Chapter 90 - "Closet Monsters"

		***Sam’s View***
	I woke up that morning at almost ten, & to my surprise, the phone hadn’t rang yet. Luckily, he hadn’t gone out
of his way to call when they were recording, but now that they were done, I figured he would call. But I guessed that they
were all tired from recording all week. So, I decided to call him. 
	“Hello?” Isaac mumbled. “NO! This is not Hello! What, are you cheating on me now with this Hello?” I
demanded, trying to sound outraged. “Hey Sam. I’ll get Tay,” he said coolly. “Now, who said I wanted to talk to Taylor?” I
questioned. “Uh, I dunno. Bob Dole?” “Bob Dole wants to speak with a certain Jordan Taylor Hanson,” I said, imitating the
senator. I heard Isaac walking around the house, calling, “Jordan! Jordan!” Then I heard Taylor’s voice. “Why the fuck are
you calling me that?” he questioned. “That’s just what Bob Dole called you. Here.”
	“Hello?” Taylor answered. “Hello Jordan. Bob Dole wants to know if Jordan wants to go to Sam’s house,” I said.
“Sure, SAMMY,” he taunted. “Fine then, TAYLES.” “Bye,” he said & hung up. 
	Quickly, I changed into some oversized clothes & cleaned up. I put a little powder on just as the doorbell rang.
“Have you talked to Amanda or Jason yet?” was the first thing I said. “Yesterday. Why?” “Cause. Last night we snuck out,
went over to Ashley’s house & wrote ‘YOU SUCK’ on his house in mud!” I exclaimed. “What?!? Are you serious?” “Yes!
Dead serious! I wonder if they found it yet,” I said to myself. “Probably. How bout we go check?” he suggested. “Sure! But
we better call some people. Bet Jason & Amanda wanna see too.” “Yeah. Plus, you never know who could be over there.
Brad, even,” Taylor agreed. 
	After a half hour, Jason, Amanda, & Mat had shown up. Mat had woken Jason up at eight for some reason that
neither of them could make sense of, so he tagged along. They’d brought their blades with them so we could make a fast
getaway if they knew it was us & tried to get us. I grabbed mine & we headed over to the Hansons’  to get Taylor’s blades. 
	When we got to Taylor’s, he warned us to stay outside while he got them, he said that Zac & his mom were still
cranky & the kids were going wild. Ike was over at Krissy’s, & his dad was talking to the people working on the album. So,
we patiently waited on the porch. We could hear the kids creaming from inside the house. We figured that Diana had
given up on trying to quiet them down & just let them wear themselves out. 
	After a few minutes Taylor returned & he strapped on his blades. Then we raced back to Ashley’s. I could barely
remember the way there, so I just followed Taylor, who stayed in the lead. Jason brought up the rear, and Mat, Amanda &
I fought for second place. When we finally arrived there, the mud had been removed, but you could still, just barely, see
the “YOU SUCK”. “Oh my God, it sank into the paint!” Amanda exclaimed. “Whoa,” Mat marveled. “Cool. Now the
whole world will know that Ashley really sucks,” Taylor said. “Himself,” I added. 
	We didn’t want to stick around, so we decided to go to McDonalds. Jason & Mat had a few bucks, so we agreed
that they’d pay now, & we’d pay them back a little later. When we got there, we each got a cheeseburger & a super fry.
They made me stay up at the counter while they found somewhere to sit. When I got back with the food, they were seated
around a four-chair table. “Dammit! You don’t get food till I get a place to sit!” I exclaimed. “Get a chair!” Mat joked.
“Does it look like I have three hands?” “Here,” Jason said & took the food. “Now get a chair!” “Ugh!” I groaned & trudged
over to get a chair. “OK, move,” I commanded. Everyone scooted around the table to make room for me. & plopped down
between Mat & Amanda. 
	We all scarfed down our cheeseburgers & got up to leave. Luckily, the people didn’t mind that we kept our
blades on in there. We got a large Pepsi & headed back. We decided to stop at Jason’s, since no one was home. Chris had a
baseball game & his whole family went. Usually, the games were in the evening, but this was the only time the game could
be scheduled. 
	Although Jason had said that no one was home, we heard loud music blaring as soon as we got inside. It
sounded like Hole, but I wasn’t sure. “Sounds like Claire’s back early,” Jason groaned. “Where was she?” Mat asked. “Out
partying with her boyfriend. She said she wouldn’t be back till this evening, but I guess not,” he said. “C’mon, we better
leave her alone & go downstairs,” Jason said, leading the way. 
	“Sam, don’t be scared, it’ll be OK, nothing will come out & bite you,” Taylor reassured me. “What, like in your
room?” I joked. “Hey, don’t diss our closet monsters!” he exclaimed. “You don’t have any closet monsters, Taylor. They all
died from your stinky socks,” Amanda said. “Oh yeah, my bad,” he mumbled. 
	“This, is my infamous room,” Jason presented, flicking on the light. The walls & carpet were white, & it wasn’t
very clean. Not as messy as my or Taylor’s rooms, but not spic-&-span, either. There was a stereo on the wall opposite his
bed, & a couch against another wall. Jason plopped down on the bed, & Amanda & I sat down on the couch. Taylor seated
himself in the recliner across from us & Mat joined Jason on the other side of the bed. “So, what’re we supposed to do
now?” I asked. Jason shrugged. Taylor stood up & turned on the radio. ‘Peaches’ by the Presidents of the USA was on.
“Yeah!” Mat & Jason exclaimed at the same time. Taylor blared it & they sang along. “Must be a guy thing,” Amanda
muttered. “Uh huh,” I agreed. 

Chapter 91- "School Days"

		***Sam’s View***
	The next morning, which was the first day of ‘school’, I woke up around
six. I knew I didn’t have to wake up that early, since we didn’t start till nine, but
I wanted to be ready, just in case. I quickly washed up & got dressed, so I was
ready by about seven thirty. I had pencils & paper, so I had nothing else to do. I
called Taylor. 
	“Hey,” he answered. “I’m bored. There’s nothin to do. I’m used to going
to class at eight,” I told him. “Well, you can some over here. Me & Ike are all
ready, & everybody else almost is. We’re just gettin something to eat,” he said.
“Um, OK. I’ll be over in ten.” “K.”
	I put the finishing touches on my hair & walked to the Hansons’s. It was
already getting hot, and there was just barely a breeze. I knew it would be hell
by noon. I got to the front door & rang the doorbell. In a matter of seconds, Ike
answered the door. “Hey, c’mon in,” he greeted me, stepping aside. “Hey. You
guys’ll hafta explain this whole home-schooling thing to me, I’m still not
completely filled in,” I told him, walking in. “It’s not too difficult to understand.
Just go with me, Tay, & Zac & there’s not much more to know. I think me & you
are the only ones with new books, they use the old ones so we save money. Dad
gives us the lessons for the day,” he informed me. “What about stuff like gym &
crap?” I asked. “Well, we hafta keep track of that. Since you’re on the volleyball
team-” “I’m not sure yet,” I interrupted. “Hey!” Taylor greeted us, walking into
the room. “Well, you probably are, so you can list that. But we still hafta take
tests & crap like that,” he said. “Crap like what?” Taylor asked. “She was askin
bout phys. ed.,” he told him. “OK. It’s a cinch, don’t worry bout it,” he assured
me. “And the other classes, didn’t you say you were taking those French Horn
lessons?” Taylor asked. “Actually, they haven’t started yet, but I found out that
I’ll be taking it along with a class. They start when school starts, I’ll be taking
them along with the class at the middle school, like a student there,” I told him.
“Well then yeah, that’ll count as another credit,” Ike told me. 
	“Well, it’s an hour till we start, so why don’t we check & see if there’s
anything good on?” Taylor asked, grabbing the remote. “Sure, I ain’t got nuthin
better to do,” I agreed, plopping down next to him. Ike sat on the other side of
me, & Taylor started surfing. “Wait wait wait! Go back!” I exclaimed. “Huh?
OK,” he said, going the other direction. “No! Down one!” He did as I said. “Yes!
Half a mile from Tucker Cherry’s farm....” I sang along. “Bryan White? You like
him?” Ike asked. “Not now. Rebecca Lynn,” I hushed him, then continued
singing. “Great. Here we go...” Taylor sighed. 
	When the song was over, I sat back & grinned. “I love that song.” “I can
tell. So you just can’t be interrupted during that song, huh?” Taylor asked. “Not
during any Bryan White song. He just rules, so don’t try to talk to me when one
of his songs is on, K Ike?” I asked him. “Oh, that explains it,” he mumbled. “Isn’t
he from around here?” I asked. “Not from Tulsa,” Taylor said. “No, I mean from
okie-town,” I told him. “Uh, OK...” Ike muttered. “That means Oklahoma, Isaac.
Can you say, ‘oak-ee-town’?” I urged him, talking in a little-kid voice. “No,” he
told me. “Uh, I think he’s from Oklahoma, form what I know,” Taylor said. 
	“Hey, whatcha watching?” Jessie asked, walking into the room. “Um, not
Garth Brooks,” Taylor groaned, switching channels. “Ain’t he from okie-town
too?” I asked. “Uh, I have no idea. Ask him,” Isaac said. “Oh, sure, I’ll just call
him up now. Do you mind if I use you phone?” I asked sarcastically. “No prob.
I’ll get it,” Jessie said, heading for the door. “No, nevermind,” I told her. She
looked at me strangely, but came back. 
	Kay & Troy arrived a little later, bringing some pencils & paper with
them. Kay sat down by Jessie & Troy ventured out to find Zac. Taylor warned
him that Zac had woken up late & wasn’t in too good of a mood, but Troy
ignored it & went to get him. 
	Zac & Troy joined us a little later & claimed the remote. Taylor finally
gave in after Zac threatened to destroy Taylor’s notebook. Of course, we ended
up watching some sci-fi show that no one but Zac understood, but it didn’t last
for long because by then it was almost time to start ‘class’. 
	To avoid distraction, Diana taught the kids in the dining room & we got
the TV room. Walker gave me my text books, which, like Ike told me, were
brand new. He gave us each a paper that had our lessons on it, & by age, he’d
give us more detailed instructions. He started with Zac & went up by age. He
said that he probably wouldn’t have to help any of us too much, cause they’d all
heard the lessons given to eachother. But, since Taylor & I were studying the
same things at the same time, he said that we could help eachother out, so his
work would be cut down a lot. But, because he still had to go to work, he told us
that he’d probably have to hire a tutor to help teach us. 
	Classes ended late that day, according to Taylor. He said that usually they
went on until about eleven, when that day they ended around one. Since Diana
thought that Mackie had an earache since he’d been crying all day, she
suggested that we all got out of the house for the day. Zac & Troy went over to
Chris’s, Ike went over to Krissy’s, Kay & Jessie went over to Amy’s, & Taylor & I
volunteered to bring Avie along with us to my house. 
	When we got to my house, we decided to call Jason. We invited him over,
& he called Mat to tell him while we called Amanda. At the very moment I got
off the phone with Amanda, the phone rang. It was my mother who called to tell
me that they’d be home the next morning around eight. I told them that we
wouldn’t see them for very long because we had class. Of course, I was going to
try to get all of us out of the house before they got back. 

Chapter 92- "My So-Called Life"

		***Tay’s View***
	Once Jason, Mat, & Amanda joined us, Avie had already gotten us into a
game of ‘Chutes & Ladders’. We tried to make the game go as slowly as possible
because Avie absolutely hated losing. When they finally arrived, we had an
excuse to stop the game. Amanda told Sam that she’d found out about the
volleyball team. They weren’t on the same team, but she said that Sam was on
the same team with someone named Jade. Jason told us that Avie could go over
to see Julie because Claire was watching her & they hadn’t seen eachother for a
long time. So, we all walked over to Jason’s. 
	Sure enough, Claire was there watching Julie. Chris, Zac, & Troy were in
the backyard playing Dead Man. Claire agreed that she’d watch them until six,
because then she had a date. But we figured that by then Mom would be up to
taking care of them, so we agreed. Then, we all headed back to Sam’s. 
	There wasn’t much else to do, so we all decided to go on the Internet. Sam
said she had some stuff on there that she had to check up on, so we joined her.
First, she checked her mail. She had an email from someone called Snazzy,
which read, 
	‘Yo Cookie--
		Sup? Sux bout them havin 2 do the album again. They done yet? The
Savage Garden album’s comin around OK from what I hear. Actually, I haven’t heard
much about it at all. But it won’t be done for quite a while, I think they’re still pickin out
songs 2 go on the album. But I’ll B sure that U’ll get it when I do! 	-4eva Snazzy’
	“Them having to do the album again? Sam, is there something you need
to tell us?” I asked. “Well, I just told her bout you guys recording an album &
that I’d send her a copy when it was done. What’d you expect?” she asked.
“Hmm. I dunno.”
		Well, Taylor, Jason, Mat, & Amanda are over here now (a buncha
weirdos, don’t ask me how they got here). U betta tell them Savage Garden p-pul 2 get
their asses in gear w/ dat album!!! Taylor just said that he’ll make sure U get the album.
But I don’t even have a copy yet, so don’t hold your breath! j/k. Hey, I gotsta tell ya
sumthin real quick. If you’re ever in the chat & you see anyone named SPELLCHECK or
SLEEPINGSTAR, tell them that M+M sayz hi. If U C Sweetguy15, tell him that I said
hi, 2. We chatted a little last time I was on there, & I emailed him.		-Da Cookie
	“Cookie monster, hmm, has a ring to it,” Mat mumbled. “I am da Cookie
Monster. Hasta la vista, baby,” Jason imitated The Terminator. “Whatever, you
guys. Anyway, Cookie Monster’s the man, I mean, the MAN! He gots them
googly eyes...” Sam trailed off. “Um, OK Sam. You can drool over the big blue
guy if I get Leo,” Amanda told her. “Fuck, girl, you can have him! I couldn’t
give a shit. He’s too old for me, anyway. Too tall, too. I read somewhere that he
was almost six foot,” she told her. “Damn,” Amanda whistled. “OK you guys,
enough of this DiCaprio gossip, let’s do something everyone can enjoy,” Jason
grumbled. “Um, Jason, I don’t know what you were expecting...”Mat trailed off.
“Ew! Mat!” Amanda exclaimed. “For God’s sake, Mat, are you just constantly
perverted?” I asked. “Ain’t my fault! Blame ‘The Cookie Monster’. All those
damn episodes of Sesame Street got to my head, er, I mean, brain,” Mat
	“Well, let’s not just sit around! How bout we chat?” I asked. “Sounds
good to me. Where?” Sam asked. “Let’s go somewhere that you’ve been to
before, but you’re only gone there a few times,” Amanda said. “Sure. Let’s see...”
she trailed off, trying to think. Eventually, she came up with a chatroom &
logged on as BillyBob. “Why’d you sign on as a guy’s name?” Jason asked.
“Maybe there’s something we don’t know about her,” Mat suggested. “I think
not. You guys haven’t met Bill & Bob yet, have you?” Sam asked. “Um, do I
actually want to meet Bill & Bob?” I questioned. “Sure you do! Bill & Bob rule!”
Sam exclaimed. 
	We chatted for more than an hour when we finally got kicked off. We just
couldn’t help but get on people’s nerves. We got off the ‘net & headed back
down to Sam’s room. “Now, you must meet Bill & Bob,” Sam insisted. “Um, I
think it’s time for me to go home,” Mat said, turning toward the door. “Nuh-uh,
I don’t think so,” Amanda said, pulling him back. “If we hafta meet them, you
do too,” Jason agreed. “OK, now,” Sam said, pulling two blankets covered with
animal designs off her bed. “This is Bill. Bill’s a regular sheet with no elastic.
This is Bob. Bob has elastic. Say hello to Bill & Bob,” Sam commanded.
Reluctantly, we all said hello to the blankets. 
	At ten till six, we walked back to Jason’s. We finally convinced Avery to
come with us back home, but she made us promise to take her back the next day.
When we got back, Jessica & Kay were there, so Mom said we could leave if we
wanted to because Jessie would watch Avie. So we all headed back to Sam’s. 
	No one had to leave until eight, so we flipped back to MTV once we were
in Sam’s room. The new video from Coolio was on, so we watched that. Since it
was only about seven, we decided to have a video-fest. When there was a
commercial or a video we didn’t like, we flipped on the radio. 
	Amanda, Mat, & Jason all left at eight. I called my parents & they said I
had to be back by nine. We headed back downstairs, but videos weren’t on
	“My So-Called Life! It’s on! It’s the first episode too! Omigod, have you
seen this yet?” Sam exclaimed, making herself comfortable on the bed. “A little.
What’s all the hype about, it’s a show that got canceled?” I asked, sitting down.
“It’s not just a show! It’s the best thing that ever aired! Now shut up & watch!”

Chapter 93- "Sports Fanatics"

		***Sam’s View***
	When My So-Called Life was over, I walked Taylor home. “So, did you
like it?” I asked. “Like what?” was his reply. “The show, stupid-ass. You hardly
said a word the whole time it was on. Did you like the show?” “It was OK, I
guess. It’s a little old,” I glared at him, “but it’s still cool.” “Good. Then I guess
you wouldn’t mind watching it tomorrow too, then,” I said. “I could probably
live through it. Besides, I kinda wanna see what happens.” I grinned. Maybe he
had somewhat good taste after all. 
	When we got to his house, everyone was back home. And, for once, they
all seemed to be in a good mood, too. I could only stay for a few minutes though,
because I had to get back and watch the kids, and Taylor had to do the dishes. 
	The next day, I made sure to get the kids up a little earlier. I wanted them
to leave with me over to the Hansons so that none of us would have to face our
parents. I just hoped that they would be gone before the lessons were over for
the day. 
	At a quarter to eight, I walked Kay & Troy over to the Hansons. Sure
enough, Ike & Taylor were already in the TV room. Troy went to find Zac & Kay
searched for Jessie. “Well, what’s on?” I asked, plopping down on the couch.
“Absolutely nothing. It’s like flashback day on MTV & VH1, news, sports
reviews, even the Spanish channel is some stupid show. Spanish soap operas
don’t start till like ten,” Ike groaned. “You guys aren’t watching sports? God, I
don’t know one guy who isn’t a sports fanatic,” I said. “Well, now you know
two,” Taylor told me. “Not that we don’t like sports or anything, we just-”
“Don’t like to watch them if we’re not playing,” Taylor finished for Ike.  
	Lessons ended around one again, but Walker said that at this rate, by the
end of the week we’d be done by around noon. He said that the only reason it
was taking so long was because we all weren’t used to it. But he said that in
about a month, it would seem like second nature to us. 
	After lessons were over, we stayed there for a while. Mackie wanted
Taylor to give him a piggyback ride, then Avie wanted one too. So for about a
half hour, Taylor & I had turned into their horseys. Luckily, Zac turned up, so
we turned them over to him & escaped. 
	We got to my house at around two. There was a not from my parents
saying that they’d be back again on Thursday. We called Jason, Mat, & Amanda
& they said that we could all go to Jason’s. No one was home there, so we could,
as he put it, “Party down!” 
	When we got there, Mat was already there &  Amanda was on her way.
Jason & Mat were kicking a soccer ball around the yard, so we jumped on in.
Amanda showed up after a few more minutes, so we had uneven teams.
Luckily, then Zac, Troy, & David showed up, so we could all split up into even
teams. Mat, Amanda, David, & Troy were on one team while Jason, Zac, Taylor
& I were on the other. 
	The game ended around 3:30 because everyone eventually lost count of
the score. Troy, David, & Zac stayed at Jason’s while we went back to my house.
I served everyone drinks & found some frozen pizzas in the freezer for all of us
to eat. I threw them in the oven & everyone relaxed in the living room. Everyone
but Taylor had to be back by eight again, & Taylor had to leave at the same time
as the night before. 
	We talked & watched TV till eight, then Amanda, Mat,  Jason went home
& me & Taylor headed downstairs for another episode of My So-Called Life.
Troy & Kay were home & Troy was going to take over the TV for Nintendo
because he claimed that the color on his TV didn’t work right. We didn’t really
mind getting kicked out, we wouldn’t have to put up with them in my room. 
	Again, after My So-Called Life, I walked Taylor home. Everyone was
watching some show in the TV room, so I didn’t get a chance to chit-chat with
anyone, although Jessie & Avie asked if Kay could stay at their house the next
day. I told them that I’d talk to Kay about when I got home & left. 
	When I got back, I asked Kay if she wanted to stay at the Hansons the
next day after class & she agreed. I told her she had to be back by six, & she
complained a little, but told me that she’d be back by then.