
You don't feel you could love me, but I feel you could...

Thursday, October 03, 2002

Missing my blog lemurs

Half an hour away from another six hours of research. Remind me to tell you more about this one. I ordinarily don't get specific about work stuff (mostly cause it's got to be boring to the rest of the world...the only thing more tedious than marketing has to be marketing research, after all) but I've been having extended discussions with HIV-positive patients over the last two weeks, and this has to be one of the more rewarding things I do with my time. Talk about helping to put your life into perspective. Last week, I met a woman who has been positive for over ten years, describing the regimen she was on (about 15-20 pills per day, every day, without fail) and she was saying she felt blessed because this new regimen had dropped her viral load to undetectable and the nausea wasn't so bad anymore. Blessed. Spending time with these folks tends to change the meaning of lots of words in my vocabulary. And helps add new ones. More later.

Hurricane Lille has had no impact on my southerly travels, which I was half expecting (and half looking forward to), but it is cooler and breezier than I remember here in Hotlanta. Something whirl-windy this way comes, I can feel it. My tail is twitching...