***Zac's View*** When we were almost to Wendy's, we saw Ike runnig toward us with something dripping in his hand. He stopped in front of Taylor & said "Thought ya might need this bro." as Tay took the wet paper towel & wiped his face with it. "Got yer nose pretty good, huh?" he said. "Yeah!" I nearly yelled. "It was like pow, pow, smack, crunch" I said, trying as best I could to recreate the fight with only one person, me. "Jason, you OK dude?" Ike asked him. "Kinda. He caught me right in the gut." he replied. Ike flinched. By then we'd gotten to Wendy's. Since it was completely empty except for a few dumb high-school weirdos, we all crowded into the men's restroom. We all threw our blades behind the door in a pile. Ike & Chris inspected Jason's stomach as Sam & I tried to clean up Taylor. He was a mess. We somehow got his face & jacket clean, but his nose still looked really bad. Sam grinned & said "Taylor, your nose is so decrapitated!" Me & Tay just stared at Sam. "What is THAT supposed to mean?!?" Tay questioned her. "What, decrapitated? Long story. But seriously, your nose is like crooked!" she said. "Gee, nice to have people who care." Taylor mumbled. Sam tugged on his rat tail. "Hey, I didn't notice this before." she said. "Don't" Tay grumbled. "I wonder if this hurts...." Sam trailed off, holding onto his tail on both hands & taking a step back, preparing to yank his head off. "No! Stop!" he yelled, grabbing it from her & tucking it into his jacket. "I was only kidding! I guess you're back to your old self!" she said. I was still laughing. Tay kicked me but I only laughed harder. Taylor gave Sam a 'I give up' look & they strolled over to see how Jason was. "Well, his stomach's pretty bruised, but he says it doesn't hurt that much-" Ike said, but Jason cut him off. "& I don't want to go to the stupid doctor's cuz all they do is poke you until it hurts & then they charge you for it." he said. "Exactly" I managed to get out, still laughing. "Do you think we can get back pretty soon? I told Dad we'd be back around 5 & it's.." Tay trailed off, looking at his watch. "Holy shit! It's 4:45! We hafta go, now!" he practically screamed. "Cool it" I said. "Jason, can you & Chris get home OK?" Sam asked him. "Yep!" Chris replied for him. Taylor was tapping his foot so I started out the door. "Nice to meet you guys!" Sam said, almost out the door. "You too!" Jason & Chris yelled back. Me, Sam, Taylor, & Ike shoved our rollerblades on & raced back.
***Sam's View*** When we got back to our street, we decided Taylor & I would go back to my house so I could put my shirt in the washer while Zac & Ike went to their execution (It was 5:30). Then when Taylor & I would get back to their house they agreed they would plap me a few songs. Zac hummed 'Taps' as they headed for the door. Me & Taylor burst in the door to find no other than.... ***Tay's View*** "Troy, why the hell are you home?" Sam asked, an odd look on her face. There was a little boy, almost an exacty replica of Zac, sitting in the middle of the living room, playing Sega. "Umm, therapy got over early..." Troy trailed off. "How'd you get home? Are Mom & Dad here? Where's Kay?" she rambled off questions. "Uhh, hmm... I ran home, Mom & Dad are gone till 11 and may I add very pissed & Kay's out with DAMMIT! her friends PIECE OF SHIT!" he started yelling at the video game. Sam just shrugged & led me back to the end of the hall. SHe opened a closet that held the washer & dryer & quickly tossed in her shirt & a huge amount of bleach. We stumbled downstairs (we were still on our rollerblades) so Sam could put her blades away. Her room only took up half the basement, there were wooden poles seperating her side & the other, which was empty except for a few boxes against the wall. "This would be a great place to blade" I told her. She smiled & said "Yeah, we should have a skating party some day" and stood up. "Let's get back" she said, running upstairs. I quickly followed, trying to keep up. ***Ike's View*** As soon as Zac & I got in the door, we were greeted by two very p.o.p.s . Pissed off parents. "I told you boys to be home by 5. It's 5:30 do you have no responsibility?" my father asked as my mother started in on Zac. "Where have you been young man? How'd you get your new shirt all dirty like that. You know we can't go out & buy you new clothes very day, we....." they blabbered on but we weren't paying attention. We'd nod or shake our heads, but we were thinking about what we were going to play for Sam. I was hoping we'd play "More Than Anything". I sang lead. Finally, Mom shut up & Dad stopped looking stern. "Boys, I got a phone call today about your next album. It turns out a record executive has heard of you and they want your next album. Soon. We go in to start recording in three days. Do you think you can handle it?" he said. It took me a minute to let this all sink in. "Dad! They want the next album?!?! YES!" I yelled & slapped Zac 5. "But what about Man from Milwaukee?" Zac whined. "We don't have all the parts yet". "We'll just have to leave it off. Sorry." Dad apologized. He walked to the kitchen where my mother went. Then I remembered Taylor & Sam would be over any second. "Hey Dad, we're gonna show Sam a few songs out in the garage, K?" I asked. "Sure" he yelled. Me & Zac ran out to the garage, trying to keep from exploding from excitement.
***Sam's View*** Once we got outside, Taylor started bombarding me with questions. "Is Troy your brother?" "Yeah" "He loox a lot like Zac." " I know, but he's only 8. And shorter hair." "Who's Kay?" "Khalene, my sister. She's 6." "Kewl, maybe she & Jessica & Avery can hang. Ya know, keep 'em busy." "Yeah, that's if she's ever home. She's always gone for some reason. She met some friends when we visited and they always do something. I've hardly seen her since we moved in." "Why aren't your parents hardly home?" "They work, go out to party, anything outside of home. They usually leave at like 8 or 9 in the morning & don't get back till close to midnite." "What therapy does Troy go to?" "He dislocated his shoulder a few years back, but didn't complain about it till a few months ago. He has to put it back in place & work up the muscle. It's weird." By that time we'd reached their house. "Hope Mom & Dad took most of their lecture-time up on the guys." he said, opening the door. Nope. They rushed to the door & started in on Taylor. I just stood there. Luckily, they only talked for a minute or so & then they let him go cuz I was there. We ran down the hall & into their garage. As soon as we got in, I started cracking up. "What is it, Sam?" Isaac asked. "Do we look that funny?" But I wasn't laughing at them, I was laughing at the garage. It had sketches of drawings all over the walls, but only a few of the were colored in. It reminded me so much of my old room. "You guys have to be joshin me" I gasped. "I thought I was the only weird demented person who drew on their walls! You should've seen my old room!!" I said. "Joshin?" "Your room?" "What'd it look like?" Questions were all fired at me at once. "One at a time" I said. I turned to each one of them. "Zac, joshin is something we used to say at my old school. It means kidding. Ike, yaeh, my & my friends drew all over my room, even on the ceiling. Tay, well.... It was intresting. It had sayings, drawings, names, everything. And most of the stuff was written in..... lipstick & nail polish!" I said. They all got confused. "Lipstick? Why lipstick? What else did you use, blood?" laughed Taylor. "Well, we used lipstick one night because we couldn't find anything else & I had like 6 tubes of it just laying around. So then it was like a ritual of something. We used lipstick, nail polish, mascara, markers, crayons, pencils, ink, toothpaste, paint, ANYTHING! Once, we had this initiating ceremony in like 4th grade & we threw flour up & it stained the ceiling cuz the ceiling was cement. We never got it off!" I finished. Zac's eyes were wide as a zombie's. Taylor burst out laughing & Ike just nodded & smiled, not believing me. "I'm serious. I got pictures of it. As soon as they're developed you'll see." Ike just kept the same face & said "Are we just gonna talk about lipstick all evening or are we gonna JAM!" "Rock 'n roll baby!" Zac yelled, tossing his drumsticks in the air. He caught one, but the other bopped him in the head. Taylor & Isaac laughed & I went over to sit down "Just play already" I laughed. "Fine" they yelled & started playing.
***Sam's View*** As soon as the last notes as the song started to fade I clapped madly. "Hey guys!" Zac said. “I think she liked it! Whoa, someone actually likes us!" he jokingly said. "Cool, huh huh" Ike said in a Butthead impression. "Well, I would've liked it more if I could understand you!" I said. "Oh, oops,” said Taylor. “Well, it's supposed to be like that! It's called 'MMMBop'. The chorus is just a bunch of doo bop ba doop stuff, so don't worry, I don't blame you if you couldn't understand that." he smiled, blushing. Zac started just tapping the snares, and soon Ike was messing around too. I could tell they had no idea what they were doing, cuz Zac would suddenly speed up & Ike would glare at him & struggle to catch up. Tay played a few notes, but they didn't know even what they were supposed to do, so they only played like that for a minute or so. "Fabulous! Just superb!" I yelled when the stopped. Zac did the little drum thing (AN- you know, like on Jay Leno or something, when they say something funny & the drummer does that?) and Ike made a face. Taylor grinned & gave me a thumbs-up. Then he waved to me to come over. "What, do you want to teach me how to play that WONDERFUL song?" I asked, still laughing. "No, I want you to show me what you can play." he said. "Oh, umm, well, I can't really play that well. Especially since the keys aren't labeled!" I exclaimed. Taylor chuckled & Ike just looked at us. "Inside joke" I told him as I stepped behind his keyboard. "Well, first I kinda have to warm up, ya know, remember how to play?" I said, as I started playing 'If you're happy & you know it', the first song I'd learned how to play. When it got to the 'clap your hands' part, Zac tapped the bass drum. "Nice warm-up," Ike joked. "Well, so-oory, I learned this first cuz it was one of those programmed-in songs," I said. Ike just looked puzzled. "Nevermind" I said, as I ended it. I started a little bit of "Lonely Boy' but I only had about 10 seconds down. "I don't know the rest" I mumbled. "That's OK!" Tay said. "Hey, yesterday we said we'd help you unpack & stuff, right?" Zac said, barely staying in his seat. "Yeah jello-butt. You wanna come over now? I mean, it's only like 6:30. My rents won't be back till 11. You can stay for a few hours, right?" I said. "But, Troy said your parents were already mad..." Taylor trailed off. "Oh, don't worry. They can't ground me or anything. They're never home. So they couldn't enforce it." I told him. "Oh, so they just, like, cut off your allowance? Or give you chores?" Ike supplied. "Uh, yeah, sumthin like that.." I replied, tripping over my words. "Well, let's go ask mom & dad if we can go!" Zac practically screamed, running toward the door. "Uh, yeah, you do that. We'll start over to Sam's" Ike said. "No, wait!" he yelled. Zac came bouncing back. "WHAT?!?!" he yelled. "We hafta tell Tay the good news" he said, with a secretive look in his eye. "Oh yeah, you might wanna sit down buddy." Zac said. pushing Tay into a lawn chair. "Uhh, ok..." Taylor said. "Well, you won't believe this, but a record exec wants 'MMMBop'!" he yelled. "No WAY!" Taylor screamed, jumping up. "But," Zac said, pushing him back into the chair, "we hafta record it next week." he said, looking disappointed. "Oh well!" Tay said, jumping up again. "Zac, go tell dad we're going to Sam's!" he said as he ran off toward my house. Zac sprinted inside while Ike & I chased after Tay. We had no idea Zac could run so fast. He caught up quickly & pretty soon we were racing down the street, tackling eachother and screaming at the top of our lungs like we'd been best friends since we were born, instead of just meeting the day before.
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