welcome to chloe's page !!

                                                 The beautiful Chloe 2/11/98.

      Chloe is a beautiful 3 year old albino female ferret.  She is my climber. she climb over anything. She loves to nip on toes if her treats are not promptly handed to her upon the squeak of the squeak toy.  Shes not real crazy about baths however when you are done likes to go in the bath tub and lick the excess water out of the tub....Chloe has a sassy personality & thinks shes the queen of it all. Chloe came to us with Jerry....Ferrethead ran away and i felt we needed to get some friends for him to play with...And chloe is just one of our beauties.


                                                 Chloe licking her lips....what a cute tongue!


                                                        All ready to play!! 2/11/98.


                                                    What's up there??  2/11/98.

    Below you will find a list of links..to my other ferrets pages and to a page of our furry little friends. Please take a minute to drop by each of our pages and don't forget to sign the
guestbook at the Ferret Homepage.

  Ferret Homepage

  Jerry's Page

  Ferrethead's Page

  Champ's Page

Fuzzy Buddies

  Ferret Links

     A special thanks to Barb Carlson for taking these pictures for me and taking the time to
scan them for me...she's a great photographer don't you think!

        ***Please do not put any of my pictures on the web without my permission***
                            All pictures ©1998 Kelly Clarks Ferrets.