
You don't feel you could love me, but I feel you could...

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

"Now is that any way to behave at a rock and roll concert?"
Jim Morrison

My ears are still buzzing from the Jethro Tull concert here at the Mann Center for the Performing arts.

Holy shit.

I found out quite by accident that Tull was going to be playing in town and bought the tickets while still in Santa Fe. God bless the internet and obsessive fan sites like this one to bring us such news. Now I've gone on and on about Ian and the boys before, but let me just say these old guys sure know how to put on a show. I wish LK could have been here to see this one.

I was not the oldest one in the audience, surprise of surprises. It was actually a rather scintillating cross-section of people, ranging from the "folks in the band" age range (50s-60s), us thirty-somethings, a few kids (and wee kids: at least a handful of the ten and under set). And all this on a school night! (for me).

Now, lest this site become ClothMother's Music Reviews: The Classics to Classic Rock! I'll just encourage anyone with even a passing interest in this band to take in a show if it comes to town. Best money I've spent in a long time. With 35 years of material to draw from, they managed to run the gamut, with some startling new interpretations and medleys of old favorites, and some of the most skillful flute playing you'll find. Like a liquid silver rapier. What emotional range. Damn fun time.

PS to the rowdy asshole to my left who began yelling "Aqualung!" right after the opening number: You dick. Anyone who has ever been to one of these things knows the band ends the main set with that song, followed by the encore which will include (at least) Locomotive Breath, at least one other, and will close with Cheerio. Have another beer. Dick.

Best overheard conversation
The cover artist was a fellow named Willy Porter (never heard of him, but I hear he gets quite some play on XPN, the best college radio station ever). The folks to the right of me were fans, and right after the opening set Boyfriend dashed off to pick up one of the CDs on sale. Boyfriend comes back, CD in hand, signed by the musician, and shows it to Girlfriend:

"Take a look at this. Signed by Willy Porter himself. I even shook his hand"
"Shit! Where was I?"
"Sitting right here. "
"Shit! I can't believe it!"
"Want to go meet him? He's still up there signing autographs."
(Pause) "Nah."

Way to get over your disappointment.

I have to go to sleep now. Cheerio.