- New 2003.5 KNX Drama Hour schedule. - ??Larry King (or Dodgers) Mo-Fr 8-9p KFWB 980 AM ||| KNX 1070 AM: KNX Drama Hour daily 9-10p,
"60 Minutes" Sun 7-8p,
"60 Minutes II" Wed 8-9p, Sat: Bush 7:06a, Dems 8:06a.
NPR streams & news |||
"Ask the
Mayor/Chief/School" Weds 10a KFWB 980 AM
9/2003 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns
& Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most
stuff before I do. So does
Radio Headlines which are updated instantly.
To save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p
means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight.
9/26/03 - Good bye for a while, at least 30 days. Then I could be gone for a year or two, on and off, and may not return to the L.A. area anyway. I'll try to check the message board, above, sometimes. Good listening all. When I do return to site building, it could be at
By mistake, Randy's radio column this week is at
9/25/03 - Tips.
"Entertainment: Radio 'Dreams' will be evolving on NBC.
By:ANN ZIVOTKSY - For the North County Times." By another writer and about TV this week. Bring back Randy Dotinga. -
"Dinner with Merrill. Merrill Shindler is a happy man.
You would be, too, if you were able to eat out every night and get paid for it..." Restaurant show, Sat, KLSX 97.1 FM, 5-7p?? Usually Sunday also, except during football season. Poor format -,1413,211%257E28464%257E1651049,00.html?search=filter.
"Talk Radio Critic Ends Up Stabbed. Three men, one of them well-known in Vietnamese community, argue over politics. Two are arrested..." -,1,2189998.story.
"September 26, 2003 Talk-radio executive moves back to news. By Steve Carney. AROUND THE DIAL: He helped propel Rush Limbaugh and Dr. Laura to their current heights and brought former Police Chief Daryl Gates, a gay couple and Jesus Christ to the airwaves at talk station KFI-AM (640). So should sober fans of straight news be dismayed that David G. Hall is taking over KFWB and KNX?..." That's all you get for free from the LAT site; see tomarrow's paper.
"September 26, 2003 Mideast responds to pop. By Steve Carney. RADIO: U.S.-backed Radio Sawa, which wraps music around news in Arabic-speaking lands, is scoring big ratings..." That's all you get for free from the LAT site; see tomarrow's paper.
Some headlines from, but who knows what they mean? Pay to play.
"Stay away from XM" - KFI's Jim Cramer" I may try it over the next year or so.
+"Sean Hannity in town...visits KABC and KFMB...goes 1-0n-1 with Arnold"
+"Radio jobs available"
"THE CGC COMMUNICATOR, CGC #593, Tuesday, September 23, 2003." - Hi-tech stuff like: "ABC NEWS RADIO USES WI-FI FOR HI-FI REMOTE FEEDS. ABC News Radio is using wireless Internet technology to deliver high quality broadcasts from remote locations without the need for telephone or broadcast lines. The ingredients consist of a laptop computer, a microphone and access to a
high-speed wireless Internet connection."
"Making Radio Waves. I read a href="">“Big Media’s Bamboozle” by Nikki Finke in the September 12–18 issue with much amusement. While she attempts to hide it with facts about political advertising, all she does is continue the leftist caterwauling about the proliferation of conservative talk radio and the absence of a liberal voice in that medium. Concise, clear thought is necessary to be successful on radio. And since most leftist arguments are so often not thought out but felt, there is little wonder conservative talk has boomed."
"It’s about time the conservative viewpoint was able to be stated without being shouted down by those who claim free speech is their primary concern. This is what most drives those on the left nuts. The conservative light has been turned on and the leftist roaches are now running."
"—Marvin Harris
Studio City" - Interesting letter, but something locked me up.
FYI - "$15,000 fine for sex chat on radio station.
Regulator fines owner of WKRZ 91.3FM after woman agrees to simulate sex act on air and talks about her sex life; DJ has been sacked. A FINE of $15,000 has been handed down to UnionWorks for raunchy content on its English radio station WKRZ 91.3FM. The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA), the industry regulator, announced the fine yesterday..." -,4386,211500,00.html?.'s tip. Does Singapore get it right?? What do you think??
"Adelstein: FCC 'Asleep At The Wheel' During HBC-Univision Merger Review. Says companies told two different stories. FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein (pictured) today said the FCC was "asleep at the wheel" when it approved the controversial merger of Univision and Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. During a luncheon address at the National Assn. of Black Owned Broadcasters' Fall Broadcast Management Conference, Adelstein said the companies themselves made the case that the marriage was bad for the public interest:..." -
"Phil Hendrie Offers Freebies To Fans. The Premiere-syndicated host is opening up the archives on his website at this weekend to non-subscribers, who'll have full access for a couple of days to a vast library of Hendrie clips and complete shows. Additionally, over the weekend the site will add download capability, so fans can keep MP3s of their favorite moments. When the promotion is over, the downloads will remain part of the regular $6.95-a-month subscriber package." - Mo-Fr, KFI 640 AM, 7-10p.
Remind me to look for the old CBS radio network. Where did it go? Maybe, "New York-based Viacom, owner of the CBS television network and the Infinity Broadcasting radio group..." -,1,486893.story.
"" - www.
"" - www.
"" - www.
9/24/03 - Tips.
Live, California gubernatoral candidates debate tonight 6-7:30p on the usual talk outlets. Try KFI 640 AM, KABC 790 AM, KFWB? 980 AM, KNX 1070, and the NPRish outlets like 88.5, 89.3, 89.9, 90.7, and/or 91.5 FM.
"For the health of it: Radio show offers help for diabetics. Bill Henry of Escondido knows how to take lemons and make lemonade ---- and then share it. Henry is the co-host of Diabetes Talk Radio, a new international Internet radio show that speaks directly to the needs and concerns of diabetics...The program broadcasts from 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesdays and is replayed from 10 p.m. to midnight, then is available anytime via the archives at the Web site" My hotlink -
"Public radio receives grant (09/24/03)" is all the LAT site gives you for free, but see page E3 for the story: Minnesota Public Radio gets $1.2-million from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for a new weekend show "Public Radio Weekend." The idea is to get more weekend listeners. The show may be available next summer or fall.
Someone at listened to the radio, or so it seems, with their headline: "How did LA Radio sound in afternoon drive yesterday? Take a drive with LARadio." For me, they spend too much space on stuff like who's the new assistant sales manager at KWHOCARES. Much like R&R and others.
"The two largest U.S. radio markets -- New York and Los Angeles -- couldn't be farther apart in terms of growth this year, with the Big Apple slumping along while the City of Angels is racking up some of the highest growth in the country... " More and a hot link at Larry's
FYI - "Minnesota Public Radio drops 'From the Top'... Minnesota Public Radio has canceled "From the Top," a nationally popular program showcasing young classical musicians. Through a combination of performances, interviews, comedic skits and games, the weekly show with host concert pianist Christopher O'Riley targets a youthful audience." May requires LONG, free regrestration -'s tip.
"Michael Powell: 'Once And For All, I Am Staying'" has, from the FCC chairman.
"HD radio. Could someone tell me briefly waht teh status is here? is hd radio around the corner?" More and comments at
9/23/03 - Tips.
"Amber Alert jump-starts swift response to child abductions. by ABIGAIL VAN BUREN. Dear Abby: Time is the enemy when a child is abducted. To help in the search, communities must mobilize quickly. That is why it's critical that every community have an Amber Alert plan. Understanding how it works may save a child's life..." -§ion=ACCENT&subsection=ACCENT&year=2003&month=9&day=23.
"Art Bell coming back from retirement." Oldish news, poor format -,1413,211%257E28461%257E1649234,00.html.
"Bush Backs Powell on Media Rules. WASHINGTON — President Bush, in an interview broadcast Monday, threw his support behind FCC Chairman Michael K. Powell and the rules he drew up that would relax limits on how big media conglomerates can grow..." -,1,7665296.story.
"Univision Gets Approval for Radio Merger. The FCC splits along party lines in a vote to allow the $3.25-billion deal with Hispanic Broadcasting..." -,1,1843950.story.
FYI - "Road Warriors Can Stay Connected Without Wires.
Wireless Internet access, walkie-talkie phones and in-flight e-mail help travelers stay busy..." -,1,2067807.story.
Some headlines at where details cost:
+ "Long Hall for David?"
+ "Roy Laughlin invites David G. Hall to admit mistake and return to Clear Channel"
As a followup on a column from last week: "Gordon Jump from "WKRP in Cincinnati" Dead. Gordon Jump, the actor who played the bumbling General Manager on "WKRP in Cincinnati", Arthur Carlson,... " -
FYI - "Also, Michael Reagan, the radio talk show host who's the adopted son of Ronald Reagan, has sold Twice Adopted, "his journey of being adopted into a famous family, suffering child molestation from a non-family member, and surviving to follow a wonderful faith journey."..." -
Kelsey Grammer of the 'Frasier' TV show will host the Hannity show for one day next week, but I missed the day. Check for details. Maybe he'll be on the show this Thursday and host Thursday next week??
FYI - "RADAR Reports Adds “At Work” Category Beginning with RADAR 78, RADAR reports will feature “at work” listening estimates.
The addition of this category was facilitated by the completed phase-in of diaries into the RADAR radio listening base. National Radio Services VP Bruce Supovitz commented, “Radio is the ideal medium for advertisers to reach all demographics in all locations, both in and out of home. Radio’s ability to reach consumers at work is unrivaled by any other broadcast medium.”..." -
FYI - "RADAR To Include At-Work Listening. The addition of at-work listening estimates will begin with RADAR 78 — the change is possible now that diaries have been phased into the RADAR radio listening base. Arbitron reports that radio reaches 27% of 18+ adults at work and 25% of persons 12+. Each weekday 71% of persons 12+ use radio in middays (10am-3pm), while 78% use radio in afternoon drive (3-7pm). Radio also reaches 81% of persons 18+ in their cars weekly." Said yesterday.
New Radio usually posts radio new almost daily, but this month they have only posted a few stories. What's up? - P.S. - Their site loads slowly, which could be a problem. I'd rather have fast than flash.
Jeff Levy, with a computer show on KFI, has also been doing a computer column on about Thursday in the Daily Breeze paper. Some of the columns may be available at, but it's not easy to find stuff on this site.
"Dragnet," on the KNX Drama Hour, maybe last week, they played the same show twice, like at 9p and 9:30p. Someone messed up, and they didn't say anything about it.
9/22/03 - Tips. I did find more stuff yesterday (the 22th.), but Tripod quit working.
Some headlines from where details cost:
+ ""David G. Hall is My Best Hire Since Robert W. Morgan and The Real Don Steele at KRTH" - Pat Duffy"
+ "David G. Hall's move from Clear Channel exec ranks to Infinity's KNX/KFWB has far reaching consequences"
+ "Will current KNX/KFWB management change with Pat Duffy/David Hall leadership?"
"ON Media RECALL RADIO MISFIRES...I checked the batteries in my radio, collected mass quantities of coffee and carbohydrates and settled in for the afternoon. In this column, I have been following the progress of the John & Ken show (KFI 640 AM, Los angeles, 3 - 7 pm weekdays) and that's where I set the dial..." -,186/2.html.'s tip.
"FCC approves merger of Univision and Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. WASHINGTON – The government approved Univision Communications Inc.'s $3.1 billion purchase of Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. on Monday, allowing the nation's largest Spanish-language media conglomerate to grow bigger yet..." -'s tip.
"F.C.C. Chairman To Leave? Matt Drudge is reporting Michael Powell, chairman of the Federal Communications Commision, "appears to be setting the stage for an exit." Drudge says this story is developing...." with hotlinks at
"" - www.
9/21/03 - Tips.
"Gary Lycan on radio." -§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=9&day=21.
9/20/03 - Tips.
Dr. Demento, live. "OCT. 26 - The Orange County Market Place will hold its sixth annual Trick or Treat Festival and fourth annual Halloween, Bug and Monster Classic Car Show from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.. There will be free trick-or-treating for children. World-renowned pumpkin sculptor Farmer Mike will be there. There will be a pumpkin patch, pumpkin-pie-eating contest and entertainment. The grand marshals will be radio's Dr. Demento and Ivonna Cadaver from Macabre Theater on KDOC-TV. The market place operates at the Orange County Fairgrounds." -,1,6465400.story.
"Art Bell returns to weekends on overnight radio show from Nevada. LAS VEGAS – Less than a year after retiring, Art Bell is returning as weekend host of the overnight radio talk show he founded about UFO sightings, arcane mysteries and conspiracy theories..." - See the last few days for local outlets.
"Art Bell Back, George Noory Stays, Barbara Simpson Out.
Premiere Radio Makes Changes At "Coast To Coast AM"..." -
"David G. Hall Makes News." -
"David Hall and KFWB / KNX." -
9/19/03 - Tips.
Art Bell talked with Bill Handel this morning on KFI 640 AM about why/how Art is returning to the air. Art said Robin Bertolucci, the new KFI pd, contacted Art and asked him to do a show for KFI. Art told Robin it would be just as easy for him to do a national show. Robin said she'd check and call Art back. So, some network guy called Art back, and Art said yes. Or, something like that. Art Bell, Sat and Sun, 10p-5a (5a the next day), KFI 640 AM. Probably, KOGO 600 AM in San Diego also.
Wi-Fi Hot Spots. Continued from yesterday, Intel posted hot spots for 9/25 at
History: from "Bio of a Ramblin' Man." "...[Woody] Guthrie's involvement with the pioneering L.A. radio station KFVD. A "sundowner" that went off the air at dusk, KFVD happens to also be the first radio home of Hunter Hancock, who is called "the West Coast's first R&B disc jockey" by the Doo Wop Society of Southern California." -
"Spanish-language TV network Univision set to expand its reach to radio. Univision, the nation's largest Spanish-language TV network, is on the verge of becoming a national player on the radio dial, a move that could have implications for the area radio market..." - Tip from
Satellite radio: "Sirius Car Trouble. If satellite radio is going to be the next big subscriber model winner, that movement is going to have to come from those sitting behind the wheel..." - Tip from
"David Hall Exits Premiere For Infinity/Los Angeles. Will become VP/AM Programming. R&R has confirmed that the 26-year radio veteran, who is currently SVP/Programming for the Clear Channel-owned network, will leave Premiere in the next two to three weeks to become VP/AM Programming for Infinity/L.A. In the newly created position Hall will oversee programming at News outlets KFWB & KNX. Prior to joining Premiere in January 2002, Hall's radio career included a decade at crosstown News/Talk KFI and five years as News Director at KFBK/Sacramento. When contacted for comment about Hall's pending arrival, neither KFWB GM Roger Nadel or KNX GM George Nicholaw would comment." - This is a strange use for such a talented guy.
"From www.coast[t] Art Bell Returns to Radio as Weekend Host of Coast to Coast AM. Press Release.
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 17, 2003– Art Bell, the radio personality known for his spontaneous and compelling conversations about all things unexplained, will replace Barbara Simpson as weekend host of Coast to Coast AM – the program he made famous. He will broadcast live from 1-5 a.m. ET Saturdays and Sundays with a refeed from 5-9 a.m. ET from his home studio in Pahrump, Nev., beginning Sept. 20.
Bell stated, “For me, a return to radio is both mysterious and reassuring.”
“We welcome Art back to the weekend microphone,” said Kraig Kitchin, president/COO Premiere Radio Networks. “His return reflects his long-standing bond with this audience and his undying passion for radio.”
Oh, and Art Bell will return to KFI/640 as of this Saturday. Odd man out is the station's only Liberal, Johnny Wendell.
" - with hot links.
9/18/03 - Tips. More Tripod problems today.
"September 19, 2003. Many still tuning in to 'WKRP in Cincinnati.' By Steve Carney. AROUND THE DIAL: The show, about the colorful characters at a small, struggling station, hit home for many who worked in radio..." That's all you get from the LAT site, their Calendar section, for free anymore. See tomarrow's paper.
"THE CGC COMMUNICATOR, CGC #592, Tuesday, September 16, 2003
" - High tech stuff.
"Turn on, tune in radio and watch out for emergencies. EL SEGUNDO: City officials hope to keep residents near LAX informed with new low-power AM station.
Once news of the 9-11 terrorist attacks reached the city of El Segundo, it didn’t take long for the rumors to swirl. The nastiest of them all: Anyone within 5 miles of Los Angeles International Airport would need to evacuate. Though it wasn’t true, city officials had little way of squelching the rumor and reassuring their panicked residents. Now that’s all about to change.
...The station — 1040 AM — has a range of 2 to 5 miles..." -
"New Zagat Listing: Wi-Fi Hot Spots...Computer chip giant Intel Corp. and the leisure class bible Zagat Survey have produced a guide to the best restaurants and hotels in America that offer wireless fidelity, or Wi-Fi, Internet access..." -,1,5303757.story.
9/17/03 - Tips.
Art Bell returns to the 'Coast to Coast' program he made famous, after almost nine months off, but only on weekends, starting this weekend, said George Noory last night. Art will air Sat and Sun overnights, probably from 10p-5a, and will replace Barbara Simpson, who has been hosting weekends. She will remain available to fill, but then Art and George usually fill for each other. KFI 640 AM currently only carries George weeknights, but will add Art, perhaps as early as this weekend. Otherwise, Art could be on KOGO 600 AM in San Diego, which carried Barb's and George's shows, and which I can usually receive in L.A. How long before Art returns to weekdays? Who knows? See for more.
"Art Bell Unretires ... Again. Bell has agreed to return to Premiere Radio Networks' Coast to Coast AM, but only as a weekend host, replacing Barbara Simpson. Bell will begin hosting the show on Saturdays and Sundays from 1-5am ET/10pm-2am PT from his home studio in Pahrump, NV on Sept. 20. “For me, a return to radio is both mysterious and reassuring,” Bell said. George Noory, who became the full-time host of Coast to Coast AM in February following Bell's retirement, signed a long-term contract with Premiere on Monday." Says R&
"The barking dogs of talk radio...," who could that be? -,1,2457022.story. Ken and John think it's them;
weekdays, KFI 640 AM, 3-7p. Tune in Thur for the car-tax recall show.
"Of roses and raspberries in radio? By:RANDY DOTINGA - For the North County Times. Once again, Hollywood will jump on the self-congratulation train and ride it into the homes of millions of Americans..." -
9/16/03 - Tips.
HD Radio/IBOC radio, whatever, here it comes? See Richard Wagoner's Friday column at -
"Transmitter Failure Knocks KVCR Off Air (09/16/03)" and "KVCR-FM, the Inland Empire's only National Public Radio outlet, was off the air for more than 11 hours Monday after a transmitter failure, said Larry Holden, interim general manager. The San Bernardino-based station, at 91.9 FM, went down about 5:30 ... more"
says the LAT.
The Recall. Need up-to-date info on the recall? Or, why you could be even more angry about it, tune to KFI 640 AM. Especially, 5-9a and 3-7p.
"The fastest growing syndicated radio program of all time?" asks, without an answer.
9/15/03 - Tips.
Gary Lycan's column, from yesterday -
"In the DJ world, this 'Oldie' is as good as new (09/12/03)." "By Steve Carney. AROUND THE DIAL: When he was among the first DJs in Los Angeles to play rock 'n' roll, Art Laboe was constantly surrounded by teen-agers, taking requests and playing their favorites." From the LAT.
How are the Talkers doing? Per this month's Arbitrons:
KFI steady, KABC and KLSX down, KNX (news) up, KFWB (news) and KMZT (classical) down, and KRLA up.
9/12-14/03 - busy
9/11/03 - Tips.
"Two-Way Talk Radio blasted into the Southland" is a headline I missed at where details cost. I know not of what he speaks, but isn't a lot of talk radio already two-way?
The newest L.A. Arbitrons could be up tomarrow at
9/10/03 - Tips.
"KPLS, Where AM Means "Adios Muchachos" and more:
"A way with ---- being an odd father. By: RANDY DOTINGA - For the North County Times;"
"FCC rules Stern's a news show:",1413,211%257E28461%257E1621275,00.html.
LAT: "KMZT questions competitor's agreement (09/10/03)." The CCC/USC ad thing.
LAT: "Where you can hear bands you haven't heard of yet (09/10/03)." Like: "Every Sunday night at 10, Samm Brown kicks off his KPFK-FM (90.7) show by stating: "The record industry is a worldwide $50-billion-a-year business. Los Angeles is its capital." But you wouldn't know that by listening to radio here. Station playlists are. . ." A list of few shows that play unsigned bands on L.A. radio.
"Airwave advantage might be fading out. As the California recall campaign moves into its final month, it continues to produce almost as many media surprises as political novelties..." -,1,6297246.story.
"FCC's Powell Takes Aim at His Critics. Meanwhile, 'Howard Stern' is allowed to give exclusive air time to Schwarzenegger..." -,1,5362438.story.
"ABC's 9-11 Anniversary" lists Try the other talkers/NPR also.
CGC newsletter: "THE CGC COMMUNICATOR, CGC #591, Tuesday, September 9, 2003. -">">
Leni Riefenstahl, a name few remember, at age 101, died 9/8/03. Reguardless of what you may think about her, she could make films. If you've ever seen her early films, like "Triumph of the Will," you won't forget. What could she have done in the last 70 years if she was free to do it? See,1413,200%257E20954%257E1621457,00.html and,1,5672288.story; maybe,1,1061350.story, but I don't agree.
9/8 & 9/03 - busy
9/7/03 - Tips.
"Gary Lycan on radio. By GARY LYCAN. George Putnam, pack your bags. Don Imus, maybe KRLA/ 870 AM wants you. You're both on the endangered-species list again in local radio thanks to KPLS/830 AM's owners selling to a company that will change the format to Spanish news and talk..." And more at
KNX 1070 AM:
7:00 PM 60 MINUTES - KNX simulcasts the CBS newsmagazine.
9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Lux Radio Theater" (one hour).
Episode: I Never Left Home
Synopsis: Dramatization of Hope’s book about his wartime entertaining the troops.
Guest stars: Bob Hope, Jerry Colonna, Frances Langford
Original airdate: 1-8-45
I didn't know Hope wrote a book.
9/6/03 - Tips.
working - It took me almost an hour just to enter a Tripod editor today.
Art Bell - Art, on Thur 9/4, mentioned it was Drudge on Sunday who mentioned something about Art restarting a radio show, and XM was mentioned. I didn't quite understand Art's answer, but he did say something like that Drudge didn't get the details correct. So who knows? By the way, Art does run his own radio station, with a music format I think, which could be used on a satellite service.
Kim Komando's computer show was NOT on KLSX, 7a, as usual. Who knows why?? And, it can take KLSX months to update their schedule on their site.
Kim was replaced by 'SKIN DEEP' with Dr. Jeannette Martello, Sat at 7-8a, with a site at She's a board-certified plastic surgeon, so this could be a hit show in face-city, L.A. The KLSX 97.1 FM site was already updated, but note that some programs are listed out of sequence.
Merrill Shindler's restaurant show is still on Saturday, 4-7p, but he was bumped from Sunday for the football season. That's KLSX 97.1 FM.
"September 6, 2003 A single focus for KABC's Braverman. By Steve Carney AROUND THE DIAL: The talk station's program director will no longer split duties with KSPN-AM too..." is all you can get at the LAT site for free. Also, minor KUSC, KPCC, and Newhart news.
Bob Newhart sold his radio station said the Daily News, but I can't find a link. This was in the LAT also.
"Mount Wilson FM Broadcasters: Treat Marketing Deals Like JSAs. Company President Saul Levine on Thursday filed a petition with the FCC that asks the commission to regulate marketing agreements between commercial radio stations and public radio stations as it would a joint sales agreement. The move comes in reaction to a recent announcement from Clear Channel that it would handle the underwriting needs for University of Southern California's noncommercial Classical KUSC/Los Angeles. Mount Wilson FM Broadcasters owns commercial Classical KMZT/Los Angeles..." -
"Bob Newhart sells his Santa Barbara station to local newspaper owner Wendy McCaw. Which apparently means that the sale of "K-Bob" KZNB (1290) needs either a waiver or the implementation of the FCC's June 2 rules." - where more costs.
9/5/03 - busy
9/4/03 - Tips.
"Appeals Court Blocks FCC's Bid to Relax Media Ownership Rules. PHILADELPHIA — In a stinging reversal for the Federal Communications Commission, a federal appeals court issued an emergency order Wednesday blocking far-reaching media ownership rules from taking effect as scheduled today..." -,1,5068709.story.
"Court's FCC Ruling May Delay Univision Deal. Wednesday's federal court ruling temporarily blocking the Federal Communications Commission's media ownership rules could further postpone the agency's long-delayed decision on Univision Communications Inc.'s $2.3-billion acquisition of Dallas-based Hispanic Broadcasting Corp., according to people familiar with the situation..." -,1,6869843.story.
"September 5, 2003. Without pictures, Playboy still draws. By Steve Carney. AROUND THE DIAL: A live satellite radio show about sex and relationships makes it to the one-year mark. Long-haul truckers are among its biggest fans..." See tomarrow's LAT paper.
"September 5, 2003. Radio station may be fined over alleged indecency. By Monty Phan. RADIO: WNEW of New York awaits an FCC ruling over the broadcast of supposed sex acts..." See tomarrow's LAT paper.
Some headlines at where details cost.
+"KFI Cooks Up Some Impressive NTR" [NTR below]
+"Bill Handel and Melinda Lee team up for close to $200,000 in Non-Traditional Revenue" [cookware?]
+"News/Talker offers free political ads" [KFI, KABC,?]
+"Pirate Radio at 1680 AM" [??see San Diego??]
+"Radio on the Right Goes Spanish" [KPLS?]
"Two Sirius Receivers Make Their Debuts. The satellite radio company has teamed with Kenwood to create the first dedicated home satellite radio receiver, which will be available at electronics stores throughout the U.S. starting next month..." - with free details.
Art Bell - "Art Bell is back from the beyond. Since leaving his late night radio show last New Year's Eve Bell has made just a handful of appearances on "Coast to Coast." But Bell will return for the next two nights as fill-in for host George Noory." -
Also, somewhere, someone mentioned Art could reinitiate his show; was it on satellite??
"Know how many radio stations are playing religious music this year? Hint: It's more than 600..." -
9/3/03 - Tips.
"Talk radio: All recall, all the time. By:RANDY DOTINGA - For the North County Times. The man on the radio did the usual things that talk-show hosts do. He greeted callers, broke for commercials, introduced the newscaster and recited the station's call letters, KOGO. And on it went for nearly three hours one afternoon last week, with only a break for a press conference on the city of San Diego's strippergate scandal. But the guy doing all the talking wasn't host Roger Hedgecock. Instead, he was Tom McClintock, the Republican candidate to replace Gov. Gray Davis if he's recalled..." -
Correction - "Radio show — The Counterpunch article in Monday's Calendar mistakenly listed the hours for Ken Minyard's show on KABC-AM (790) as weekdays from 6 to 9 a.m. He is on from 5 to 9 a.m." -,1,7805924.story. This corrects "A polite listener; does that count (09/01/03)," titled
Counterpunch, a new feature where a reader comments on something, which you can't read for free on the LAT site.
"THE CGC COMMUNICATOR, CGC #590, Wednesday, September 3, 2003" - Tech stuff.
"WNYC test signals potential revolution. WNYC is about to launch a series of tests that could, down the line, accelerate major changes in the landscape of over-the-air radio in America. The test is for a digital technology first dubbed IBOC, for "in-band on-channel," and increasingly called "HD Radio" for "high-definition radio," the radio equivalent of HDTV..." -'s tip.
"'John & Ken' in the news again. The afternoon talk team at KFI (AM 640) has been voted the #1 Los Angeles radio personalities by the readers of, the subscription website run by Don Barrett. A sample comment from the site:"
"Day in, day out, John & Ken come to play hard. Funny, topical, local. Listening to John & Ken is like listening to a live read of the New York Post, if the Post covered Los Angeles and California. They make local issues interesting and fun. Do they cross the line? Of course. But if you don’t occasionally cross the line, you have no business being in the second largest radio market in America..." -
"KPLS/Anaheim, CA Goes To Spanish News/Talk Upstart. For $37.5 million, Sherman Oaks, CA-based Radiovisa — led by Premiere Radio Networks founder and former Chairman/CEO Stephen Lehman — lands its first radio station by working out a deal with Catholic Radio Network for KPLS, which boasts a 50kw daytime signal that stretches from Tijuana, Mexico to Ventura, CA. KPLS's 20kw nighttime signal also covers much of the Los Angeles, San Diego and Riverside markets, and Radiovisa intends to use the station at 830 kHz as the flagship for its fledgling Spanish News/Talk programming..." From This was also reported below.
"Bulletin: Those FCC media ownership rules won't take effect tomorrow, after all. Surprise: The federal appeals court in Philly issues a stay of the FCC's June 2 media rules following two hours of skeptical questioning by a three-judge panel..."
9/2/03 - Tips.
"K-EARTH Gets Something New" and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday column -
""Ingraham starts KRLA's morning (09/01/03)" and "Conservative talk-radio host Laura Ingraham returns to the airwaves today with a new local affiliate, KRLA-AM (870), and a new time slot, morning drive. Her Washington, D.C.-based show begins airing 6 to 9 a.m. weekdays, leading off a lineup that..." offers the LAT for free.
Some headlines at where details cost:
+"KFI afternooners voted Best On-Air LARP of 2003" [John and Ken]
+"Laura Ingraham debuts yesterday at KRLA 870 AM and she promoted dial position as 790 AM"
+"KFI's money guy snubbed by Martha Stewart"
9/1//03 - holiday
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