Flashes: 2003: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2002: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2001: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2000: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 1999: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 1998: 10 - 12 ||| Search this site - Read Me |
new Favorites:
Sun |||
old Best of old Favorites: Sat | Su | Everyday | Mo - Fr | Tu - Sa | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr air schedules Columns & Columnists (C&C) ||| Radio Headlines (daily) . Calendar | Time or | weather in Los Angeles | New message board MENU |
Shows: - New LAT Radio Highlights?, ??Larry King (or Dodgers) Mo-Fr 8-9p KFWB 980 AM ||| KNX 1070 AM: KNX Drama Hour daily 9-10p (We 10-11p), "60 Minutes" Sun 7-8p, "60 Minutes II" Wed 9-10p, Sat: Bush 7:06a, Dems 8:06a.
6/2003 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. To save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight.
6/30/03 - Tips:
6/29/03 - Tips:
6/28/03 - Tips:
6/27/03 - Tips: (See the 6/26 Flash for three LAT items dated for today but posted yesterday.)
6/26/03 - Tips:
6/25/03 - Tips:
6/24/03 - Tips:
6/23/03 - Tips:
6/22.4/03 - More on KFI weekend changes. Looks like Jeff Levey will be 1-3p both Sa and Su starting Saturday. This corrects the 6/21/03 Flash - Saturday starts a new schedule like: 6-10a Bill Handel, 10a-1p Melinda Lee, 1-3p Jeff Levey. Sunday could be 7-9a(?) Ben Dover, 10a-1p Melinda Lee, 1-3p Jeff Levey. No other details are available now.
6/22.3/03 - Art Bell fills for George Th and Fr and Mo-We will be 'best of' as George takes time off from Coast to Coast AM.
6/22.2.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
6/22.1/03 - LAT radio highlights. Nothing today and not usually listed on their site, but they did list tips for the last few days last week at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/more/.
6/22/03 - Nothing in the OCR or LAT today, but it doesn't look like the LAT site has been totally updated for today, as of noon.
6/21.5/03 - Pres Bush/Dems Saturday talks on KNX 1070 AM, above:
6/21.4/03 - Tonight's fight. Remember KNX 1070 AM can carry round-by-round reports on pay-per-view fights, but they may not cover tonight's fight, the first heavy-weight championship fight in L.A. since the 1958. Typically, it would start between 6 and 8p and be over around 9p. However, the sports stations will carry news before and after the fight (like 690, 710, 1150, 1540 AM, whatever). Story at www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-boxadv21jun21,1,3120345.story.
6/21.3/03 - "RADIO Saturday Radio Highlights." LAT's rather long but not complete list of radio shows appears again, but doesn't list much for evening shows. Check www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-tvradio21jun21.story.
6/21.2/03 - Happy first day of Summer in L.A. Be sure to take a warm coat and your umbrella. The radio reports rain in parts of L.A.
6/21.1/03 - "TalkRadio 790 KABC's 'Operation: Lend-A-Hand' Radiothon is under way NOW!...Join us for our 65 hour Radiothon beginning today at 7AM through midnight, Sunday, June 22nd." To help the troops, but it seems KABC will follow their regular schedule also.
6/21/03 - Weekend Changes at KFI 640 AM. Today Mario Martinoli and his restaurant show are noon-2p. He does about the best restaurant show on the air, but he hasn't been on much, since he left KABC, reason unknown. Next Saturday starts a new schedule like: 6-10a - Bill Handel, 10a-1p - Melinda Lee, 1-2p - Jeff Levey. More as I get it, but Captain Dale Dye could be history. Too bad, cause he did an ok show.
6/20.8/03 - "Big Dan Kemosabe Board. To many of us, Dan Ingram is one of the greatest radio personalities of all time. With Dan's announcement that he has finished his almost 12 year run on WCBS-FM, it seems like a good time to wish him luck. Feel free to discuss his departure and the controversy surrounding it." It's at musicradio.computer.net/ingboard/wwwboard/.
6/20.7/03 - "GORE PLOTS LIBERAL TV, RADIO OUTLET. Now that he's out of politics, Al Gore is working on the ambitious project of building a liberal TV and radio empire, a new report says. Gore has been talking with fat-cat Democrats about putting up big bucks for the project, which Gore views as an antidote to the influence of conservative talk-radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Time reported on its Web site yesterday." More at www.nypost.com/business/1331.htm. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip.
6/20.6/03 - "WABC/New York Drops Michael Savage. Despite recent ratings success by the Talk Radio Network-syndicated talker, ABC Radio's Big Apple flagship has yanked Savage from his nightly 7-9pm slot until a dispute over his local contract with ABC Talk sister KSFO/San Francisco - where he is also off the air - gets resolved." More at www.radioandrecords.com/ with free news. Locally, he's on Mo-Fr, 5-8p, KRLA 870 AM, but I don't listen much. Actually, I should listen 7:30-8p due to lack of other stuff.
6/20.5/03 - Bill Handel fills for John and Ken today, 3-7p, KFI 640 AM. Matt Drudge filled Tu-Th and did an ok job, but what do you think?
6/20.4/03 - Talk Radio Now at www.talkradionow.com/ doesn't seem to be working today.
6/20.3/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:
6/20.2/03 - "AROUND THE DIAL The enduring appeal of Frank Sinatra" and "Is your humidor running?" in LAT's Friday radio column at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney20jun20.story.
6/20.1/03 - "RADIO Friday Highlights." LAT's list of program picks is usually in the daily paper but seldom on their web site. Well, here it is at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-tvradio20jun20.story. However, Sean Hannity is not on KABC today, but it looks like he streams at www.hannity.com/.
6/20/03 - "Senate Panel Votes to Reject New FCC Rules. Measure would go beyond reviving stricter media ownership limits. Some initial supporters oppose the tougher bill. WASHINGTON — A Senate committee Thursday called for a substantial tightening of media ownership rules that were eased only weeks ago by the Federal Communications Commission." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-media20jun20,1,7414675.story.
6/19.3/03 - Quickies:
6/19.2/03 - "The pompatus of weird song lyrics. RANDY DOTINGA. Some rock lyrics get misheard all the time, perhaps the most famous being " 'Scuse me while I kiss the sky'" from Jimi Hendrix's "Purple Haze."" And more plus last week's column and others - Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
6/19.1/03 - "Daytime History" and more at Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, early.
6/19/03 - A working link today for the 6/16.1/03 Flash was www.politicalposts.com/news/index.asp?id=179270. See my message board for this tip and several links.
6/17&18/03 - busy.
6/16.3/03 - 6/16/03 L.A. Arbitrons at 6/16/03 Arbitrons. KFI is in second place.
6/16.2/03 - OCR/Gary Lycan's radio stuff from yesterday:
6/16.1/03 - "re: 6/14.4/03. Editorial Observer: "Driving Down the Highway, Mourning the Death of American Radio." Brent Staples / June 8, 2003. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/08/opinion/08SUN3.html?ex= 1055649600&en=e01ff60e9ed3ed2e&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLE. Source: news.google.com" (My periods, quotes, and hotlink.) A link from my message board to a story mentioned in the 6/14.4/03 Flash, for which you must login? Thanks for the tip. Or try query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F00B17F73C5D0C7B8CDDAF0894DB404482. But it looks like you must pay to get the whole thing.
6/16/03 - Music Review - Sarah Brightman's new "Harem" CD mixes Near-Eastern themes with a Puccini tune, a couple of standards, rich orchestrations, strong melodies, and Sarah's beautiful voice. "Harem" may be welcomed by Sarah's fans, like me, but it may not be strong enough to attract many new listeners. Like, my favorite may still be her heavy-duty, almost-over-the-top "Classics" CD. "Harem" is Angel 7243 5 37180 2 2. Try www.sarah-brightman.com/ and www.angelrecords.com/. P.S. - A sticker on my CD refers to "16 new recordings," but I only found 14 tracks.
6/15/03 - busy
6/14.11/03 - "Lowest Power Commercial Stations? Does anyone know what the lowest powered commercial stations are?" More and many comments under radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=26068.
6/14.10/03 - "100.7fm in hollywood off the air. It looks like they pulled the plug on 100.7 in hollywood. I drove through there twice this week, and nothing but static on 100.7fm. Im sure gonna miss it. I noticed that 104.7fm, was playing some hiphop, some dance remixes of rb music. There audio process sounded really bad. R.I.P. 100.7fm after 3years of being on the air. : (" A comments suggests they often go off air. From radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=5127.
6/14.9/03 - "Expanded Band Shutdowns" at radio-info.com/boards/engineering/index.cgi?read=1884 . Does this refer to the new top end of the AM band, like 1700 kHz?
6/14.8/03 - "Stations Happy With Early HD Radio Results. Infinity West Coast Regional Engineer Scott Mason — who oversees the company's legendary KROQ/Los Angeles — says that station's transition to digital is proving worthwhile. "KROQ's HD Radio signal offers surprising coverage for such a low power level," he says. "Any doubt we had about coverage was erased when we heard from a local receiver-manufacturing executive that he was receiving a perfect signal 44 miles away." Meanwhile, Tom Ray, Director/Engineering for News WOR-AM/New York owner Buckley Broadcasting, says the sound quality of the station's digital signal is on par with FM stereo. WJLD-AM/Birmingham owner Gary Richardson agrees, saying, "Switching between analog and digital was like switching from AM to FM." From www.radioandrecords.com/. Nothing new yet on the AM-band HD problem.
6/14.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Jack Benny Program" is usually good.
6/14.6/03 - "In Pivotal Year for Radio and Record Industries, Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani to Address R&R Convention 2003 in Los Angeles. More at biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030612/lath107_1.html. www.talkradionow.com/'s tip.
6/14.5/03 - Matt Drudge interview at radarmagazine.com/features/issue_02/drudge.html. www.talkradionow.com/'s tip.
6/14.4/03 - One-liner from www.laradio.com; "Mary Beth Garber responds to NY Times story about "Mourning the Loss of American Radio." Anyone have the NY Times link?
6/14.3/03 - sports - "Delayed Show Offers Old News ." Specifically, "It's just another example of delayed programming not working on talk radio. A big advantage radio has over print media is that it is live. Airing a show delayed negates that advantage." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-sp-tvcol13.txtjun13.story.
6/14.2/03 - "DAVID BRINKLEY 1920-2003 TV News Anchor Known for Dry Wit, Singular Style" at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/la-me-brinkley13jun13001435,1,3458516.story.
6/14.1/03 - "AROUND THE DIAL L.A. may get even more traffic. Traffic reports every six minutes on KNX-AM (1070), or "on the ones" at KFWB-AM (980), aren't frequent enough — or comprehensive enough — for a pair of L.A. city councilmen." Also, FCC stuff and more at www.latimes.com/classified/jobs/news/la-et-carney13jun13,1,7777194.story.
6/14/03 - John & Ken, Mo-Fr, 3-7p, KFI 640 AM will be on vacation next week. Matt Drudge fills one day, and Bill Handel fills Friday. The 6-7p hour will be a best of J&K replay.
6/13/03 - busy
6/12/03 - Quick picks:
6/11/03 - Satellite-radio network comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=25997.
6/10.2/03 - "A new spin on KROQ's Rodney Bingenheimer. Known in local music circles for 26 years on the air at alt-rock powerhouse KROQ-FM (106.7)..." More at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E23514%257E1445290,00.html.
6/10.1/03 - "Valenzuela is Back!" and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
6/10/03 - "An old San Diego Arbitron diary.
It's from the fall of 1996. One thing I found interesting was KSDO being among the leading stations in teh city, while KOGO was near the bottom. What was KSDO doing then what KOGO didn't?"
Comment at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=5107.
6/9.2/03 - "Did Radio Get Higher Quality Vinyl?" Many comments under musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/203372.html. Could be, I know I got all the low-quality pressings. Many wouldn't play well right out of the box.
6/9.1/03 - "100,000Watts.com. See comment under radio-info.com/boards/engineering/index.cgi?read=1858.
6/9/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost.
6/8.2/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
6/8.1/03 - "Angela does the Wango Tango! Could you picture today's most popular artists..." And, "Wango Tango was created by one of the most popular local radio stations, 102.7 KIIS FM, and is officially the biggest single-day multi-artist festival in America." More at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E23515%257E1439992,00.html?search=filter.
6/8/03 - OCR's/Gary Lycan's radio stuff:
6/7.4/03 - Captain Dale Dye is off today. He'll be on tomarrow, Sunday, 5-7p, KFI 640 AM.
6/7.3/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Saturday is Comedy.
6/7.2/03 - "FCC not watching the watchdogs. Will the government allow media companies' pursuit of profit to eclipse their public responsibilities?" More at www.lenconnect.com/articles/2003/06/07/news/news08.txt. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
6/7.1/03 - President Bush/Dems Saturday talks. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
6/7/03 - "RADIO KPFK caps drive with open house. KPFK-FM (90.7), the local affiliate of the Pacifica radio network, is holding an open house and barbecue from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today so listeners can see the new studio and production facilities made possible by the station's first $1-million fund drive, completed last winter. The open house will feature music by the DJs of the station's "Divine Forces" program. The event completes a 10-day fund drive that the station hopes will raise $800,000 for outreach, training and newsroom programs. KPFK is at 3729 W. Cahuenga Blvd., North Hollywood." Compacted from www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-radioshort7jun07.story
6/6.11/03 - FYI - Art Bell's loop antenna. I did a search on the ctc site for Art's new antenna, which he said generates 400 volts (which seems rather unlikely). A search for 'loop antenna' found this: www.coasttocoastam.com/search_results.html?query=loop+antenna.
6/6.10/03 - "Which stock radio's perform the best?" Comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=25775.
6/6.9/03 - PRESIDENT ORDERS MOST EXTENSIVE REVIEW OF SPECTRUM USE IN U.S. HISTORY...year long study meant to speed up new technology" says www.newradiostar.com/ with free stories. Also below.
6/6.8/03 - "Martha Stewart stays on the radio" says www.insideradio.com/. Actually, I didn't know she was on; she isn't on in L.A.
6/6.7/03 - Some headlines at www.radioandrecords.com/ with free stories:
6/6.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" good; "The Shadow" has neat titles.
6/6.5/03 - "Hillary Rodham Clinton calls into Ken & Company on TalkRadio 790 KABC, Tuesday, June 10th at 6:10 a.m. She'll be discussing the release of her new book, Living History, with Ken Minyard and Dan Avey. The 10-minute interview segment will be repeated in the 8:00 a.m. hour (Web site)." Larry's tip. KABC should be streaming.
6/6.4/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost.
6/6.3/03 - FYI - "U.S. to Review Airwave Allocation. Yearlong study ordered as pressure grows to expand public safety and commercial access." Not AM/FM at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-airwave6jun06.story.
6/6.2/03 - Fishing show. "HOOKED ON FISHING. Also on Saturday morning, the very popular fishing radio show "Let's Talk Hookup" will broadcast live from Anglers Center's fishing expo and parking lot sale in Newport Beach. You will have the opportunity to meet the radio show's co-hosts, Pete Gray and Marty Milner, during their live broadcast on San Diego's XERB, "the Mighty" 1090 AM, from 7 to 9 a.m." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/pilot/columnists/la-dpt-harborcolumn06jun06,1,5011046.story.
6/6.1/03 - "AROUND THE DIAL From New York to L.A., it's 'The Next Big Thing.' The East Coast variety show, now heard on KPCC, has nationwide appeal, the host says." It's ""The Next Big Thing"... an hourlong variety show that features plays, humor, music and interviews, on KPCC-FM (89.3)...originates at WNYC-FM in New York... went into national syndication in January, and debuted on KPCC this week, airs Sundays from 7 to 8 p.m..."
6/6/03 - "LISTENING IN Mass Media "D-Day'' brings change to radio. By Sandy Wells." The FCC changes, Larry Elder, and more in this about-every-two-week radio column at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E26698%257E1437629,00.html.
6/5.6/03 - "Univision makes eleventh-hour rush to seal Hispanic radio deal. It launches a lobbying blitz and defends its commitment to Latinos as lawmakers urge the FCC to delay approval of purchase." From yesterday with more at at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-fi-univision4jun04.story. http://www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-fi-univision4jun04.story
6/5.5/03 - Sports - "Thompson to fill XTRA slot. After 15 weeks of tryouts with a variety of guests, XTRA (690 and 1150)..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-sp-nwbox5jun05.story.
6/5.4/03 - "College Webcasters to Pay Discounted Royalty Rates. The recording industry has granted college radio stations and other noncommercial broadcasters deep discounts on the fees they pay for transmitting music over the Internet, wrapping up a series of hard-fought deals with Webcasters." More at www.latimes.com/la-fi-webcast4jun04,1,2568142.story.
6/5.3/03 - "Senate Committee to Take On FCC Rules. Sen. John McCain opens the door for a bill to change the commission's new ownership limits. The controversy over the Federal Communications Commission's loosening of media ownership rules moved to center stage..." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-fcc5jun05,1,6331507.story.
6/5.2/03 - "Static for Clear Channel. RANDY DOTINGA, For the North County Times. That sound you heard on Monday was the hallelujah chorus from broadcasters and publishers as the Federal Communications Commission voted to loosen rules that prevent large companies from controlling the media in big cities." And more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
6/5.1/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #577 dated 6/3/03.
6/5/03 - "100000watts Announces Prices. It will be $59.95 a year, and $44.95 for loyal users. It becomes a pay site on June 23." And cimments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=25699.
6/4/03 - busy.
6/3.8/03 - Message boards and trades, out of time, check:
6/3.7/03 - "How the new FCC rules differ from the old. Here's how the Federal Communications Commission changed the rules for media ownership:" More at www.tcpalm.com/tcp/nation_world_news/article/0,1651,TCP_1022_2006298,00.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip, with several others links.
6/3.6/03 - Even more at Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. A daily 'must check' - especially like today when I don't have the time.
6/3.5/03 - Even more FCC regulation changes and more at David Tanny's calradio.tripod.com/.
6/3.4/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:
6/3.3/03 - FCC regulation changes per the Los Angeles Times:
6/3.2/03 - FCC regulation changes per the Daily News:
6/3.1/03 - "Media Changes" and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
6/3/03 - The New World Press, the June 2 to June 23 issue, interviews Big Boy of Power 106 on their radio page.
6/2.1/03 - Some stuff from www.laradio.com/:
6/2/03 - "FCC Votes to Ease Media Ownership Rules. WASHINGTON -- The government's top media watchdogs approved a sweeping deregulation of broadcast industries today." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/la-060203fcc_lat,0,1219253.story?coll=cl%2Dtv%2Dfeatures. More details will be available over the next few days.
6/1.8/03 - More when time.
6/1.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
6/1.6/03 - Art Bell's station and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=25486. The station's site is at www.knye.com/.
6/1.5/03 - "How the FCC has influenced what you see, hear, read. Regulations: With an easing of media ownership rules likely to be approved tomorrow, the agency will again make its mark, as it has for 70 years." More at www.sunspot.net/business/bal-bz.fcc01jun01,0,135573.story?coll=bal%2Dbusiness%2Dheadlines.
6/1.4/03 - "Media Matters Heard the local news? It may soon be harder to find. The Federal Communications Commission is about to make big, powerful media corporations in this country even bigger and more powerful." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/suncal/cl-ca-shaw1jun01.story.
6/1.3/03 - "REWRITING THE RULES: AN ESSAY So Now What's on Los Angeles TV? A lack of creative programming has always plagued local media. And that probably won't change soon." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-choice1jun01001423,1,6477556.story.
6/1.2/03 - "COMMENTARY It Speaks Spanish, Not Republican. There are valid reasons to be dubious about the proposed merger that would make the 800-pound gorilla of Spanish-language TV, Univision, even bigger than it already is." More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-oe-delolmo1jun01,1,4790226.story.
6/1.1/03 - "COMMENTARY Big Media's Value to Consumers. Deregulation leads to a wider range of choices for the public at better prices." More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-oe-gillespie1jun01,1,1492762.story.
6/1/03 - Gary Lycan/OCR's radio stuff:
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. |