - FL "Talk-radio host Farrel wins case." See www.gopbi.com/partners/pbpost/epaper/editions/today/local_news_c36f1f1f05d5403c00ac.html.
5/31.6/02 - "R&R Website Relauched!!! Check it out. Each format has it's own space and now the Top Ten Christian Songs in each format CHR, AC, Rock, and soon INSPO will be posted. www.radioandrecords.com" That's at www.radioandrecords.com. R&R is about the largest radio trade outlet, but I usually just read their headlines, three BBs, and ratings. Quote was posted on the ctcr BB.
5/31.5/02 - KNX Drama Hour, seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Nothing on TV? Here are two more of my favorite series:
5/31.4/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks of strange stuff.
5/31.3/02 - Hi-tech FYI - radio on computer chip. See story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nf/20020530/tc_nf/17990. Larry's tip.
5/31.2/02 - New GM at KPFK "...Eva Georgia, a veteran radio journalist in her native South Africa, was named Thursday to be general manager at public radio station KPFK-FM (90.7)..." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-61266,00.html.
5/31.1/02 - "Tavis Smiley Hits Double in Comeback. Two local stations will feature the show that lends an African American perspective to NPR... Starting Monday, Southland listeners will get two chances a day to hear how he does it, when his 5-month-old, hourlong show debuts on KPCC-FM (89.3) and KCRW-FM (89.9)..."The Tavis Smiley Show" will air weekdays at 5 a.m. on KCRW and at 8 p.m. on KPCC." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-61279,00.html.
5/31/02 - "Gehron bucks a trend – to dump voice tracking at "Kiss" in Chicago. How John Gehron won approval to counter corporate trends toward voice tracking to save money and who he's talking to for "Kiss" new morning show." FYI from insideradio.com.
5/30.7/02 - "Salsa, Jazz Performance to Benefit Public Radio. KCLU-FM (88.3) is sponsoring an evening of salsa music and jazz Sunday at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza. Grammy Award nominee Bobby Rodriguez and his 23-piece Latin jazz orchestra will headline the concert, to be held at 7 p.m. in the Scherr Forum. The Oxnard High School jazz band will give a free performance on the grounds outside the arts plaza beginning at 5:30 p.m. Those with tickets also will hear a jazz combo, provided by the Los Angeles Jazz Society's Bill Green Mentorship Program, performing in the lobby before the show. Proceeds from the event will benefit the public radio station's general operations. Tickets, $23 to $32, are available at the Civic Arts Plaza box office, 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd., or by calling KCLU at 493-3900." I'm posting this whole story (compacted) cause the LAT requires free registration (sometimes) to read this at www.latimes.com/editions/ventura/la-000038137may30.story?coll=la%2Deditions%2Dventura. Station's site is at www.kclu.org/. PS - radio-locator.com suggests they're outside L.A. - could be.
5/30.6/02 - "Don & Mike, Opie & Anthony suspended for feuding on the air. Both teams were told by Infinity management not to report to work while listeners in the Washington DC area heard a brief announcement that Don & Mike were extending their Memorial Day vacations," says insideradio.com. O&A were big, new hits somewhere, but they're not on in L.A., perhaps due to their reported poor taste.
5/30.5/02 - "Rick Dees morning show to cease syndication" says another BB comment at forum.rronline.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=11584. Who knows.
5/30.4/02 - Program picks (31) for next week from the L.A. Weekly are available today at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Their site may list picks not listed in their paper.
5/30.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Two of my favorite series:
5/30.2/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
5/30.1/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #516, dated 5/29/02.
5/30/02 - "New Morning Host Named at KRTH-FM. Gary Bryan, a veteran radio host and programmer who has worked at stations in San Francisco, Cleveland, Chicago, New York and, most recently, Seattle, has been hired to take the morning-drive reins at KRTH-FM (101.1). He'll probably go on the air June 10...a 6-to-10 a.m. host..." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-61146,00.html.
5/29.4/02 - KNX Drama Hour, seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
5/29.3/02 - The "TOP TALK RADIO AUDIENCES BY SIZE" are listed by Talkers magazine at www.talkers.com/talkaud.html. Scroll down a few items or use 'find.' The first ten hosts are: Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Howard Stern, Dr. Joy Browne, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Art Bell, Jim Bohannon, Don Imus, and Neal Boortz. Some are not on locally. If you need help finding them, leave a message on my board. This is the Spring 2002 update, but this list is based on Fall 2001 info. Many other stats are available. PS - I wanted to list outlets and formats but no time.
5/29.2/02 - Bill Mann's San Francisco radio site became another junk site. He did do radio, TV, and technology at www.mannaboutsf.com/ which must have been sold to someone. Anyone know if he has a real radio/TV site?
5/29.1/02 - Local news at News Radio sites. Both 'all-news' stations also post local news on their web sites where I usually like www.kfwb.com/ better than www.knx1070.com/. Note - for KFWB, under News, click on Local News for more stuff.
5/29/02 - For KFWB's "Ask the Mayor," or whatever - what happened last month? Summaries of last month's shows are available at www.kfwb.com/inside.asp. They also list future shows which I usually list here or in reminders. The page also indirectly links to Larry King's archived transcripts which appear to be free.
5/28.4/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks linked from C&C.
5/28.3/02 - The "Yiddish Radio Project" ended 5/21/02, but may be archived somewhere. Check around www.npr.org/programs/atc/features/2002/yiddish/index.html for several links.
5/28.2/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
5/28.1/02 - "Powdermilk Biscuits Meet Chili Dogs. Garrison Keillor's 'A Prairie Home Companion' is paying another visit to L.A. ...a live show Saturday, to be broadcast on KPCC-FM (89.3). " Or, for $5 less you can see Turandot, a tough decision. See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-60857,00.html.
5/28/02 - Radio stuff, Jack Benny, and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ . For OTR he refers to www.radiospirits.com/.
5/26.4/02 - Three Los Angeles stations make top-25 Internet list: KCRW, KYSR, and KFI. Five of the top Internet stations play classical music. Only one each of talk, news, and sports made the list. Per this week's www.measurecast.com/. Recently their lists contain mistakes: like KCRW is a broadcast station, not internet only.
5/26.3/02 - Larry King bumps guests, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
5/26.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM (also a.m. & internet)
5/26.1/02 - Program picks for the week at www.ocregister.com/show/radio26cci.sht. Also some radio-station schedule summaries.
5/26/02 - "KSBR party pulls out all the stops," ratings, program tips, and stuff in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
5/25.7/02 - Want highway signs read to you over your radio? Check timesargus.nybor.com/Story/47419.html.
5/25.6/02 - Midwest "Radio station to focus on women's talk. The Twin Cities area is getting an FM talk-radio station focused on women's issues. WIXK (107.1 FM) is expected to switch from country music to a lifestyle-oriented format around June 3." Their site at www.wixk.com/ just shows the country format, and they may stream. Remember when 710 AM (or whatever) went all-women and went bust? More at www.startribune.com/stories/462/2859062.html.
5/25.5/02 - LA Weekly's picks:
5/25.4/02 - KNX Comedy/Drama Hour, seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Saturday is Comedy.
5/25.3/02 - Bill Maher was scheduled for Larry King's show last night but was bumped by Oprah. They could reschedule Bill for next week.
5/25.2/02 - The Los Angeles Downtown News paper, for yesterday, mentioned radio, in just a minor way, in eight stories, so I'm not linking. Also, the LA Examiner had two major radio topics which I saw elsewhere.
5/25.1/02 - "...Pianist Van Cliburn will read the poetry of Lord Byron, Tennyson and others on "The Romantic Hours," airing tonight at 10 on KMZT-FM (105.1)..." From LAT's Morning report.
5/25/02 - "Mexican Leader's Weekly Radio Address to Be Broadcast in U.S. Mexican President Vicente Fox's weekly radio address is coming to the United States...On June 1...Saturday...can hear Fox's address on KBLA-AM (1580), or by logging on to www.radiounica.com." That's www.radiounica.com (in Spanish only?). See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-60457,00.htmlwww.
5/24.5/02 - Stations do receive fines, but are the fines large enough, and do they get paid? R&R says, "Infinity Loses Latest Round Of KROQ Indecency Appeal. After losing several previous appeals of the $2,000 fine levied against its Los Angeles Alternative station for allegedly airing in 1997 an unedited version of Consolidated's "You Suck," the company took its case all the way to the commissioners and argued that it shouldn't have been fined without first having a chance to cross-examine the complainant. The FCC shot down that argument, noting that its rules permit a fine to be issued without a hearing." And more.
5/24.4/02 - Clear Channel questionable? R&R at www.rronline.com says, "Calling radio "anti-artist, anticompetitive and anticonsumer," the RIAA, NARAS, AFTRA and seven other trade groups sent a letter to the FCC and Congress urging legislators to look into questionable promotion practices by such radio companies as Clear Channel."
5/24.3/02 - Radio payola airs on TV tonight on "20/20," KABC channel 7, 10-11p. See abcnews.go.com/sections/2020/2020/2020_payola_020524.html. Larry's tip.
5/24.2/02 - "KPCC's [89.3 MHz] alters night-time line-up," says laradio.com. Check site and schedule at www.kpcc.org, I didn't have time. But, worth checking Mon-Fri are:
5/24.1/02 - "Congress Members Urge Investigation of Radio Payola. Move follows news that record labels, groups will seek probe of broadcasters' practices." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-60315,00.html. This follows up on the 5/23.3/02 Flash. Larry's tip: www.uniontrib.com/news/state/20020523-1443-ca-musicpayola.htmlwww.uniontrib.com/news/state/20020523-1443-ca-musicpayola.html.
5/24/02 - Digital radio and it's problems. "Fees put kinks in digital signal plans. Digital radio continues its trek toward acceptance." For Richard Wagoner's Friday column see www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm42459.html. He's posting it late on his own site.
5/23.4/02 - "Two CA radio stations refuse to air gay music promos. Two southern California FM radio stations are refusing to run ads...have already accepted Msongs' check as payment. KOLA-FM [99.9 MHz San Bernadino]...and KCAL-FM [96.7 MHz Redlands]..." More at www.outinamerica.com/Home/news.asp?articleid=2208. P.S. - Both stations play music and are like 60 miles east of L.A. Tip from 'radio headlines.'
5/23.3/02 - "Music Industry to Call for a Federal Probe of Radio Payola. Beset by surging promotion costs, the music industry is planning to call for a federal investigation into payola in the increasingly deregulated radio business." More at LAT's www.latimes.com/business/la-000036286may23.story. Tip from the Los Angeles Radio Community (msn) BB and others. The L.A. Times isn't allowing access without regrestration, so read this at communities.msn.com/losangelesradio/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=1&ID_Message=178.
5/23.2/02 - Program picks (26) for next week from the L.A. Weekly are available today at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Their site may list picks not listed in their paper. PS - next week's picks always over-write today's (this Thursday's) picks - so get a copy if you might want it. Actually, if your into their types of shows/music, you might want to archive and combine their pick lists.
5/23.1 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
5/23/02 - "Most Web surfers balk at online fees. Survey finds nearly 70 percent won’t pay for Net services. A majority of Web surfers show little interest in paying for online services — whether video games, enhanced e-mail or personals ads — according to two consumer surveys released Wednesday." More at www.msnbc.com/news/755883.asp?0dm=B17WB. Larry's tip.
5/22.7/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
5/22.6/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
5/22.5/02 - Which cities listen to news/talk radio? See www.scarborough.com/scarb2002/press/pr_newstalkpenetration.htm. L.A. is down around 15%, but San Francisco is 31%, San Diego is 28%, and New York is 17%. Larry's tip. Insideradio.com adds, "The study shows that older adults listen to news/talk radio more than younger adults. Seniors 65+ are 50% more likely to tune in where as only 3% of listeners ages 18-24 will tune in. 52% of the listeners are white collar workers and 82% of the individuals have a postgraduate degree. Over 80% of news/talk radio listeners have their own residence with 53% owning a Gold or Platinum credit card." Then, there's me.
5/22.4/02 - "O'Reilly's invite" to NPR - put up or shut up (I made that up). Check the facts at www.poynter.org/medianews/letters.htm. Larry's tip.
5/22.3/02 - The issue of what Clear Channel owns/operates around San Diego is too confusing for me. (Soon they could own every radio station.) Read about it at www.signonsandiego.com/news/uniontrib/wed/news/news_1n22clear.html or elsewhere. Tip from Larry Shannon's 'RDN Central' at www.radiodailynews.com/.
5/22.2/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #515, dated 5/22/02.
5/22.1/02 - More about "Web Royalty Rates Rejected. Internet: Library of Congress' decision offers hope for online radio broadcasters that rates will better reflect the marketplace than those proposed." Remember, this could be good news at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-60018,00.html.
5/22/02 - "Ask the Mayor," Wed, 10a, KFWB 980 AM, "Ask the Mayor".
5/21.4/02 - San Diego's CCC group doesn't reach 15 stations, maybe just 14, because of Mexican action I read somewhere. This relates to the 5/20.2/02 Flash. Details are available elsewhere.
5/21.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
5/21.2/02 - Spring 2002 Arbitron ratings (5/20/02) are at www.rronline.com/Subscribers/Ratings/Homepage.htm and select Market Size # 2, Los Angeles. For the talkers, from the top. A BB has some 25-54 numbers at Persons 25-54.
5/21.1/02 - Good news, maybe. Internet "Royalties Rejected. Decision Reverses Ruling That Could Have Left Net Radio in the Lurch. The librarian of Congress and the U.S. Copyright Office today rejected a new royalty plan that might have shut down scores of Internet radio Web sites." More at abcnews.go.com/sections/business/DailyNews/internetradio020521.html. Larry's tip.
5/21/02 - "Ad agency studies best way to reach top execs." Some radio formats work; see www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/business/3302183.htm. Tip from Larry Shannon's 'RDN Central' at www.radiodailynews.com/.
5/20/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM
5/20.2/02 - "San Diego competitors now fear a 15-station monopoly. Rumors are running rampant that Califormula station group owner Victor Diaz may have finally decided to do a deal which ultimately could give Clear Channel control of his three Mexican-licensed signals to add to their current 12." From www.insideradio.com/, but trades, boards, and others have parts of this story. The http://radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi board has comments.
5/20.1/02 - "Internet Radio Stations Await Royalties Ruling. In a ruling that could make or break the Internet radio industry, a federal official is expected this week to decide how much online broadcasters must pay record labels and recording artists for the songs they transmit over the Web." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-59837,00.html.
5/20/02 - No more radio-program reviews in Daily News. I emailed and ask what happened to the almost weekly reviews, and they said - "hello. we killed the weekly radio reviews after i ran out of worthy radio shows to review. as for the list of stations, that is printed in the newspaper on fridays. -fts," from Fred Shuster. I keep what I could get of the 81 reviews at members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/dailynewsreviews.html. But, I believe you can buy the complete reviews from the paper.
5/19.5/02 - "Radio is hot new format in China. Mainland's first cable stations begin 24/7 b'cast. Abstract: Forget TV, the Chinese are tuning into radio as the next high-tech entertainment format." It's available as pay-to-view at www.variety.com/index.asp?layout=upsell_article&articleID=VR1117867130&categoryID=16&cs=1.
5/19.4/02 - KYSR 98.7 FM - what happened to their music last night? Last week I could hum to their stuff; last night I couldn't.
5/19.3/02 - KROQ 106.7 FM had intelligent talk this morning with an elected official. Stuff about access to LAX and graffiti. I forgot the time, but it ended before 8a, and I don't see anything about it on their site at www.kroq.com/kroqnow/kroqnow.html.
5/19.2/02 - KIRN 670 AM broadcasts live club show. It was Saturday night, maybe 10p-midnight, and they had a live band and DJ's and were doing a live show from 'Club One,' 'Club 1,' or whatever with pop/tech music with a mid-east/Iranian sound, whatever. Site at www.radioiranla.com/, but I don't see details. They stream.
5/19.1/02 - KNX Drama Hour, seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
5/19/02 - "Talk KFI leads among those 25-54," program picks, and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. PS - I had trouble getting into this site today.
5/18.6/02 - Mac web show today? If interested check too long. Show site is www.webtalkguys.com/. Streaming?
5/18.5/02 - KPFK 90.7 FM wants your money, but programs continue through the fund drive. They suggest you can listen on-air, rather than online at www.kpfk.org/, as they may be overloaded.
5/18.4/02 - Need comedy on Saturday? KNX Drama Hour, seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
5/18.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks for today.
5/18.2/02 - Art Bell returned to his show 5/15/02 saying he had a high fever, and nobody knew why. He was gone for several days (almost two weeks??). Site at www.artbell.com/. Locally he's on KFI 640 AM, "Weeknights 10pm - 5am, Saturday & Sunday 12 - 5am," or whatever says the KFI site.
5/18.1/02 - "Will Drudge Bear Grudge? It will be interesting to hear whether Matt Drudge...returns to Bill O'Reilly tomorrow..." More at www.nydailynews.com/2002-05-18/New_York_Now/Television/a-151258.asp. Tip from Larry, above. Locally Drudge is Sun, 7-10p, KFI 640 AM.
5/18/02 - "The annual summer concert series at Pershing Square kicks off Tuesday, May 21...Highlights from the 40-show series include...On Tuesdays, radio station KLOS 95.5 will sponsor...concerts are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 2 p.m. and the third Sunday of each month from 3 to 5 p.m...visit www.laparks.org." But, I didn't see the details. More at Downtown News' www.downtownnews.com/archive/index.inn?loc=detail&doc=/2002/May/17-995-brief4.txt.
5/17.6/02 - Good stuff on the KNX Drama Hour, nightly, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM, but tonight watch M*A*S*H on TV, 8-10p, FOX channel 11. Or, tape one.
5/17.5/02 - "Merger means station goes on block. The streets are buzzing about what will become of one Infinity-owned radio station . . . and which one at that." See www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm34370.html. Richard Wagoner's Friday column is available in the RAVE! section on Friday. He also usually posts it on his site first, but he's been late the last two weeks.
5/17.4/02 - Radio/TV message board renamed. Sometime, somehow, maybe in 4/02, the 'Coast to Coast Radio & TV Board' was renamed as the 'Coast to Coast Radio Board' and it links to the TV board. See radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi.
5/17.3/02 - Rick Dees news at communities.msn.com/losangelesradio.
5/17.2/02 - www.100000watts.com/ sold to CC? That's the story at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/, posted 5/15. Tip from San Diego Dave. PS - on the board, a 'find' for the word 'watts' will locate the postings.
5/17.1/02 - "With O'Reilly Joining Peers on Radio, Liberals Are Being Left Out of the Mix. Some say it's just marketing, but others claim that conservative and independent messages simply translate better to the airwaves." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-59495,00.html.
5/17/02 - L.A.'s-all-classical-music station. "A Maverick Goes Against the Tide Again. In an era when airwaves follow the money, Saul Levine keeps KMZT-FM's format. The station owner is being honored by the L.A. Philharmonic." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-59497,00.html. PS - other L.A. stations do classical also. For lists of other classical stations see www.classical.net/music/links/musradio.html, but they don't even list KMZT, perhaps others.
5/16.2/02 - Not radio but, "China unblocks foreign media Web sites. China appears to have lifted long-standing blocks on the Web sites of several Western news organisations..." More at www.macon.com/mld/macon/business/technology/3275760.htm. Reuters' story at asia.news.yahoo.com/020516/reuters/asia-105502.html.
5/16.1/02 - Program picks (26) for next week from the L.A. Weekly are available today at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Also, their site may list picks not listed in their paper.
5/16/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
5/15.6/02 - TV news - M*A*S*H: 30th Anniversary Reunion Special, Friday 5/17/02, 8-10p, FOX channel 11. One of my favorite TV shows, and it holds up in reruns. Check for Marcia Strassman, one of my favorites, the first season only? and "Welcome Back Kotter." Where is she now?
5/15.5/02 - DJ may sue PM. Story at www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_588175.html?menu=news.quirkies.
5/15.4/02 - "Radio Free Virgin Selects Vividon™ Streaming Appliance for High Quality Internet Audio Distribution." More at www.atlasventure.com/news_content.asp?ne_id=884. RFV is based in L.A. and is high on MeasureCast's list.
5/15.3/02 - L.A. Weekly picks. Several other 'pick' listings are available under 'Programs' on C&C and in 'Reminders' above.
5/15.2/02 - MeasureCast names CCC and two L.A.? stations on it's lists. The top internet network, by far, was Clear Channel Worldwide, part of CC/CCC. The only two L.A.? station on the list of top internet casters were #24 KYSR-FM/98.7 with Adult Contemporary p/o Clear Channel Worldwide and #25?? CKFM-FM/99.9 with Adult Contemporary p/o Standard Broadcasting/SurferNetwork. However, CKFM must be a mistake - radio-locator lists it in Toronto, ON, Canada. More at www.measurecast.com/news/pr/2002/pr20020513.html.
5/15.1/02 - Cell-phone hazards?, hi-tech, and FYI stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #514, dated 5/15/02. About cell-phone safety see www.fda.gov/cellphones/.
5/15/02 - Steve Knight, happy birthday, miss your food/resturant shows. Was KIEV, now KRLA, Elmer Dill's show about once a month. Tip from laradio.com. He needs his own show again, but may be too nice for radio.
5/14.2/02 - Concerning the 5/14.1/02 Flash, on IBOC, R&R says, in part, "A report from technology research firm In-Stat/MDR says that the features that will be available for free with in-band, on-channel digital service [IBOC] will be enough for most consumers, who as a result will opt against "pricier" satellite radio services. But the report also says that both satellite radio and IBOC will gain "increasing acceptance" over the next five years and that the success of digital radio will depend largely on auto manufacturers, since many consumers' introduction to digital radio will come in an automotive setting." No one wants to mention potential IBOC problems, of which, I do recall hearing of another (maybe reception at night?).
5/14.1/02 - Digital radio (IBOC) is bad news? Disturbing, if true, comments at R&R's forum.rronline.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=11184. He suggests IBOC is not a good thing, and I do enjoy receiving 'distant' stations. The writer's site is www.digitaldisaster.org/, with comments like "Straight from the horses mouth, the industry's own studies show that new IBOC Digital Audio Broadcasting will jam some of your favorite stations!"
5/14/02 - Will he do talk radio next? "ABC Expected to Announce Kimmel Show. Comedian Jimmy Kimmel will launch a late-night talk show on ABC in January, the network is expected to announce today, a move that would spell the end of "Politically Incorrect With Bill Maher."" Who knows. More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-59115,00.html.
5/13.3/02 - "Talk Radio Net Plans Bigger Voice. A talk radio network little-known in the New York area is showing grand ambition since it was bought by an aggressive telecom company." See www.nydailynews.com/2002-05-13/News_and_Views/Media_and_Business/a-150655.asp. They mention Barry Farber who I haven't heard in a while. What kind of show does he do? Does IDT want a station in L.A.? One may be available soon.
5/13.2/02 - The Dr. is in or out? Dr. Laura that is, at www.nydailynews.com/2002-05-13/New_York_Now/Television/a-150663.asp. Often I understand her, but guys aren't suppost to listen.
5/13.1/02 - Program tips from L.A. Weekly, linked from C&C.
5/13/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
5/12.2/02 - "John Tesh Subs For 95.9 The Fish’s Ted & Lauren," on Wednesday, 5/15, says www.radiodailynews.com/teshsubs.htm. Tip from Larry Shannon's 'RDN Central' at www.radiodailynews.com/.
5/12.1/02 - Drama Hour, seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. The Jack Benny show they played last night was not the one listed on their site; see the 5/11.3/02 Flash.
5/12/02 - "O'Reilly's premiere all the buzz," program tips and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
5/11.5/02 - KCSN 88.5 FM just announced they're collecting pledges they'll use to help 'get their signal over the hill' and reach another three million people, or something like that. Their site, which streams, is at www.kcsn.org/, but I didn't see anything about the 'hill.'
5/11.4/02 - The Saturday play. "THE PLAY’S THE THING. L.A. Theater Works’ topnotch radio drama. This week: Harold Pinter’s Betrayal, with Caroline Goodall, Eric Stoltz and Simon Templeman. KPCC 89.3 FM, 8-10 p.m." From L.A. Weekly's tips. PS - you can tape the Drama Hour (next) and hear this live, or whichever; see the hardware section for recording tips.
5/11.3/02 - Orson does comedy, and discover why he stayed in drama. KNX Drama Hour (and comedy), seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Complete schedule for May at www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html. Try the three 'Click Here' links at the top also for trivia, stars, etc.
5/11.2/02 - Old AM radio info is building at forum.rronline.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=11038. This follows up on the 5/10.4/02 Flash, for which I didn't link.
5/11.1/02 - New Clinton and O'Reilly stories (at least three) are at the top of Larry Shannon's 'RDN Central' list at www.radiodailynews.com/. The top few are new for today. PS - Larry and I do update news daily - seven days a week - when I can.
5/11/02 - San Diego Dave hasn't, it seems, revised his site since about 5/5/02. Rather a long pause for him. Did I miss something? His site which usually covers So Cal is at www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html. Also, he's listing local (and other) message boards (BB's) at www.davesfunstuff.com/01forum.htm.
5/10.4/02 - "Silly Q[uestion] about AM stat[i]on spacing..." Several interesting answers and comments at the R&R 'General' MB/BB linked from C&C, above.
5/10.3/02 - Never shy Joan Rivers does Larry King tonight 8-9p, KFWB, 980 AM. Be there.
5/10.2/02 - Even more Bill O'Reilly stories today with about two in Larry Shannon's 'RDN Central' at www.radiodailynews.com/ and elsewhere. Again, I heard a few minutes of Bill today, but returned to NPR and Michael Jackson.
5/10.1/02 - More (1) O'Reilly and (2) Viacom-station-for-sale chat at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-58584,00.html. In the paper they bold the second headline, but on the site they don't so it's easy to miss.
5/10/02 - "Radio: Where is Toni Grant these days? We get letters..." Richard Wagoner's Friday column isn't on his site yet, so get it from the RAVE! paper; both linked at the top of C&C. RAVE! is www.dailybreeze.com/rave/index.html.
5/9.6/02 - Drama Hour, seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Tonight, two of my 'favorite' series.
5/9.5/02 - Help for L.A.? "Ten years ago: President George H.W. Bush, back in Washington after a visit to riot-torn Los Angeles, promised in a radio speech that he would work with the Democrat-controlled Congress on proposals to help American cities." From the AP.
5/9.4/02 - Earlier, some of the message boards (or BBs) listed on C&C are unavailable for some unknown reason, even my new board. But, all is well. Check around; for example, the NY board is active with O'Reilly comments.
5/9.3/02 - Bill O'Reilly stories today, at least four, in Larry Shannon's 'RDN Central' at www.radiodailynews.com/.
5/9.2/02 - More (32) program picks for next week from the L.A. Weekly are available today at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Also, their site may list picks not listed in their paper.
5/9.1/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Topic info at www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/.
5/9/02 - "Clear Channel Beats Forecasts. Biggest U.S. radio company's quarterly loss widens as a result of acquisitions, though not by as much as predicted." From yesterday's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-58354,00.html. And, I didn't see this yesterday on their site.
5/8.1/02 - More hi-tech and FYI stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #513, dated 5/8/02.
5/8/02 - O'Reilly new show, initial comments. See reminders, above. I only had time for a few minutes of his show which he did with a woman co-host. His monologs are less dull than Rush's (almost anything is), but he's not as smooth as Jackson or Hannity. O'Reilly seemed to go to the phones earlier than Rush, but he could have gone even earlier and skipped the PLO/ego stuff. I wanted to tume in Rush and Michael Jackson for their comments, but no time. Tip: stay with Jackson for any coverage of local issues. I did hear a few minutes of "Ask the School Chief," and it was more interesting than O'Reilly.
5/7.5/02 - Viacom will dump a radio station in the next six months is the story, and 'everyone' wants to pick which station. The money makers, in sequence (as of 1/02), are: KROQ-FM (Alternative), KTWV-FM (Smooth Jazz), KRTH-FM (Oldies), KLSX-FM (Talk), KNX-AM (News), KCBS-FM (Classic Rock), and KFWB-AM (News). Since I only listen to KLSX (like mostly weekends), KNX (like Drama Hour), and KFWB (like Larry King), they should dump KROQ, KTWV, KRTH, and/or KCBS. These dumpable, music stations are duplicated all over the dial, and won't be missed or remembered. However, I fear it will be KFWB with "Ask the Mayor" and more, even with the 2003 sports deal which wouldn't attract me.
5/7.4/02 - TALKOLA: CASH PAID TO STATIONS FOR O'REILLY RADIO SHOW is Drudge's headline at www.drudgereport.com/. Cash paid to carry the show, that is.
5/7.3/02 - "Drudge's rush to judgement" or O'Reilly fights back. For an 'official' story about the 5/7.2/02 Flash (follows) see www.pagesix.com/pagesix/pagesix.htm. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/ which offers a few more O'Reilly-related stories. Also see the NY radio board at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/ for several comments.
5/7.2/02 - Drudge upset over Bill O'Reilly's new radio show. Matt Drudge said Sunday he was upset with O'Reilly because (or something like) O'Reilly didn't tell the truth about even starting his radio show or why he started it (Rush's bad hearing). Drudge warned the show would start with a hype-heavy kickoff or whatever.
5/7.1/02 - Larry King, KFWB 980 AM:
5/7/02 - A few news headlines from laradio.com; all prevoiusly mentioned below:
5/6.1/02 - "New technology will make broadcast ratings automatic." Works with radio, TV, Internet - but what about headphones? Or, while the 'listener' sleeps? Or, listens to two or more sources, like me? See www.registerguard.com/news/20020504/8b.bz.meter.0504.html. Also www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?BRD=1624&dept_id=57108&newsid=4048226&PAG=461&rfi=9 and others.
5/6/02 - The "I Shot the Sheriff"..." fund or "SmartTalk 870 KRLA-AM Makes $5000 Donation To The David March Fund." Details at www.radiodailynews.com/KRLAresponds.htm. This relates to the 5/3/01 Flash. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
5/5.3/02 - Tomm Looney's old radio columns from 2/98-6/01 in the Los Angeles Downtown News are not accessible via the "Talkin' Radio" button cause that button was deleted. However, a search for Looney will find some columns. Try www.losangelesdowntown.com/.
5/5.2/02 - KNX 1070 AM.
5/5.1/02 - More program tips for the week at www.ocregister.com/show/radio05cci.shtml and some station-program summaries. About nine pages.
5/5/02 - "KFI becomes O.C.'s top station," other program tips, and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. In afternoon drive, "..., it's shaping up as a neck and neck race between Tom Leykis [#1, KLSX] and the team of John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou [#2, KFI]." Also known as the battle of questionable tastes.
5/4.1/02 - How much was that stamp? KNX Drama Hour, seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
5/4/02 - "Jeff Smulyan: Radio Must Take Advantage Of Newspaper Decline. "The money is in the hands of daily newspapers," the Emmis Chairman/CEO says, "but the target audiences that advertisers want to reach aren't reading newspapers." In fact, Smulyan says, it's "remarkable" that some advertisers still spend 85% of their ad dollars on daily newspapers, as newspaper circulation has declined in the past decade. He notes that radio has already picked up four ad share points from daily newspapers — an uptick he describes as "the fuel that has grown the radio business" — and says there's a "tremendous opportunity" for both radio and television to gain even more ad share from newspapers." From yesterdays R&R, following a story that newspapers may be doing better.
5/3.4/02 - Art Bell has been off a few days recently. Don't know why. Nobody else can do those topics. His site at www.artbell.com/ has previews, streams and tracks the show, and has lots of content, photos, and some music.
5/3.3/02 - "There's Trouble in the Air for Webcasters Over Music Royalties. Internet stations say that proposed payments would put them out of business. However, there is talk of compromise." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-57865,00.html. P.S. - This didn't hit their site till about 3p.
5/3.2/02 - Ex-pres Bill Clinton with a TV show, what next?
5/3.1/02 - Nothing on prime-time TV? Try two good series tonight on the Drama Hour, heard seven days, 9-10p, KNX 1070, AM. Also try Larry King, Mon-Fri, below.
5/3/02 - "KFI Apologizes for 'Error in Judgment.' Talk-radio station KFI-AM (640) apologized to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for playing Bob Marley's "I Shot the Sheriff"..." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-57853,00.html.
5/2.2/02 - Bill O'Reilly due Wed, 5/8/02. The KABC 790 AM site says, "Tune In To The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly Monday-Friday From 9:00am-11:00am Starting Wednesday, May 8, 2002."
5/2.1/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM:
5/2/02 - Program picks for next week from the L.A. Weekly are available today at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Also, their site may list picks not listed in their paper.
5/1.2/02 - "Webcasters fight back with talkfest. Adult contemporary Web radio station Wolffm.com stopped playing the hits Wednesday, as did dozens of other Internet Webcasters." Link and more at cbs.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?column=Internet+Daily. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
5/1.1/02 - Shared Spectrum, fire, KFI, and stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #512, dated 5/1/02.
5/1/02 - "CNN's Larry King is celebrating his 45th anniversary in broadcasting today, having done what his reps calculate as more than 40,000 interviews in the course of his radio and TV career...." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-57645,00.html. Larry is also on KFWB 980 AM, Mon-Fri, 8-9p. His Sat and Sun shows are not available via KFWB - but, why not? For his schedule, which can change at the last minute, see www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. |