Chapter 94- "Nintendo Addicts Anonymous"

		***Tay’s View***
	The rest of the week was pretty much the same thing, I’d go over to Sam’s
after class, sometimes Amanda, Jason, & Mat would show up for a while, we
watched My So-Called life, & then I went home. Sam found out from her mom
that her band class started when public school started, since she’d be playing
with the local school band. The school had been glad to let her in to the class,
they were short on French Horn players. Her French Horn classes were
scheduled from 12:00-12:50 at the middle school. It was no problem, because the
school was only about 20 minutes to walk there, & by then, class would be
getting over around eleven. 
	Mom & Dad said that we were skipping weekend classes now, since Sam,
Troy, & Kay weren’t used to that yet. She said that after about three months we
could go back to usual. I really didn’t want to go to class on weekends, I was
already getting used to having breaks. 
	That weekend, everyone but Sam & I was getting school supplies, so we
hung out. Of course, I had to keep my ritual & call Sam in the morning, or else
she’d forget about it. 
	“Hello?” Sam groaned. “Hello, Avon calling?” I said in a perky voice.
“Avon? Is that gibberish for Taylor?” she asked. “No, gibberish for Taylor is
GOOD MORNING!” I said & hung up. I checked the clock; 8:12. I guessed that
she’d be over in about twenty minutes, so I had to get ready. I had just woken
up a half hour ago & still hadn’t done anything but eat breakfast. 
	Sure enough, in a little more than fifteen minutes, Sam was at the door. I
told Avie to answer the door & told her to tell Sam that I was gone. But I
shouldn’t have trusted Avie to that, I knew she was a horrible liar. In a few
minutes, Sam was outside the bedroom. “Avon lady, come out with your hands
up!” Sam yelled, banging on the door. “I shall never surrender!” I yelled back.
“Then I shall have to knock the door down!” she told me, & started banging
harder. “Oh, fine then!” I exclaimed & opened the door. 
	She came in & plopped down on Zac’s empty bed. “Make yourself at
home,” I mumbled. “Where’s Zacerino?” Sam asked. “I have no idea. Probably
at Janie’s or Chris’s, but he’ll be home soon, knowing how late they sleep,” I
said. “Hey, they sleep like normal people. No sane, or insane, for that matter,
person should be awake at this hour,” Sam groaned. “Oh, stop whining & help
me put Zac’s bed away, the dumbass was in such a hurry he forgot,” I told her,
pulling her up. 
	After we had Zac’s bed put away, we walked downstairs. Ike & Mom
were getting breakfast ready for the kids. “Dad still asleep?” I asked. “Uh huh,”
Mom answered. “He usually sleeps late on weekends,” I told Sam. “Like any
other person should,” she answered. “Well, after we get the kids breakfast, you
guys can all go wherever, but not yet, OK?” Mom asked us. “Yeah, sure, OK,” I
	Ike & Mom finished giving the kids breakfast, then we headed over to
Sam’s. Troy was in the living room playing Nintendo & there was a note from
Kay that said that she was over at a friends’ house. Sam told Troy to go get
dressed, so he did, but he left the game on. It was Super Mario World, & Sam
couldn’t resist. Troy was stuck at the Ghost House in the Vanilla Dome. Sam sat
down & took a controller. Quickly, she beat the Ghost House. Then, she restarted
the game & put it on two player. “Here,” she said handing me a controller. Sam
started it on the game that had barely even been started, they were still on
Yoshi’s Island. 
	Troy came out & complained, but Sam replied that it was everyone’s
Nintendo, not just his. He griped for a little while longer, but then saw that there
was no way that he could win. He mumbled something about going to Chris’s &
	Before we even noticed, it was noon. We made it to the Forest of Illusion
& were stuck at the castle & fortress. Sam hadn’t made it to special world yet, &
she said she didn’t want to go back until she had the castle beat. Just as I entered
the “Rhino Room”, as we called it, the phone rang. “You play, I’ll get it,” she
said. “Ya think?” I joked. 
	“Hello?” Sam answered. I hit one Rhino off. “Hey Amanda!” she
exclaimed. Two Rhinos off. I hopped onto one of the ledges. “God, me &
Taylor’ve been playing Super Mario World for a good three hours!” I jumped &
knocked one off, then the other. “Got it!!!” I exclaimed. “Great! Now I don’t have
to walk all the way back just to get to Star World, thanks man!” Sam exclaimed. 
	In the next half hour, neither Sam nor I could get past the fifth castle or
the last star world. Since we’d already saved our progress, we turned off the
game, because we weren’t getting anywhere. “Oh, you got Uniracers?” I asked,
picking up the game. “Uh huh. Hey, you got any music requests? I still have my
CD box up here at the computer,” she said. “Um, huh,” I mumbled, searching
through the box she put in front of me. “How bout Coolio?” I asked. “OK, Coolio
it is!” she exclaimed. She took the CD & started it in the computer, putting it on
	All the bikes had been named after Troy’s friends, since he was the last
one who’d played it, so Sam went through & deleted all of them. We finally
agreed that Sam could have black & I could have red, so we named some other
bikes for our friends, & the rest got names like ‘poop’ or ‘buttface’. 

Chapter 95- "Pizza, pizza, pizza"

		***Sam’s View***
	We played Uniracers for a few hours before the skin on both our thumbs
had been practically worn off. Amanda called to remind me that we had practice
the next day. It was a good thing too, because I’d nearly forgotten. Taylor had to
get home before five, so he could only stay for another half hour. Kay got home
before he left, so she told him to tell Jessie & Avie that she was going over to
Amy’s the next day & that Amy’d said that they should come too. 
	I walked Taylor home, & Zac, Chris, & Troy were running around the
yard insanely. I yelled at Troy to get home, but it took a few minutes for him to
notice. Taylor made Zac go inside, so Chris went home. It was about 5:30 before
we got home. 
	The next morning, I got up around eleven. Luckily, Taylor didn’t wake
me up. So I wasn’t exactly in a big hurry to get over there like I had been the day
before. I got dressed at around one, then my mother called. She said that
Monday morning they’d be home around eight. Mentally, I made a note to wake
up the kids early so we could hurry over to the Hansons’. I hadn’t seen my
mother in a long time, but I didn’t want to take my chances of running into my
	I called Amanda & she said she’d be over to pick me up around 4. We still
had the same practice times, just different teams. Practice started at 4:30, so we’d
have some time to warm up. 
	I had nothing to do, & I took the fact that Taylor didn’t call me meant that
he was busy, so I rang up Jason. “Hey!” he answered. “Hay is for horses,
dammit. And I’m not a horse, I’m an Amoebae. Are you free till four?” I asked.
“Sure, I guess. Where?” “Oh, how bout over here. I don’t feel like going
anywhere, sorry,” I said. “That’s fine. I’ll be there in a few,” he told me. “Few
hours?” I joked. “Yeah, I broke both of my legs yesterday & I’m in a wheelchair.
Bye,” he said & hung up. 
	In about ten minutes, Jason arrived. We hung out around my house till
about four when Amanda showed up. Practice was kind of confusing at first, we
all had to split up into our teams, then went to different sections of the gym.
There were three sections split up in the gym by curtain-type things, and
Amanda & my teams were right next to eachother. 
	Jade & I talked some more during practice, I found out that one of her
friends was friends with Melly. She said she didn’t really like her that much, but
she put up with her. I was about to tell her about the whole thing with Ashley,
Axa & Brad, but I didn’t get a chance, because the coach wanted us to
concentrate on playing. 
	When practice was finally over, I still wanted to talk to Jade, but she had
to leave right after we were done. I found Amanda, who was just finishing too,
& we headed out to find her mom. Since it was only five, I asked if Amanda
could stay at my house for a while, & she said it was OK. 
	When we got back to my house, we called Taylor, Jason, & Mat for a get
together. Mat wasn’t home & Jason was at Taylor’s. We told them to meet us at
my house, & they said they’d be there in about ten minutes. Till then, Amanda &
I were hungry, we’d worked ourselves out at practice, so we put in two
pepperoni pizzas. We knew the guys would try to eat all our food, so we
decided that they’d only get one pizza, we’d get the other. 
	By the time the guys got there, we were just getting the pizzas out of the
oven. Of course, they just discovered that they were starving & had a craving for
pepperoni pizza. We gave them theirs, and despite their attempts to convince us
that they needed more food, Amanda & I ate ours. They tried to raid my kitchen
for more food, but I insisted that they weren’t going to starve to death & pushed
them out. Kay was in her room doing who-knew-what, and Troy got home
around six. 
	Since the Super was still in the living room, we decided to split up into
teams & play Uniracers. Jason & I were on a team, & Amanda & Taylor were on
the other. We played Uniracers for about a half hour before everybody got really
bored of it. Amanda didn’t know when she had to be home by, so she called her
house & they said that her mom would be by around 6:30. Taylor & Jason had to
go back to Taylor’s house because his parents weren’t home & they didn’t tell
anyone where they were going. 
	After everyone was gone, Kay came out complaining that she was
hungry, so I made another pizza for her & Troy to share. “How come we’ve been
eating pizza all day?” Kay asked, her mouth full. “Don’t talk with your mouth
open, or I’ll shove more food in,” I told her. She chewed her food up & asked
again. “Because we have too much pizza in the freezer & I wanted to get rid of it
before it got freezer burn or something.”
	I was exhausted from practice, so I fell asleep around eleven. 

Chapter 96-"Make Believe"

		***Zac’s View***
	Sunday, everyone in the house was bored to death. Mom & Dad left &
gave us instructions for no one to leave the house until they got back. They left
around ten, & by one they still weren’t back. Mac was awake & was tormenting
everyone, so eventually we decided to have some people over. Ike insisted on
having Krissy over, so that meant Tay & I couldn’t go up to our room without
knocking first. Tay wanted to have Jason & Sam over, but Jason was at Mat’s. I
decided to have Chris over, but he was still asleep, so I called Janie. 
	“Um, I would go over, but Tara’s here,” she told me. “Well, she can come
too,” I said. “Hold on, lemme ask her,” she said, putting the phone down. A few
seconds later, she was back. “She said OK. We’ll be over in a few minutes, K?”
she asked. “OK.”
	After about twenty minutes, Tara & Janie showed up. Sam & Krissy were
already there. Ike suddenly decided that it was me & Tay’s turn to watch the
kids, & they went into our room. With the door locked. Tay, Sam, & I were busy
trying to entertain the kids, since Jessie was whining because she couldn’t have a
friend over. When Tara & Janie finally showed up, somehow Tara knew just
what to do to shut them up. She started a weird-ass game of make-believe. 
	Of course, the kids wanted to play house. What else? Against their
wishes, Tay & Sam got voted in for the parents cause they were the oldest.
Mackie didn’t know how to play, but he did a good enough job as himself. Avie
wanted to be the baby, which was difficult because she kept trying to take
charge. Jessie decided to be the oldest sister, & Janie volunteered to be the
middle child. I figured that I would be another adult, like Sam’s brother or
something, so I wouldn’t have to be there the whole time. Tara liked the idea &
decided to be Tay’s sister. 
	Tara & I escaped into the backyard after about ten minutes of
make-believe hell. “Well, I guess that wasn’t too good of an idea,” she said once
we were in the back. “Eh, don’t worry about it. Besides, it’s not our problem,
now it’s Tay’s & Sam’s,” I assured her. “So whadda we do now?” she asked.
“Um, dunno. Why don’t we go listen to some CDs?” “And go back in there? I
don’t think so!” she exclaimed. “No, up in the treehouse. We have a little
mini-stereo up there. Radio don’t work though, only CD & tape player. Got it for
like ten bucks at a garage sale, the kid didn’t know what the hell he was doing.
But good for us!” I rambled. “Well, then what are we waiting for? Let’s go! Beat
ya there!” she exclaimed & took off running. “No way! No far! You got a head
start!” I yelled, chasing after her. 
		***Tay’s View***
	Damn Zac & Tara. They left me, Sam, & Janie to take care of a crying
toddler, and two grumpy kids. We had a helluva time trying to control them,
too. Jessie suddenly decided that if we had friends over then she could too &
invited about five kids over while we were searching for Avie, who had
somehow disappeared into the laundry room. By the time we had her back &
Mac had stopped crying, there were six insane little girls in the TV room. 
	When Zac & Tara finally decided to join us, we had everything almost
under control. We took Mac to take a nap & eventually got the girls Jessie had
invited over to leave. 
	“Man, thanks a lot for your help with the kids,” I said to Zac after he
came back in. “Sure, no prob!” he answered, trying to be funny or something. It
wasn’t working. “Ya know, I think that for your most generous help, you can
put Mac to bed tonight,” I informed him. “No way! That’s you & Ike’s job!” “I
think Mom would really appreciate your volunteerism. But I think she would
like it even better if we told her about how you accidentally ripped that huge
hole in those new jeans.” “Hey, I told her that they were way too tight!” he
exclaimed. “Yep, she’ll be so glad to know how wonderfully her third son can
work with a pair of scissors,” I continued. “Oh, fine,” he caved in. 
	“C’mon Zac, let’s go back to the yard,” Janie said, trying to keep the
peace. “Okay, let’s go,” Zac agreed. Tara, Janie, & Zac walked back to the
backyard, leaving Sam & I to put up with Avie & Jessie. Eventually, we decided
that they should practice their ballet moves. Even though Avie wasn’t in a class,
Jessie taught her a little. Jessie knew a routine from class that she’d taught Avie,
so we agreed to watch them perform it. If it would shut them up, Sam & I
probably would’ve even watched some old dumb Disney movie. Possibly. 
	After about twenty minutes, Mom & Dad finally showed up. They
weren’t exactly thrilled that we had friends over, but they didn’t send anyone
home. Of course, I got the job of going upstairs & getting Ike & Krissy. To make
sure I would make it back alive, Sam eventually agreed to go with me. But I had
to do the talking. 
	“Ike!!!” I yelled, pounding on the door. He had the music on & probably
couldn’t hear me. “Open the door!” I pounded some more. Suddenly, the door
swung open, almost causing me to fall inside, which probably would’ve been
fatal, by how pissed he looked. “I thought I told you to leave me & Kris alone!”
he exclaimed. “Mom & Dad are home, better cool off quick,” I told him with a
grin. He glared at me & slammed the door shut again. I looked over at Sam &
she shrugged. “Oh well, it’s his ass,” I sighed. 

Chapter 97- "Aliens in China?"

		***Sam’s View***
	Once again, the ringing of the telephone awoke me from my pleasant
sleep. “Taylor, I swear to God I’m gonna hafta get rid of this phone!” I
answered. “Fine, do whatever makes you happy. But you know I’ll just find
some other way to wake you up,” he told me. I knew he was right, too. “Well,
could you at least make the calls, like, happier or something?” I asked. “Hey,
you’re the one who answers the phone all grumpy & crap,” he shot back. “What,
do you expect me to be cheery or sumthin in the morning?!” “No. Just,
nevermind. Be over here quick,” he said & hung up. 
	Just to make him mad, I took extra long that morning getting ready. Of
course, I remember to wake the kids up early to be out of the house before my
parents got home. We left around a quarter till eight, so we’d be at the Hansons’
before they got home. 
	When we got there, Ike, Taylor, & Jessie were in the living room watching
TV. Troy left to go search out Zac, & Kay stuck with Jessie. And I seated myself
between Taylor & Isaac. 
	“You’re late,” Taylor muttered. “Oh, I didn’t know that there was an exact
time that I was supposed to get to your house, as long as it was before nine.
Besides, I thought that you would get sick of me by now,” I snickered. “Yeah,
I’m pretty sick of you. But I just figured that, uh, you were at least someone to
talk to...” he trailed off. “Hey!” Ike exclaimed. “And I guess you just can’t talk to
me anymore, eh?” “Sure can’t. Especially when you’re like attached to Krissy at
the tongue,” Taylor replied. Isaac shot him a death look, but Taylor just grinned
& turned back to the TV. 
	Class that day wore on as usual. And, of course, Taylor & I returned to
my house after we were done. Amanda, Mat, & Jason showed up shortly after, &
we didn’t even have to call them. We all agreed to do something really weird, so
we got a few water bottles & headed out for a long walk. 
	It was hotter than hell that day, but after a while we all somewhat
adjusted. We walked around town, practically everywhere. We stopped at the
nearest McDonalds, & since Jason & I were the only ones that had some cash, we
got to treat everyone to snacks. 
	“I think I’ll have, uh, two cheeseburgers, a large fry, & a Pepsi,” Taylor
joked. “Otay, one cheeseburger coming up for Taylor,” I told everyone.
Eventually, we all agreed that everyone got one cheeseburger & we’d all split a
large Dr. Pepper. And, Jason & I agreed that no one had to pay us back, since we
hadn’t paid anyone else back for the last times we’d gone out to eat. 
	After we’d eaten, it was nearly five, so we walked back. “Hey guys, guess
what,” Taylor said. “Hmm... I dunno,” Amanda replied. “Me either,” Jason
agreed. “No, c’mon, guess.” “Krissy cheated on Ike with you!” Mat exclaimed.
“No way!” “Aliens landed in China & are currently overpowering their
government. I give up!” I exclaimed. “Uh, not quiet. The album will be ready to
go into stores in another week!” Taylor told us. “Whoa, awesome!” Jason said.
“No shit Sherlock,” I mumbled to Jason. “You guys still get all them freebies,
doncha?” Amanda asked. “Sure do.” “Well, we always learned in kindergarten
to share,” Mat urged him. “Fine, I GUESS I can spare a few copies,” Taylor
sighed. “Thanks bestestest buddy!” I exclaimed, then acted like I was gonna give
him a big hug. “On the other hand...” he trailed off. I lightly punched him on the
	Once again, when we got back, we watched TV & talked for a while until
everyone but Taylor had to go home. Then we watched My So-Called Life & I
walked him home. 
	“So, what time are you gonna be around tomorrow?” he asked. “Be
around?” “Like, get to the house in the morning. That’s what I meant, just didn’t
come out right. Er, I mean, dammit! This is all Mat’s fault, he got me thinkin all
perverted,” Taylor sighed. “No kiddin! Hmm.. tomorrow I’ll be around by about
eight, eight fifteen. Sound good to you?” I asked. “Sure. You know, you can eat
breakfast over here if you want, I don’t think Mom would really care,” he told
me. “No, I hafta eat breakfast first thing. Or else it’ll completely skrew up my
whole schedule thing I have goin on here,” I said. “Well, sure then. So see ya
tomorrow,” he said, walking inside. “Bye!”
	When I got back, Kay was sitting on the couch with an ice pack on her
head. “What happened?” I asked. “Erk, I hit my head on the table over at Amy’s.
I just sat down when you walked in.” “Is it bad?” “Dunno, can’t exactly see my
forehead too good,” she commented. “Well lemme see then,” I insisted, sitting
down next to her. She carefully brought the ice pack from her forehead to reveal
a large purple-blue bruise. “Damn Kay, you got a nasty bump there. Really
banged yourself up. It hurt bad?” I asked. “Not really, just a tiny headache. I
don’t think I need any Tylenol thought, Amy’s mom gave me a little before I
came home.” I nodded. “Guess I should kinda get used to this, huh? All the
bruises & bumps..” she said with a sad smile.  “No, Kay stop. Don’t even start to
think like that, you got it?” I demanded. This time it was her turn to nod. “OK
then. Remember, if you need anything, just holler, OK?” “Sure thing.”


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