
You don't feel you could love me, but I feel you could...

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

We Love Arnold Dot Com

It does not get any better than this. This combines the cringe factor of reality TV with the blinding witlessness of actors who believe that they might actually be able to perform an appendectomy because they once played a surgeon on the tube. I give you Arnold for Governer.

This site has some priceless quotes from the man himself. A pity they haven't been more systematic at cataloging the dates. Here is just a smattering:

Arnold Speaks On the Status of Women

"But no one that has been around me would believe that a woman would be complaining about me holding her."

"It was a handful. I never know if my wife’s watching. I’ll tell her it was a stuntman." [after touching British TV host's breast on air]

"The women should have the choice. The women should decide what they want to do with their bodies. I'm all for that." [on abortion]

"Now, I would just like to say thank you very much to my wonderful wife, who is the greatest wife in the world and the greatest friend that I have -- I want to thank her for being here with me, for being such a great partner, and Maria if you don’t mind to say a few words also, big hand for my wife Maria!" [announcing his candidacy]

"Your daughter has a great butt" [to Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Arnold's future mother-in-law, shortly after meeting Maria]

"Any woman who thinks, 'My biological clock is ticking and I want a baby and it doesn't matter if I have a husband or not' -- well, without running anyone down, that is a mistake."

[discussing a scene in T3, in which he pushes the female cyborg's face into a toilet bowl] "I saw this toilet bowl. How many times do you get away with this -- to take a woman, grab her upside down, and bury her face in a toilet bowl? I wanted to have something floating there ... The thing is, you can do it, because in the end, I didn't do it to a woman -- she's a machine! We could get away with it without being crucified by who-knows-what group."

[after Sylvester Stallone invited him to join an all-male club]"I told him it was the worst thing he could do. That we're living in a very sensitive time period, when women were struggling for equality. I said I didn't agree with half the stuff they were talking about, but a club like that would offend every smart woman in the country."

"As much as when you see a blonde with great tits and a great ass, you say to yourself, 'Hey, she must be stupid or must have nothing else to offer', which maybe is the case many times. But then again there is the one that is as smart as her breasts look, great as her face looks, beautiful as her whole body looks gorgeous, you know, so people are shocked."

People are shocked all right. Strap yourselves in.