- New 2003.5 KNX Drama Hour schedule. - ??Larry King (or Dodgers) Mo-Fr 8-9p KFWB 980 AM ||| KNX 1070 AM: KNX Drama Hour daily 9-10p,
"60 Minutes" Sun 7-8p,
"60 Minutes II" Wed 8-9p, Sat: Bush 7:06a, Dems 8:06a.
L.A. Weekly's
?program picks? |||
NPR streams & news |||
"Ask the
Mayor/Chief/School" Weds 10a KFWB 980 AM
8/2003 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns
& Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most
stuff before I do. So does
Radio Headlines which are updated instantly.
To save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p
means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight.
8/31/03 - Tips.
"All Comedy Radio." I did hear a few minutes last night on KLSX 97.1 FM. See 8/27 tips and others. It's on again tonight, overnight. It's, like, a few minutes on one guy, then another. Some I could almost understand, but I do wish they would speak clearly.
"Gary Lycan on radio. Laura Ingraham returns to local radio Monday. Her new syndicated show debuts 6-9 a.m. on KRLA/870 AM." And more -§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=8&day=31.
The holiday. Do expect some stand-in host, best-of repeats, whatever, on 9/1/03. Happy holiday. I should return 9/2/03.
The last few "Lux Radio Theater" shows have been better than usual. Try:
"9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Lux Radio Theater" (one hour).
Episode: The Ex Mrs. Bradford
Synopsis: A detective teams with his ex-wife to crack a case.
Guest stars: William Powell, Claudette Colbert
Original airdate: 6-19-39" From the KNX 1070 AM site.
New toys. My new toys, the atomic clocks, mentioned at the end of the 8/23/03 Tips are working fine. To start, I initiated a manual sync on both -- the Caiso watch synced up, by itself, as I set the time zone, but the alarm clock required three tries in slightly different positions. Since then the auto syncs seen to work ok. I did pay $5 to have the watch band adjusted, but may show how to adjust it.
8/30/03 - Tips. The old tripod editor is working again, so I'll restart at the top.
"KPLS sold. Will this mean that KFWB will go NewsTalk with Imus pulling morning duty and Michael Jackson following. Its a hope. KFWB is slipping badly in the numbers and they need to do something. The fact that they are the Dodger station could very well mean they can try to revive the type of talk radio KABC did before they put the Screw (Hayes) in.
And does this mean Putnam, who has to be at 90 now, will finally retire? God I hope so...have your heard him lately. It's kinda like watching the Johnny Cash video "Hurt," only with Cash, is sad, poingant and meaningful. WIth George........irts just sad." From the L.A. bb on msn. -
---------- Earlier, for the following, I couldn't link cause the old Tripod editor didn't work. This new Tripod editor doesn't seem to indicate the URL - or I just haven't figured it out yet. Now it works, and I link if I have time. ----------
"Candidates Hold Back on Ads, Bask in a Spree of News Coverage...campaign managers appear to be holding back on early purchases of TV and radio time and to be looking for ways to take advantage of the flood of what political consultants call "free media" or "earned media"..." -,1,1548766.story.
From yesterday - Obituaries, I don't usually mention, but there have been many early radio people lost in the last few years. We thank them all for their efforts, and I'll only mention one today:
"Jinx Falkenburg, 84; Model and Actress Later Pioneered Talk Show. Jinx Falkenburg, a leading fashion model and actress who, with her husband, Tex McCrary, pioneered the talk show format on radio and television, has died. She was 84...Falkenburg and McCrary pioneered talk radio programming with the morning show "Hi Jinx" in 1946. They soon branched out to television with the program "At Home," alternating on TV and radio through the mid-1950s. Their shows combined news, celebrity interviews and household tips." -,1,93431.story.
KPLS sold to RadioVisa LLC. "The Southern California radio station that features broadcasting veterans George Putnam, Don Imus and Neal Boortz is being sold to a new Hispanic radio network, according to filings made Thursday with the FCC. Subject to federal approval, the 50,000 watt KPLS (830 AM), based in the heart of Orange County and covering much of Los Angeles, will be purchased by L.A.-based RadioVisa LLC. Radio Visa is headed by Stephen Lehman, who founded Premiere Networks -- the home of talk radio giants Rush Limbaugh and Dr. Laura Schlesinger (read NewsMax)." From Larry's site, linked above, where he links to a site that has: "...A top talk radio expert tells NewsMax that Putnam, Imus and other KPLS personalities should remain on the air awhile longer as the station moves to a new Latin format..." Says
"Arnold Schwarzenegger calls into the Sean Hannity and Larry Elder Shows on KABC (Web site)." Also from Larry's site, linked above, with a hot link.
"KPCC tweaks the lineup. The Pasadena City College FM station (89.3) has finally decided where the new Los Angeles-produced NPR-Slate show Day to Day fits in. Starting Monday..." See a
"Oui author speaks on KPFK. KPFK, the Pacifica station in L.A., has been hitting Schwarzenegger this week for serving on the board of U.S. English and the published reports that he gropes female journalists and movie set women. Today the Democracy Now! show had on Peter Manso, author of the Oui interview with Arnold in 1977. (Full transcript)..." See a for link to full transcript and more.
8/29/03 - Tips:
"Dennis Miller is hosting 'The Sean Hannity Show', noon-3p, on KABC 790 AM.
KPCC 89.3 FM revises their schedule starting Monday, 9/1/03. "...makes wholesale changes to its weekday lineup..." says the LAT, and they also mention KCRW's schedule, along with the Comedy on KSLX and more. See the revised KPCC schedule at This is all in one column: "You might even smile during the rush hour. By Steve Carney. AROUND THE DIAL: All Comedy Radio will begin to fill the air nonstop or in bites," mentioned yesterday.
"TOM MCCLINTOCK Senator lashes out at GOP rival, but radio callers fear he may split vote. In a low-budget campaign that depends on free media exposure, Republican state Sen. Tom McClintock grabbed a three-hour block Thursday, hosting a conservative radio talk show in San Diego...McClintock, who filled in on Roger Hedgecock's KOGO-AM (600)..." -,1,4922201.story. I missed it also.
"In other radio reports that KRLA (870) is adding another conservative talker, Laura Ingraham. She is syndicated out of New York and will replace local host Mark Larson in morning drive time, beginning Monday." - She's not on the schedule yet, but she has a page with a link at
+R&R adds: "...Ingraham's show will air 6-9am on KRLA, replacing current morning host Mark Larsen, who simulcasts his show from co-owned KCBQ/San Diego..." -
Larry Marino had a minor part on Larson's show, so I seldom listened. More Larry Marino, please.
"Armed Forces Radio Offers Grand Ole Opry. The two-hour America's Grand Ole Opry Weekend is debuting on the radio network, which can reach as many as 800,000 listeners. AFR's 34 manned stations in 16 countries combine to reach more than 170 nation, along with hundreds of deployed ships at sea. The Westwood One-syndicated show now boasts 205 affiliates, having earlier added 130 stations through its inclusion in WW1's 24/7 Mainstream Country full-time format. That move brings the show to the Phoenix, Cincinnati, Atlanta and Los Angeles markets, as well as to Knoxville; Rockford, IL; Montgomery, AL; and Columbus and Toledo, OH." - Where in L.A. I don't know, but AFRTS can often be heard on shortwave.
8/28/03 - Tips:
"Webcasters Sue Music Companies. From Bloomberg News. The Recording Industry Assn. of America, a trade group for music companies battling song swapping, was accused in an antitrust lawsuit of charging high fees to groups that broadcast music over the Internet..." -,1,2426995.story.
"You might even smile during the rush hour. AROUND THE DIAL: All Comedy Radio will begin to fill the air nonstop or in bites." That's all you get for free at the LAT site. The whole story should be in the LAT paper Friday, 8/29. See yesterday's tips about ACR.
Some headlines at where details cost:
+ "Clear Channel Outlines Change in Revenue Direction"
+ "Clear Channel Radio turns traditional thinking upside down"
+ "Kelly Lange has a best seller"
+ "Phil Hendrie goes to boot camp"
+ "Sports talk radio in "bad taste"?"
+ "KCSN History"
"San Diego Radio Guide Unofficially Launched 8-28-03!
After spending five weeks working on the QBASIC code and my databases, I finally got more pages to the San Diego Radio Guide added to the section.
+Updated are the shows on This Page, listing all the shows that are on at the moment. Also added are seven HTML pages listing what radio shows are on at what times for each day of the week. Hotlinked are some of the radio shows and stations.
+Also listed are several radio channels from XM radio and DFSX Comedy Radio.
+Click Here for the San Diego Radio Guide." - See David Tanny's for hot links and details.
KLSX 97.1 FM has not yet updated their site for the new "All Comedy Radio" lineup which starts this
weekend, 'overnights.' In the past it has taken them months for a site update. 'Overnights' means when most people sleep; anything from maybe midnight to 5a, but who knows. -
8/27/03 - Tips:
"Five years (and counting) of 'Static.' By:RANDY DOTINGA - For the North County Times. Back in August 1998, the esteemed editors of this newspaper took temporary leave of their senses and let me write a weekly column about radio. Some 260 columns later, I'm still here. (Shh! Don't tell the editors. They think "Hints From Heloise" runs in this space.)..." And more. -
"All Comedy Radio, a Hollywood-based comedy radio network, has signed with Infinity Broadcasting Corp.'s KLSX-FM [97.1], Los Angeles, for weekend overnight programming (read LA Business Journal)." Says Larry's site, linked above, where he also links to, which refers to "weekend overnight programming," which means while most people sleep. It all starts 8/30 and 8/31. has this also and some links. Even www.newradiostar has the story and lists their site as with demo (and streams??).
"Have Gun..." dates to 1960. The LAT yesterday, I may recall, incorrectly dated the show as 1940. KNX has "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR —
"Have Gun, Will Travel"
Episode: Prunell’s Fella
Synopsis: Paladin is almost forced to get married at gun point.
Original airdate: 4-17-60." Reminder: the radio show was based on the TV show.
8/26/03 - Tips:
The first gubernatorial ad on KFI? I did hear a gubernatorial ad today, perhaps the first I've heard on KFI (for McClintock?, I think). So, must they now sell time, at the 'lowest rate,' to all 135 (of which only about 133 remain)?
"THE CGC COMMUNICATOR, CGC #589, Tuesday, August 26, 2003." - Stuff like:"SPEEDING THE ACTIVATION OF LOW POWER FM STATIONS. As part of his "localism in broadcasting" strategy (that will be covered thoroughly in the conventional media), FCC Chairman Powell plans to speed the activation of low power FM
(LPFM) stations..." Last word was there isn't room on the FM dial in L.A. for LPFM.
"Dennis Miller will host The Sean Hannity Show this Friday, August 29, on ABC Radio Networks. Miller will broadcast live from KABC's studio in Los Angeles from 3-6 p.m. ET (Web site)." From Larry's site with a hot link to KABC. In L.A. it's KABC 790 AM.
"New Liberal Talk Radio Network. Radio and Records Online reports that the new liberal talk network is close to announcing affiliation agreements in 6 markets, including LA, Chicago, SF and Boston. The website for the new network is" " - They may require you to download a plug-in to use their site, which I dislike, and won't do.
8/25/03 - Tips:
Tripod just lost the five or so tip I entered for today, and I don't have the time to reenter them. Nothing real important, but this has happened before. Some were:
+ "KFWB architect of all-News format dies." One headline at where details cost.
+ "AnShell Media LLC, A fledgling liberal talk-radio network launched by a Chicago venture capitalistnamed for financier Sheldon Drobny and his wife, Anita, is wrapping up affiliation deals with stations here and in New York; Los Angeles; Boston; San Francisco; Boise, Idaho, and Albuquerque, N.M. AnShell CEO Jon Sinton wouldn't identify the stations, but said he expects to announce the deals this week (read Chicago Business)." Larry's tip with a hot link.
"They opine, you decide. I had one of those moments of perfect clarity this afternoon that reminds me why I don't invest much time listening to AM talk radio. Driving home, I heard the start of KFI's "Total Recall" show..." -
8/24/03 - Tips:
"Gary Lycan on radio" - Heidi, the Gassmans of 'Same Time, Same Station,' and Yo-Yo - Sorry, I didn't care for Yo-Yo, and I couldn't hear Heidi Fleiss in the SFV -§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=8&day=24.
8/23/03 - Tips:
"Stations weigh what's 'fair' (08/22/03)" and "By Steve Carney AROUND THE DIAL: With 135 gubernatorial candidates, equal-time regulations handcuff many outlets" are all you can get on the LAT site for free, but do check the story in yesterday's LAT paper, page E33. The first part is about gubernatorial radio ads, and the next part is about last week's radio blackout. Both worth finding/reading.
The John and Ken Show, on Thursday, was missing one of them, and both were replaced by a couple of talk hosts from northern CA yesterday. The new couple will fill next week also. I usually listen to parts of the shows, but I didn't hear anything about what happened to John and Ken. By the way, the new couple did a good job and work at the station where Rush started (Sacramento? - I forget where). KFI 640 AM, Mo-Fr, 3-7p.
Round-by-round reports on PPV fights. KNX 1070 AM does try to carry round-by-round reports on the main event on pay-per-view fights, Saturday, usually starting between 7-8p and usually ending by 9p. Tonight could be Laila Ali vs. Christy Martin; the girls get it on.
"Reports of [KPLS] 830 AM sale and new format. According to several acquaintances who have been hired, RadioVisa has bought 830 AM in the LA market and will be doing Spanish hot talk very soon. The owner of Radio Visa is a former top executive of Premiere (pre-sale) who has gotten capital from JP Morgan / Quetzal Capital to build a satellite talk network and buy stations." - And, they just posted an English-talk schedule.
"Hooked on Trivia Saturdays (8-23-1993) [2003?]. The official website for Hooked on Trivia is under construction, but it will be major website for the weekly radio show, that airs Saturdays from 6pm-2am on KCBQ 1170 [AM], and on the Internet at
. Mike Cook hosts the longest radio game show in history since 1983, 20 years since he started at the old late KMJC Magic 91 AM in El Cajon. The Toll Free KCBQ Studio Call-In Number Is 1-888-344-1170. You could win up to $500 in prizes and there's nothing to lose... " - This station is in San Diego, I haven't tried to receive it in L.A., and schedule says Sat 6p till Sun 2a.
"On the Move," "Just a Joke," "Correction," and "Mail Bag" at Richard Wagoner's weekly
Like: "Just a Joke. Stacey Cohen of the upstart All Comedy Radio Network recently told me that she had a "big announcement" to make ... soon. Now Don Barrett of reports that an unnamed Los Angeles station is getting ready to sign up with the network. Could it be true? And if so, which one?"
FYI - Remember Heloise? "Golden rules of stain removal come in a set of 3. By HELOISE. Dear Readers: On my radio show (visit my Web site," -§ion=ACCENT&subsection=ACCENT&year=2003&month=8&day=23.
"Big City Radio Inc., which has sold 11 of the 12 radio stations it owned, said its board had decided to liquidate assets and repay the Los Angeles-based company's debt." -,1,4029726.story.
FYI - "Hits Magazine Fires Managing Editor. Hits magazine, the best-read trade tipsheet in the music business, fired its managing editor this week, the latest sign of how the industry's woes have stung the publication..." -,1,2391322.story.
Some email at, where details cost:
+ "Limited laughs at early attempts at all-comedy radio"
+ "Red Eye Radio SO funny." That's Doug McIntyre on KABC 790 AM overnights.
+ "Is KGO best radio station on West Coast?"
+ "Replacing Bill O'Reilly"
"Power outage woes. So how did everybody fair during the recent power outage?..." Comments at
FYI - "tv on radio. I think most people on this board know you can pick up the audio portion of a Channel 6 TV broadcast at the low end of the FM dial, 87.7..." Comments at I can tune to 87.7 FM on my Sony FM dial, but in L.A. there's nothing there. But, then the Sony also receives TV, but maybe not very well.
New toys. These receive time signals every day and are set to the correct time from the 'atomic clock.' See links at top of
+ Casio's 'atomic watch' retails for about $45, but Big 5 has them sometimes at $20 -
+ Also, 'atomic' alarm clock retails for $13, reduced to
$10 at Walgreens -
8/22/03 - busy
8/21/03 - Tips:
"Radio tragedy unites listeners. By:RANDY DOTINGA - For the North County Times. Something remarkable happened on the radio last week. The wife of a morning show personality passed away suddenly, and listeners went into mourning on the air as if one of their own family members had died..." - Also check other columns at which are NOT is sequence by date, and thus, I may have missed reporting on them.
"FCC Chief Vows to Meet Local Needs. The move is a response to opposition to the panel's action easing media ownership rules. WASHINGTON — Moving to quiet criticism that the Federal Communications Commission went too far in easing media ownership rules, FCC Chairman Michael K. Powell said Wednesday that the agency would take steps to make broadcasters more responsive to local communities..." -,1,2478847.story. Try listening to the people (the radio listeners) for once.
FYI - "Fake Arnie [Schwarzenegger] sucks in radio stations. The Austrian-American drawl was spot-on, the corny jokes perfectly pitched. A pity, then, that the "exclusive" Arnie interviews snared by two Sydney radio stations were marred by a couple of minor details: This Schwarzenegger did not know his own birthday or his wife's middle name..." -'s tip.
Some headlines at R&R: -
+ "Industry Reaction Mixed To FCC Localism Initiative"
+ "NAB Reacts To FCC Localism Effort"
+ "FCC Plan Will Open Floodgates For New LPFM Stations"
+ "Vermont Pirate Set To Defy FCC." I linked to this story yesterday.
"The real Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't get on Howard Stern this morning -- but the phony one scammed KCBS-TV and two Australian radio stations. It was vintage Howard Stern, as he ragged Infinity to let him put California gubernatorial candidate Schwarzenegger on the air, despite the equal time rules.
Meanwhile "Ah-nuld" impersonator Josh Thompson was egged by the WKLS, Atlanta "Regular Guys" to scam KCBS-TV in Los Angeles. On his own, Thompson talked his way onto Australia's 2UE and 2GB." -
8/20/03 - Tips: (a rather quiet day)
"THE CGC COMMUNICATOR, CGC #588, Tuesday, August 19, 2003." - High tech and other stuff like: "MARVIN COLLINS' LOS ANGELES RADIO ARCHIVES ARE ON THE WEB. For some time, Marv Collins and I have been working on a web site archive for his collection of personal photos featuring LA Radio..." It links to And, "CODEC IMPROVEMENT FOR HD-RADIO DEMONSTRATED - EDITORIAL...The CGC Communicator urges broadcasters to be skeptical..."
"Gay Radio: Queer Ear For The Not So Straight Guy. With the huge success of "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy", the television program where five gay men with specific talents give a straight guy and his life a makeover, maybe it's time to mention some of the Gay Radio available online." - I have not checked any of these links, and I know nothing about it.
FYI - "Radio station to resume broadcasting Friday.
BRATTLEBORO -- An unlicensed community radio station shut down by the Federal Communications Commission in late June intends to return to the airwaves on a new frequency on Friday. Members of radio free brattleboro said the more than 2,000 signatures collected from area residents justifies the station's return to the public airwaves, although the FCC still considers the station to be operating illegally..." -,1413,102~8860~1580617,00.html.'s tip, and they also link to the AP story.
FYI - "WBZZ puts the city of Pittsburgh up for sale on eBay -- and it lasted for 26 minutes. Pittsburgh's facing a world of financial troubles and the WBZZ morning team was shooting for a bid of $50 million to help it out. eBay monitors suspicious listings and yanked this one quickly, says the Post-Gazette. For the morning show, it was a chance to take calls from listeners about the city's many attractive qualities."
"Where can I find a list of stations that carry Dr. Demento?" Several comments at David Tanny
probably knows.
8/19/03 - Tips:
Posted on my bb: "Cure For Dull Radio & Hosts. If you are interested in the UFO stuff, listen to Talk Radio of Pahrump, on Sundays, starting at 4pm (Pacific). The whole afternoon/early evening is formatted for recorded and LIVE talk shows dealing with the phenomenon. It's "webcasting", heard all over the world, via your computer. E-mail for a complete schedule of prime-time talk shows that you won't hear anywhere else! Other interesting programs, 24 hours a day- now in our 4th year of broadcasting." Site at, but I might not email, and I don't stream.
The inside news page at Radio & Records,, isn't working right now.
FYI - "Michael Savage re-enters the New York market tonight -- on Buckley's WOR (710). GM Bob Bruno knows he'll get lots of reaction -- but says Savage Nation "deserves to be heard again here in New York." WABC (770) dropped Savage after contract renewal talks with sister KGO, San Francisco failed." - Locally he's on Mo-Fr, 5-8p, KRLA 870 AM.
"There's a radio personality among the 135 candidates running for governor in California. They sometimes call Van Vo the "Rush Limbaugh of Southern California's Little Saigon." He's off the air at Salem's ethnic-brokered KXMX, Anaheim (1190) because he's now officially on the ballot for October." - I mentioned this and linked to a story on 8/14/03.
"Power Outage Spurs Radio Sales. Shortwave radio distributor Eton Corporation says the biggest power outage in American history turned into a rush on retailers for disaster preparedness supplies, including radios. Increased demand has prompted the company to arrange immediate shipments of its self-powered shortwave radio to retailers in the affected states. “The power outage [that plagued] the Northeast region of the United States and Canada underscores the importance of disaster preparedness at all times,” Eton CEO E.A. Hozour told UPI." -
"History of Clear Channel. Does anyone know where I can find about the history of Clear Channel and how they first started?" Several comments at
""How to Build a Radio" in "Maxim" magazine? Something I noticed on page 62 of the September issue of "Maxim" magazine (Mariah Carey on the cover)...HOW TO BUILD A RADIO. All I know is that it involves an empty Quaker Oats can, wire, a resistor, some clips and a small earphone. The article also claims that it can run with no electricity. (?)" - YES! -- If the 'can' is used to wind a coil and the resistor is actually a diode, it can work -- it's called a crystal radio. If fact, just the diode, some wire, and an earphone can receive the strongest signal in your area.
8/18/03 - Tips:
New KPLS 830 AM schedule. They now have a site with a schedule and more. They even posted their weekend schedule. -
"...a nightly talk show with Heidi Fleiss. Yes, Heidi Fleiss. The former Hollywood madam turned author who is in the spotlight again as a Los Angeles jury weighs verdicts in the Tom Sizemore case. The actor is accused of abusing Heiss, his former fiancée. Starting Monday, Fleiss will do a talk show - think "Loveline" - on KFSD/92.1 FM in Carlsbad. Yes, it can be heard in south Orange County. It will air 7-9 p.m. weeknights." From Gary Lycan's column, linked below.
A new, good (better than google?) search engine at says today's WSJ, page B1. They like the 'refine' feature. However, I didn't notice many links to me, so how good can it be??
"Gary Lycan on radio," several topics and items like an update on Laura Ingraham. -§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=8&day=18.
Old KPLS 830 AM schedule. Check your 8/13/03 Penneysaver for their out-of-date weekday schedule, which, in the past, they can't bother to post on their site. Stupid! However, GL above has news about LI's schedule and a link to her site.
"Tavis Smiley is landing back in TV talk show land
Almost three years after being fired from his nightly talk show at Black Entertainment Television in a controversy with his then-boss, commentator and author Tavis Smiley will launch a national late-night talk show on PBS. "Tavis Smiley," billed as the...," and that's all you get for free from the LAT. He does also have a radio show Mo-Fr KPCC 89.3 FM: "8 - 9 pm The Tavis Smiley Show. NPR's first program to originate from Los Angeles, The Tavis Smiley Show offers intelligent talk, news and commentary from fresh, diverse points of view, and reports on everything from politics to pop culture." With a schedule/page/streaming at
"Lost Highway sets sights on L.A. listeners (08/18/03)" offers the LAT for free. 'Lost' offers a music/radio show which no one in L.A. may pick up.
Some headlines from
+ "Are the LARP Talkers Experiencing a Wealth of Topics or
Business as Usual?"
+ "Will Kobe become MJ or OJ? Will the Terminator terminate his running mates? Talk topics seem to keeping topping themselves" Hear KFI 640 AM 3-7p.
"Some California stations may not take Schwarzenegger's money. The developing story is that some large operators are discussing not taking ads from any of the 135 candidates in the governor's race -- but they may take ads about the recall itself." Says I mentioned this about twice concerning KFI, below.
"Sirius Unaffected By Blackout. Sirius’ broadcast operations were not affected by last Thursday’s blackout." Free story at
8/17/03 - busy
8/16/03 - Tips:
8/03 Arbitrons, some talkers, in sequence: KFI down, KABC down, KLSX steady, KNX down, KMZT (classical) steady, KFWB down, and KRLA up. Details at
"Brian brings life to nights on KZLA. By Sandy Wells,
Listening In. Monty Python with a country twang? Not exactly. Try some thing more like a New Jersey-born radio entertainer with a background in news and top 40 radio. KZLA-FM 93.9's nightly "Life of Brian Show" is bringing lots of life to the country music station these days...Brian Douglas..." -,1413,211%257E23540%257E1570359,00.html?search=filter.
"Jackson's Honor (08/16/03)" - that's all the LAT will give you for free. It may relate to the Michael Jackson/Hall of Fame story below.
Radio and the NY blackout, a couple of stories at (P.S. - I couldn't cut & paste their headlines.)
8/03 Arbitrons - "The Power is pumping in Los Angeles, where KPWR repeats at No. 1 as KROQ stays in second. Also of note: Farsi-language KIRN debuts with a 0.5." -
Yesterday's news - "Radio Stations Silenced By East Coast Blackout. A massive power outage crippled much of the northeastern United States and the Canadian province of Ontario yesterday, forcing local radio stations to use backup generators..." -
A couple from"
+ "Radio Spirits and RadioClassics parent MediaBay gets a change of CEOs. Hakan Lindskog is out, and Ronald Celmer is in at the New Jersey-based company that's a leading syndicator of old-time radio programming and audio books."
+ "So far -- we haven't heard of any political ads on the air in L.A. or San Francisco. Many execs will likely hold off on taking commercials for the unusual governor's race until the final weeks of the campaign. KGO, San Francisco GM Mickey Luckoff tells us "we will take the business on a very limited basis." See comment below from KFI about why - low ad rates.
"Radio Was Primary Source For News In Power Blackout.
NEW YORK—August 15: The nation’s largest blackout in U.S. history cut power to more than 50 million people, and once again radio served as the primary source of local news and information during the crisis..." -
NYC BB has several comments about radio/blackout coverage -
8/14/03 - "BREAKING NEWS!!! Has anyone see this, something like 70 cities out East just lost power! NBC, ABC, CBS, etc. are all up and running via generators. Any word if they've shifted operations to the west coast? Most of what I've seen is that networks have been broadcasting from their NYC studios, however, they have been mentioning that they are not able to use any of their newsroom equip., studios being dead, etc." And comments at
The L.A. BB has stuff like: "Los Angeles Arbitrends Summer Part I. Has anyone checked out the new trends?..." Comments at
8/15/03 - busy
8/14/03 - Tips:
KFI will not be selling ad time to the 135 CA Governor want-to-be's, one of the hosts said in the last few days. If they did they would be required to sell to all 135 at the 'lowest rate,' which is too low to be real. Rather, they will give all 135 one free minute to record an ad, and there will play in the morning on Bill Handels show?, I believe. Or, something like that.
"Talk show host takes chance on ethnic vote. VIETNAMESE-AMERICAN: Van Vo has popular support. Van Vo is sometimes called the Rush Limbaugh of Little Saigon, providing a forum for hard-line anti-communists on his daily radio show, "Living in America"...Vo's program, which airs on KXMX-AM 1190 from 6 to 9 p.m. weekdays and 2 p.m. to midnight Sundays..." -
"August 15, 2003, Humor, issues and a cause, By Steve Carney. AROUND THE DIAL: Bill Handel's talk show is tops with morning listeners, but he is most proud of his support of surrogate parenting." This and the other LAT Calendar stuff on their web site
aren't free anymore. But, the paper is free at your local library.
One headline from
+ "NBC new source for KFWB." Mostly news 980 AM.
"Bob Welch: Radio spoof on KUGN hardly funny. Recently I was driving home, listening to a radio talk show, when I suddenly realized its gist: A caller representing a retirement center was defending seniors who wanted to get hold of a photo of Laci Peterson's dead baby...The talk-show host acted disgusted. "There's a sickness in people who get grins from doing this stuff," Phil Hendrie said." -
Yes, the power is out in the East. "What A Week: First 'Blaster Worm' Then Massive Power Outage Affects Hi-Tech Radio Shows And Showprep. Tough week to try and prepare a Radio show: first the 'Blaster' virus took down computers all across the world depriving them of Internet access and then a massive power outage in the U.S. and Canada knocked Radio stations and shows right off the air. But, with all our dependency on hi-tech resources, sometimes a Radio show comes down to a simpler meaning. Read More Thursday August 14, 2003 #." From and link at
The 8/15 Arbitrons are due tomarrow, maybe 5ish."" -
"RADIO L.A. On Track For $1 Billion In Revenue. The Southern California Broadcasters Association says the market has held up "fairly well" going into Q3 as the economy in the L.A. area outpaces the rest of California..." -
FYI - "Washington gets an all-business talk station again. WPLC (1050) switches from talk to money and lifestyle talk on Monday, affiliating with the Business TalkRadio network. -, where details cost.
"FCC ENDS RADIO OWNERSHIP, NEW CP FREEZE. (August 14, 2003 1:17pm) The FCC just posted this notice on their website which ends the freeze to new filings for stations and for transfer of ownership..." What? -
8/13/03 - Tips:
The LAT site is very slow or may not be working. I'll try to check it tomarrow.
Some headlines form
+ "Michael Jackson To Be Inducted into Radio's Hall of Fame." See yesterday's tips for links.
+ "LARP Triangle Event Features Michael Jackson"
+ "Michael Jackson, Mel Karmazin, Gene Autry and Jim Bohannon to be inducted into Radio's Hall of Fame"
+ "Michael Jackson is one of three stars at first LARP Triangle gathering next month for LARadio subscribers"
+ "Benjamin Dover returns to LA radio" Where when I know.
"THE CGC COMMUNICATOR, CGC #587, Wednesday, August 13, 2003" - Tech stuff like, "XM & SIRIUS SATELLITE UPDATE."
"The Kim Komando Computer Minute that aired Monday, August 11th, 2003 warned computer users of the impending Blaster (W32.Blaster.Worm aka Lovsan) worm, giving listeners across the United States fair warning of a pending attack as well as instructions on how to protect their systems. If you'd like to hear the audio that contains info on how to protect your computer (MP3 player required) click here" Larry's tip and he links to aduio at
"Americans Tune To Radio For News And Info. That's according to a just-released study by Interep that reviewed the performance of News and Talk stations in the top 10 Markets during the first six months of 2003, with the goal of determining if there were any significant changes in radio listening patterns during the period of major war operations in Iraq. The data show a surge in average quarter-hour listening to News/Talk during March and April by adults 25-54, while cume continued to rise both during the month preceding the conflict and throughout active combat, reaching a high point in April. Interep's study also finds that WINS/New York surpassed the 3 million cume figure — a rare occurrence seen in recent years only after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and during the Persian Gulf War. In Los Angeles, News siblings KFWB and KNX and Talk KFI all passed the 1 million cume mark in March." -
"The 25 Greatest Radio [and TV] Talk Show Hosts of All Time" from Talkers mag. - Check how many you can't hear in L.A.
8/12/03 - Tips:
"Mark and Brian Host Pier Party" and several other items in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column, days early. -
"Gary Lycan on radio" with a few items, from Sunday -
"Future unClear for radio giant By:RANDY DOTINGA." His Friday column, early. -
"FROM THE NEWSROOM Don't count newspapers out anytime soon." Mentions radio -,1,1718110.story.
"QUICK TAKES Hall of Fame berth for Jackson. After a run of more than three decades, radio talk-show host Michael Jackson has been off the local airwaves since December. But he's hardly been forgotten..." -,1,1192547.story. Also Larry links to and
"AmFm2Go Let's Travelers Find Radio Stations On The Road.
Drivers can now easily find over 12,000 AM and FM stations to listen to as they travel..." - Tip and text at The site is
"RADIO iBiquity Upgrades HD Radio. The company has revised the codec for its in-band on-channel digital radio service to improve both AM and FM signals, but COO Jeff Jury tells R&R the real enhancement is in AM..." That's were the 'old problem' was located, but did they fix that? -
"Know how many news/talk station there are in the U.S.? The 12th edition of the M Street Directory shows 1225 news/talk stations. The Directory includes format, plus contact info, address, phone, fax, web and much more. To order, CLICK HERE." -
8/11/03 - gone
8/10/03 - couldn't get into the Tripod editor
8/9/03 - Tips:
"...KABC Radio legend Ira Fistell celebrates his 35th anniversary of talk radio this year. 26 of those anniversaries have been here in L.A. He remains a unique city treasure..." This is from their "My Town" column in the 8/8/03, but I don't see it on their site. Ira is on Sat, 9p-midn, KABC 790 AM. His page is at A face made for radio, with a show for everyone.
"Stern, ABC settle $10-million lawsuit (08/09/03)" is all I can get for free from the LAT with their new, pay-for-the-Calendar policy. But, links to,, maybe others.
Some headlines from
+ ""Dr. Laura - Why Don't You Go Pound It!"
- Phil Hendrie"
+ "Phil Hendrie goes after those who put down working moms when they themselves have a career"
+ "KRTH clear Sunday morning Beatles battle winner against KLSX - 3rd versus 14th""
+ "Howard Stern approached by mafia"
+ "Salem goes fishing"
+ "KRLA #1 in September 1965"
"Arianna Huffington gives up column, radio show during recall race." May I suggest: please run more often. - Larry's tip.
This show was on last night, but - "Burn, baby! Burn! Tonight at 7 p.m. Life and Times is airing a feature on KJLH, the Stevie Wonder-owned station that Channel 28 calls "the radio voice of south L.A."
This is a good time to mention an upcoming book on the original AM radio voice of black Los Angeles, Magnificent Montague. He was the top disc jockey on KGFJ in 1965 with a signature phrase he would shout when he really liked a song: "Burn, Baby! Burn!" Then came August and the Watts riot." More and links at
FYI - "Internet radio stations provide immediate access to radio. A turn of the dial now amounts to a click of the mouse..." -'s tip.
8/8/03 - busy
8/7/03 - Tips:
"August 8, 2003 - Huffington gives up talk spot. By Steve Carney. THE RECALL CAMPAIGN: KCRW [89.9 FM] says the candidate will be on hiatus from "Left, Right & Center" until at least the Oct. 7 recall election." This is all I can get from the LAT for free with their new policy. The show is on Fridays 2:30-3p and repeated Fridays 7-7:30p, and they stream.
"870 KRLA-AM is the official media sponsor of the Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals (spcaLA) "Love Your Pet Day", on Saturday, August 16th from 10 to 4 at El Dorado Park in Long Beach (Web site)." Larry's tip. For KRLA link to the pet site see
"Univision, Hispanic Broadcasting union has FCC votes, report says. Univision Communications Inc. is nearing approval from the Federal Communications Commission for its almost $3 billion acquisition of Hispanic Broadcasting Corp., according to a report Thursday in the Washington Post..." -'s tip.
"F-C-C commissioner criticizes agency for inaction on shock jocks. Washington-AP -- A Federal Communications Commission member is accusing the agency of ignoring complaints about indecent programming." Better known as the 'FCC.' -'s tip.
FYI - "Fayette to get new radio station soon. Fayette County's newest radio station hopes to be on the air within three weeks, helped by a $2,000 outlay by the Fayette County Commission Monday toward the cost of a broadcast tower. WQAZ-FM will broadcast at 98.5 on the FM band and, at 100 watts, will cover about a 30-mile radius." -'s tip.
"All Comedy Radio, the Hollywood-based radio network, announced their first three radio station affiliates today. KXL-AM, Portland, Oregon; WTTB-AM, Vero Beach, Florida; and KLFJ-AM, Springfield, Missouri (read)." Larry's tip. Nothing in CA or L.A. yet. -
8/6/03 - Tips:
Did anyone hear "Night Beat" last night? The lead, Frank Lovejoy?, is usually named Randy Stone, but last night he was Lucky Stone, and it was a better-than-average show. Was this an early show in the series or what? One answer at
Will Arnold terminate Davis? Arnold Schwarzenegger announced today he will run for governor. It was on the John and Ken show, 3-7p, KFI 640 AM. They said Bill Handel would have info on Arnold tomarrow, 5-9a. Tune to both for recall and other news.
"Entertainment: Radio Spanish stations still on a roll after five years. By: RANDY DOTINGA - For the North County Times" -
Some headlines from where details cost:
+ "Last of the Independent Broadcasters"
+ "Independent L.A. radio owners down to two"
+ "Radio won't run President Bush address but abundance of stations carrying a hearing for a basketball player"
"...At the Innuendo website, the cover story "Worst of L.A." declares a list of worst people in L.A....A separate piece appears to nominate radio guy Tom Leykis as worst of the worst." They may be correct. Their site is Tip from
8/5/03 - Tips:
"KFI Gets the Buzz," Rush, and Howard in this Friday's
radio column by Richard Wagoner at, early.
"Casablanca" was done on the radio at least twice, says today's L.A. Times, but they now require some new kind of
login and/or payment to get into their Calendar section. See page 3 in today's Calendar section for the details. Titles are: 'Timeless "Casablanca"' and 'Playing it again for the old times.'
+ One was, "a radio version of the movie staring Bogart and Bergman..." 8/6/03 - The Daily News says this is from the "Screen Guild Players, but I can't find this story from yesterday on their site, called "A clearer "Casablanca"."
+ And, "...Hedy Lamarr..." in "the 1944 "Lux Radio Theater" version opposite Alan Ladd."
"THE CGC COMMUNICATOR, CGC #586, Tuesday, August 5, 2003" - Hi Tech stuff like, "IBIQUITY MOVES TOWARD SOLVING THE CODEC PROBLEM. iBiquity Digital Corporation [HD Radio] has reportedly made giant strides in resolving the digital coding/decoding ("codec") problems associated with its PAC algorithm. It is not known at this juncture whether the new coding scheme draws on proprietary features of other (non PAC) codecs, or not."
"On WRKS, a relationship guru for guys. The Man Show: Michael Baisden. It's 6 in the morning in Los Angeles and Michael Baisden...he is the 3-6 p.m. host on WRKS (98.7 FM)..." - Larry's tip.
8/4/03 - Tips:
Larry Flint of Hustler magazine will run for governor he said today on the John and Ken show, Mo-Fr, 3-7p, KFI 640 AM. And, his platform is interesting.
Report on two new weekend shows on KFI 640 AM - Schedule.
+ Sat 7-10p - "John Douglas," "On FBI Profiling." True Crime is not my cup of tea, especially when he mostly talked about himself till I tuned out, but it could get better.
+ Sun 1-5a - "The Twilight Zone" - "The Brand New Remake of the Original." I did hear the first hour; it seemed like a half hour show packed with a half hour of ads. But, the story was ok; sounded like one from the original TV series.
"LETTER TO THE EDITOR Tuning In to the Liberal Side of the Radio Band. Re "Morning Becomes Apoplectic," Commentary...Santa Monica's National Public Radio station KCRW..." -,1,1046615.story.
"LETTERS KPFK Diversity Gain Is a Loss for Some Listeners.
So, KPFK has canceled "Heartfelt Music"..." -,1,5015166.story.
Some headlines from where details cost:
+ "Except for KFI, L.A. Stations and Personalities Overlooked by NAB"
+ "NAB Marconi Award nominations include no LARP or stations except KFI"
FYI - "No. 1 radio host touts `family values'. Howie Chizek entertains, doesn't educate. I've received quite a few e-mails asking why I haven't yet featured the No. 1 station in Akron, WNIR (100.1-FM), and the area's No. 1 show for more than 20 years, WNIR's Howie Chizek Show..." -'s tip.
8/3/03 - busy
8/2/03 - Tips:
"KPFK moves The Car Show again. But only a little bit. Today's show is the last one at start at 1 p.m. Next Saturday The Car Show moves to a noon-to-1 slot on Saturdays, writes co-host John Retsek.
" -
New weekend shows on KFI 640 AM - Schedule.
+ Sat 7-10p - "John Douglas," "On FBI Profiling."
+ Sun 1-5a - "The Twilight Zone" - "The Brand New Remake of the Original." Someone please listen, and tell me about it.
+ Sun 5-7p - "Total Recall," the recall of Gov. Gray (Joe) David.
"Bob Hope Radio Memories," Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column - Like, in answer to my question: When did Hope start in radio?
+ "His radio career began in the early 1930s as an advertising hook for New York's Capitol Theater: in order to promote Capitol's box-office attractions, the Capitol Family Hour broadcast from the theater every morning. Hope, who was performing at the theater, was booked for the show, and proved to be very popular.
+ In 1937, Hope was signed to the NBC Radio Network for 26 weeks as part of The Woodbury Soap Show. One year later he got his own sponsor and his own show, The Pepsodent Show, which became one of the country's most popular radio programs."
"BMI, radio stations agree on royalty deal. Long-sought terms are for multiyear deal worth more than $1 billion for fees due to writers whose songs are aired." -§ion=BUSINESS&subsection=OC_REGION&year=2003&month=8&day=2.
"AROUND THE DIAL In Rush Limbaugh's world, he's always right. Whether you agree or disagree with him, the syndicated host has changed political discourse and radio during the past 15 years." -,1,5991367.story. Some tips on the history of talk radio. P.S. - This is Rush's 15th year and Bill Handel's 10th year; Rush on 8/1 and Bill in July.
"Electrons Tuning in to satellite radio's jukebox in the sky. Want to know what's playing on 101 stations? XM has a new personal computer unit that lists what's on practically anywhere and everywhere." -,1,7818442.story. In the paper they had pictures of the equipment.
"QUICK TAKES Pacifica stations to revisit Hiroshima.
To mark the 58th anniversary of the first atomic bombing, KPFK-FM (90.7) on Wednesday [8/6/03?] will air a dramatization of "Hiroshima,"...from 2 to 4 p.m...From 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, KPFK will broadcast related interviews from the Pacifica Archives..." -
"RADIO Alliance on the airwaves. In an unusual alliance between commercial and public broadcasters, classical station KMZT-FM (105.1) and news-and-talk outlet KPCC-FM (89.3) said Wednesday that they will promote each other on the air.
"Classical music and public radio news share a lot of listeners," said KPCC President Bill Davis. "This agreement allows both KPCC and K-Mozart to inform listeners about other radio services they value. It's a great opportunity for both stations."
The cross-promotion also will involve KMZT's sister station, KSUR-AM (1260), which plays pop standards." - Someone, like R&R, had this the other day.
Some headlines from where details cost:
+ "Rush celebrates 15 years in syndication expanding from 56 to 600 affiliates and changing the face of talk radio"
+ "Tom Leykis censored!"
+ "KABC Recall Radio continues this weekend"
+ "KFI shuffles weekends and names FBI profiler to staff" Sat 7-10p and see above.
+ "Major FOX/11 piece on Phil Hendrie last night"
"Know how many U.S. radio stations program Sport full time? The 12th edition of the M Street Directory shows 429 stations are full time sports stations. That's more than program classic rock! Need to know about other formats? Order the new M Street Directory. For info, CLICK HERE." - Where details cost at And, remember I don't usually mention sports radio.
8/1/03 - gone
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