
You don't feel you could love me, but I feel you could...

Saturday, July 06, 2002

Hell damn ass-monkey privateers

Well, it appears that my registration went through and ClothMother is officially part of the Google search engine now. Which means that through my association with Nedstat I can determine which search strings people enter that directly link to this site. (Those of you with your own sites already know this).

For some reason, someone was interested in Homer's Cinnamon Donut Breakfast Cereal, which I commented on here a few weeks ago.

Most disturbing string (so far): hard porno cartoon sprite . Obviously (well, to me) someone who wants to build a MOD for a first-person shooter or similar PC game that would change the imagery in the game to include..well, hard porno cartoons. (Go to Google and type in the string to see how that combination could possibly work here...certainly surprised me.)

I am all in favor of things that bring people here, because that's one of the reasons I started doing this in the first place. But this is one good reminder of who else is out there trolling the ether, and one reason why I won't post pictures or other identifying information about my family on this site. Brrrr.