
You don't feel you could love me, but I feel you could...

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Lots of love in the cockpit

Oh stop it. You know what I mean.

Took an alarmingly early flight out of Detroit (seeya!) this morning, four hours plus some to get to San Diego. I have been lied to by virtually everyone who lives here (that I met last time) because contrary to what I believe is law around here, it's been a cold and dreary beyotch of a day. (Not like in, say, Camelot..."The rain may never fall til after sundown, by eight pm the moonlight must appear, in short there's simply not a more congenial spot for happily-ever-aftering than heeere in Caaaaamelot." You know, that one).

Caffeine powered blogging, you ask? How did you know? I can feel my hair growing. And it makes a faint squeaking noise as the little hairs push on through.

But that wasn't what I came to talk to you about. I have been in that funny place again. You know the one. Where Lerner and Lowe lyrics come unbidden to my brain, and are actually appropriate to the story. Too busy to be believed. On all fronts. And it has led me to stop and smell the funny. (my new MO, see my post from a couple of days ago). All the usual haunts on the links page (no time to revisit them now! Okay, just one...also apropos of this little moebius-like posting: go find Mimi Smartypants, she has some very interesting things to say about the role of hypertext links as footnotes and how they have changed [or have the potential to change] the way we subreference material online, and therefore, how we read it. She also has something hysterical and quick to note about the use of the umlaut, which had I more smarts and more time, I would use to correctly spell "moebius").

But that's not why I'm here either, except that I got all jazzed skimming over all the other bloggy haunts and found myself suddenly wanting to bubble around here. In between work. Let's keep a close eye on the work.

Like I was telling NG this morning. On the plane, there are like four thousand children. Two boys to my left with their mom, kids about two or so. (Lots of diapers in mom's handbag). The overheard conversation was precious. Nothing that bears repeating, just wide-eyed kid commentary that makes you wonder how you ever got to be so old. Full flight, but smart boy that I am, I changed my seat at the last minute to the 25th row to get an aisle seat and be first on the plane. Smart boy. But it filled up anyway. To my right, a middle aged couple that took turns sharing that little blow-up neck pillow that looks (to me) to be surprisingly comfortable. Probably married for like ever. Holding hands most of the way. During the course of the flight, various babies with parents in tow wandering up and down the aisle to stretch legs and find interesting things near the back of the plane.

And the one grumbly bear in front of me, kept casting annoyed sidelong glances at the kids, for no reason than she expected to have the plane all to herself. Had to be. Why else would you get annoyed at these things? Aren't other people inevitable when you take any form of public transportation? And aren't some of those other people little and young and not schooled enough in the social graces to know that not everyone finds their stuffed orange tabby as entertaining as they do? So you deal. Or you work to find the good. But grumbly woman stood out noticeably because we seemed to all be enjoying the warm feeling so much. Maybe because we were on our way to Eden (not knowing ahead of time what a gyp it was going to turn out to be).

But the balcony door is open, and there's a pleasant fall breeze coming in, and it's making the work less taxing and here I am finding the good. Don't worry, the cynicism will return momentarily. For now let's just enjoy the breeze. And that little twitch in my leg courtesy of the good people at Starbucks...