
You don't feel you could love me, but I feel you could...

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Privileged glimpses of the obvious, part II...except...

Blech! I am surfacing briefly from my dizzying interview schedule. Still have one to go before I'm done today. I may never go on vacation again. It just means endless catching up. Blech, verily I say.

However, just found this article showing that commercials embedded in violent and/or sexually explicit programs are less well remembered than those shown during 'neutral' programs. No big surprises there:

"One possible reason why sex and violence impair memory for commercials," according to Dr. Bushman, "is because people pay attention to sex and violence, thus reducing the amount of attention they can pay to the commercials. Another possibility is that sexual and violent content prompt sexual and violent thoughts. Thinking about sex and violence, instead of the commercials, could reduce commercial memory." More research in this area is needed before a definitive answer can be given on what is driving this effect, said Bushman.

Nothing novel about a) a limited resource model of memory or b) the attractiveness of sexual and violent images. Their conclusions however, give ammunition to the so-called pro-family groups who aim to eliminate this kind of programming. Don't sponsor these shows, advertisers, because nobody will remember your messages:
...The authors believe their research may deter advertisers from advertising on certain types of programming. "It is unlikely that moral appeals from parents and other concerned citizens will influence the TV industry to reduce the amount of violence and sex on television. The bottom line - profits - actually determines what programs are shown on television. If advertisers refused to sponsor them, violent and sexually explicit TV programs would be extinct."