I am so pleased and honored to have this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to Classical, a magazine devoted to the performing arts in Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas.  I commend your efforts to share valuable information about Southern Artistic genius and treasures. 

We cannot give too much support and encouragement to the arts and humanities.  Classical Magazine presents opportunities to share the many positive benefits of the performing arts with the world.  Inclusion of artistic expression in our educational environments and corporate suport for the arts afford tremendous opportunities for citizens of all ages and from all woalks of life to enjoy the resources and renewal only artistic expression and enjoyment can provide. 

On behalf of the citizens of the great State of Mississippi, I am proud to commend and congratulate all whose dedication and diligent efforts have made this dream a reality.  May God bless you. 

 With warm regards, 
Pat Fordice 
First Lady, 


As Governor of the State of Arkansas, it gives me great pleasure to applaud the efforts Classical Magazine for its dedication to the performing arts in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. 

I believe exposure to the arts, through dance, music, art and theatre, heightens the quality of life for all Americans and enriches our culture by providing an avenue through which the emotions of the human heart are expressed. 

Classical is uniquely devoted to strengthening the bridge between artistic excellence and economic success through increased cooperation between the performing arts and the global corporate community.  This relationship will be the catalyst for many exciting ventures for the arts in days to come. 

Again, it is my pleasure to support the goals of Classical magazine, and I hope it willhave a successful, enriching effect on the communities everywhere. 

 Mike Huckabee 
Governor, Arkansas


It is with pride and pleasure, on behalf of the citizens of Louisiana, to welcome Classical, the newest publication devoted to the performing arts in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Texas. 

I commend this unique collaboration among our performing art patrons and the corporate community for uniting economic success and artistic excellence. In Louisiana, the arts strengthen our communities, bridge our differences and celebrate our shared dreams.  The arts of music, dance, and theater contribute significantly to our state's economy and give voice and pride to all citizens. 

I wish you all the best for a successful Classical premiere and look forward to the magazine that will showcase the cultural richness in the south. 

 M.J. "Mike" Foster, Jr. 
 Governor, Louisiana

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