***Tay's View*** Jason led the way down the street, & before long, I knew where we were going. Wendy's. Sam obviously thought we were going to a classy restaurant. That's just Jason for you. I looked over at Zac, Ike, & Chris & put my finger over my lips to signal them not to tell Sam. Ike just got a weird look on his face & Zac almost burst out laughing. Chris smacked him & almost cracked up too. I started talking to Jason & Sam, in fear that if I looked at Zac or Chris I'd crack up also. "So, Jason, where do you live?" I asked him. "You know where I live dumbass! You're over there everyday, or at least you used to be" he said, eyeballing Sam. "No, for Sam, you moron!" I said rolling my eyes. "Oh yeah, well, um, what's that street again?" he asked me. I still couldn't believe it. Jason had lived here for more than three years & he still couldn't remember the name of the street he lived on. "Champlain?" I answered for him. "Oh yeah. On the corner of Champlain &, um, Tay's street." he answered, sounding like a jackass. "Genius" I mumbled. Zac burst out laughing and Chris quickly followed. Sam turned around & asked "What is it?" Zac's face turned red and laughed even harder & turned around to go sit down. I looked at Ike & he just shrugged. ***Sam's View*** A few minutes after Zac cracked up and had to sit down, Tay, Jason, Ike & I decided to go eat & Zac & Chris would catch up later. When we turned the corner Tay put his hands over my eyes & said "You can't see where you're going. You're being held hostage." I wiggled & said "C'mon, what're we gonna do, sneak in the back & hope the bouncers don't see us?" I heard them muffle their laughter & Ike said "Not quite..." When we stepped inside I could smell fries. 'Funny,' I thought, 訴n most restaurants you can't smell fries that well'. Then Tay took his hand away. "Wendy's? So, you blinded me to come into Wendy's?" I laughed. "Yeah" Jason said "It was a surprise." I just laughed and sat down at a booth.
***Sam's View*** I just kept laughing after I sat down. After a few minutes while the guys were still ordering, Ike saw a girl & ran up to her & hugged her. I guessed it was his girlfriend. Zac & Chris came in & saw me, my face still red. "Hey tomato-head, what's so funny?" Zac asked. "Nothing. Hey, you don't have much room to talk!" I exclaimed. Ike went & sat at a table with the girl and they sat there holding hands. Tay turned around & said "If you're done, what do you want?" he said, trying to sound like a waiter. He took a napkin & put it over his arm & this sent me into more fits of laughter. "I didn't think I looked THAT funny" he mumbled, giving me a puppy-dog look. I managed to gasp out "2 cheeseburgers". We all, minus Ike, sat at a booth (AN- you know, the booth-type thing on one side of the tables & chairs on the other) seated like Chris, me, and Jason on the booth-thing & Zac across from Chris & Tay across from me & Jason. Zac & Chris went up to get the food & ketchup & stuff. After we all got our blades off, we pigged out. We were about half through our meal when we started imitating people. Zac started on George Bush. "Read my lips, no new taxes" he said, pounding his fist on the table. When he said "taxes" he accidentally hit the ketchup & it squirted all over my white shirt. Zac's face got extremely red & mumbled out "Sorry!" Tay started scolding Zac & Jason scooted over so I could get out. I just stood there watching what was going on. Tay looked at me & goes "Sorry about what Zac did" "No prob, a little ketchup never killed anyone. But can someone show me where the bathroom is so I can scrub this out so it won't stain?" I said, looking around the table. "Here, follow me," Tay said, walking toward a little hall by the door. When I saw where they were I started in the door but then turned around. "Tay?" I said. "Huh?" he said, spinning on his heel. "Um, I hate to ask you this, but can I borrow one of your shirts" I said. I'd seen that he had on a T-shirt & a jacket-type thing over it. "Uh, yeah, just a second." he said as he ducked into the men's room. 'Gee, he's awfully modest' I thought to myself. When he came out a few seconds later he had his jacket buttoned up & he handed me his blue shirt. "Thanks" I said & smiled. He smiled back & mumbled "Any time" & walked back out. I went into a stall & changed & tried to scrub out the ketchup.
***Tay's View*** When I got back to our table, everyone started eyeing me. Zac started chuckling & said "What, did she squirt ketchup on you?!" Chris laughed and Jason just looked at me. "What's with the jacket?" he asked. "Oh, Sam had to change her shirt so she asked if she could borrow mine. What, is there something wrong with that?" I said, getting fed up with the way everybody was taking it. "Nooo.." he trailed off. ***Sam's View*** Tay's shirt smelled good, like CKbe. It was kinda tight though. It didn't really go with my baggy ZonZ, but at least I had something to wear instead of a soaked shirt. After about five minutes of scrubbing the ketchup was almost out, but you could see the outline of where it was. ***Tay's View*** A few minutes later, after enduring constant torture by Zac, Sam emerged. My shirt was pretty tight on her, & I thought it looked good, it was a change from her huge shirts. She stood in front of the table & I could see Jason checking her out. I kicked him under the table. He bit his lip & kicked me back, but at least he'd stopped staring. "Um, most of the ketchup came out, but I'll have to hurry & get it in the laundry so the rest won't stain." she said, looking at me. "OK. I know a shortcut. C'mon you guys, let's go. Ike! Let's go!!" I yelled. We all started gathering up our rollerblades since we figured it's take forever to get them back on. When Ike saw us, he did the same. When we were ready to go, he was still sitting there. He rolled his eyes & kissed Krissy for a few seconds. "Get over here loverboy!!!" Zac yelled across the building. Ike walked away & waved to her. "He's acting like he's never gonna see her again!" I mumbled. I heard Sam giggle. We went back out the alley way & then we saw a big group of guys. "Oh shit, it's Brad" I mumbled. Jason saw him & put his hand over his face. "Who's Brad?" Sam asked just a little too loud. "Just the biggest pig in town," Jason whispered. "He thinks all the guys should bow before him & all the girls should be his bitches." Just then Brad looked up at us & strolled toward us. "Hey baby" he said, grabbing Sam by the waist & pulling her toward him. "Brad, go hang up with your hos & leave her alone" I said, stepping in between them & pushing Sam toward Jason. "Butt out gay" he said to me & shoved me away. Jason hid Sam behind him & signaled something to Chris. I couldn't find Zac & I figured he'd run away. 'That wuss'. I thought. Brad stepped up almost nose to nose with Jason & said "Get away from my woman" . "Get your skanky ass outta my face" Jason replied. Brad punched Jason in the stomach and pulled Sam to his body. I jumped up & started pounding Brad's arms & back. He swerved around & punched me square in the nose.
***Sam's View*** I watched in horror as I saw blood squirt from Taylor's nose. His head yanked back & he fell to the ground. I looked around. I saw Jason slowly sitting up. I couldn't see Chris or Zac. I figured they ran home. Good, at least they're safe. I took a few steps back, so I was almost standing next to Jason, but I didn't dare sit down to check on him. I just stood there, frozen. "Where do you think you're going?" Brad said, stepping forward. Then, without any warning, he fell over flat on his face. I saw his shoelaces were tied together. Then Zac popped up from behind a garbage pail. I would've laughed if I hadn't been so worried. I immediately kicked Brad in the head. I looked down & saw Chris was already trying to help Jason up. I ran over to Taylor. Blood was gushing from his nose & onto his jacket. I laid him down on his back & put my shirt under his head to stop the bleeding. I didn't care if it got stained. By this time I saw Zac & Chris helping Jason over to us. "Hey, where's Isaac?" I asked, looking around the alley. "I dunno. Probably ran back to his little girlfriend." Zac mumbled. "I thought I saw him head back to Wendy's. Hope he didn't go get the security out here or something." Jason said. "I doubt it." I said. "You OK?" I asked Jason. "Hope so. He got a good hit on my ribs" he said. "How bout you Taylor?" I asked him. He mumbled something like "My nose.. you.. I'll kill him" and tried to sit up. "No" I said, pushing him back down. "You have to stay laying down until it stops bleeding." "Brad's gone, thank God" Chris said. Taylor looked at me carefully & asked "Are you OK? Did he hurt you?" "No, I think I'm OK. Thanks you guys," I said, looking at all of them. "He woulda got me." I noticed Taylor's nose had slowed down. "Zac, go get you guy's parents." I told him. "No!" Taylor screamed, sitting up. "They'll have a big cow & make me go to the hospital & they'll make me stay in the house for a week to like, keep an eye on me. No." he said, shaking his head. "OK, OK. We'll clean up a little & go back to Wendy's to wash up, K?" I said. "OK" they all mumbled. I started wiping off Taylor's face & jacket with my shirt. He started laughing. "You're staining your shirt. I guess it's just ketchup, huh?" he said. I started laughing but then noticed his nose started bleeding again. "You can't laugh, it just makes your nose bleed more" I said. Finally, I'd gotten almost all the blood off him & Chris, Zac, & Jason had wiped most of the dirt off them. I helped Taylor up & I yelled over to the other guys "Bring over your rollerblades, I'll carry 'em, you guys have Jason to help. 鉄o Zac bounced over & handed me the laces to 3 pairs of skates. "Here, I'll help" said Taylor, taking two of them. "Thanx" I said, smiling. Everyone lined up & together, everybody either leaning on someone or being leaned on, we started off back to Wendy's.