Zelin sat,and gazed into his crystal ball,trying to see into the days,and weeks ahead.He knew from all corners of Dorexea,winged dragon folk were on the way to the palace.

He also knew that the fate of Dorexea would be decided when they met. A battle with Lorete,and her brood,was not to be taken lightly.But with all his mystical powers he could not this time tell who was going to rule Dorexea.

He watched as Genar,and the companions with him drew closer.Another great thing was going to happen when Genar met his brother,Torm,that he knew nothing about.

Night was begining to fall,and Zelin put aside his ball,and prepared for a night of sleep avoiding him.

Nola stood in the mouth of the cave,where all had slept out of the prowling beasts way.

Young dragon folk,surrounded her.They to were up to greet the rising sun.They flew around her head,and landed on her arms.

Nola feared for these young,in the days to come.If there was a battle,there may no longer be any dragon,young or old.

And she knew Genar would not stop until he found Jana,some where in the Peaks of Dana.But she feared all hope for Jana was lost,but could not bear to tell her fears to him.

All he had was his hope,and love to take him on,but there was only the three of them,and how were they to defeat Lorete,and her brood?

Nola remembered the dragon cave they had discovered the day before.Full of jewels,and being confronted with a dragon.

Lucky were they,that booty was not what they wanted,but the dragon had stood his ground.

Genar had told them,not to take any thing,and they left to find the cave,where they slept the night.

Soon they would approach the Palace of Dragon,where they hoped to get information from Zelin,as to where Jana was hidden,in Lorete's lair.

Much time has passed since Genar started his journey.But his memory of Jana was as fresh,as that day so long ago.

The river was below where they slept the night,and just a short way ahead was the palace.Gathering their meager belongings,once again they set forth.

The three of them rode to the top of the last peak,before the long road down.Genar wanted to look at the palace before descending to the bottom of the pass.

He really was not afraid,but wanted to be sure he and his companions were not going in to danger.

Areta,and Ginga had gone ahead,but had not yet returned.This was causing some concern,but Genar was sure they were unharmed.

But,what was this uneasiness he was feeling?Genar felt something was about to happen,but he knew not what.

Reaching a place where he felt it was safe to dismount,Genar stood at the cliffs edge,gazing at the palace below.

Far below,he could see the tops of the soaring castle.There was no one to be seen.Not man,nor dragon.Of course he was unaware of the activity inside the palace.

The meeting taking place,between Roted,Mento,and Darh,was a heated meeting,but they had finally agreed to combine the forces they had to battle Lorete.

They were each to send,a drone to each of the land holdings to call the others to battle.

From where Genar stood,watching the sun set over the Palace,he knew tomorrow they would go,and face Roted,and beg if they needed to,to get her help to find Jana.

The cold wind was cutting to his bones,and they must spend ths night in the open.There was no caves here at the top of the peaks.

Turning away from the sight below him,Genar went to his friends,and they prepared to have a cold sleepless night here on the topmost peak of the Mountains Of Dana.

Meanwhile,climbing from the other side of this same peak,was Torm.

The meeting between these two brothers was close at hand,altho neither one of them was aware of the other.

Night too, was to catch Torm out in the open.While he searched for a hollow to lay for the night,the winds of fate,were about to change his life forever.

So we have five young people,high on the mountain,waiting for dawn to break,to continue on. And what was the morrow to bring?

As sleep settled over them,Genar dreamed of Jana,the women of what they had lost,and Py of his quest he had been on,and did not complete.

He knew Roted would be angry,but he would face her when he must.

A loud sound awoke them.It was the court drummer sounding out the message,that all were called to battle.

Genar knew that sound,as well as Py,and Torm on the other side of that peak.

The battle that was about to take place,and with whom,none of them knew.But they knew they would be in the midst of it,if they did not continue on quickly.

Rosa flew over the river,to take the news to the Blue dragon folk,to come to the Palace of dragon.They had been the only ones not there.

Roted had not sent a summons to them.They were well known as to being apart from the other dragon folk.

She knew not,that Rosa was on her way,as Rosa had not made her self known to Roted.

Roted would be startled to learn of a White dragon,as old as Rosa.That meeting was not to far away.

On the field of battle,Rosa vowed they would learn of her.Rosa had her own plans for that day.

Torm fought his way up the path.He also heard the drums calling.Another battle,he thought.He was weary of battle,having not recovered from his own.

Torm heard the sound of voices from close at hand,and he slowed his pace.Not wanting to walk in to a band of thieves.

Knew he not,that in another few steps,his life would change once again.

He was about to meet the brother he didnt know he had,being taken away so long ago.It was just a faint memory of flying over mountain peaks,valleys,to where Lorete sat him down.

Why,she did this he never knew.The people in the valley where she left him,took him in and raised him as their son.

They told him of course of where they found him,but they knew not where he came from.The years had clouded this memory.but all his life there had been questions he would never know the answers to.Or so he thought.

Soma had heard of the meeting at the palace,and was all ready in flight to join in.He led all of his brood flying at top speed.

From high above him,he heard the sound of another dragon flight.Looking above him,he saw Rosa.

A White dragon!!Soma could not believe what he saw.He was over five hundred years old,and had never heard of,or seen such a sight.

It was strange,but he felt no fear.The others around him were shaken to see such a sight,and he tried to calm them.

But to no avail.It was all he could do keep them with him. But as they had followed him for so long,they kept up.

Genar,heard the sound of Areta telling him there was some one,or something about to come into view.

Not knowing who,or what it might be,he took his staff,and waited in the cover of a boulder.

Telling the others to stay out of sight,he waited.The sound of loose rocks,falling to the valley floor grew closer,and Genar felt his strength gathering for the attack he was sure to come.

The sun was in his eyes,and the figure he saw was blurred but Genar could tell it was not a dragon.

But was it friend? Or was it yet another enemy to fight?

Genar,waited,and the figure grew closer.Yes,it was a man.But he could only see his eyes.He wore a mask,and his face was covered.

The man stood before them.No staff,or sword was being pointed at them.Genar went forward,and told him who he was,and from the clan,Yub.

He told him of how they were killed by Lorete,how his son was stolen,and of the meeting with Nola,Lanol,and how Py had joined them.

Torm,felt him self grow weak.Here was another from the clan of Yub.His clan from so long ago.this mans son stolen as he was.

Torm asked of the one he knew as mother in his dreams.Mim,was all he remembered.

Genar,was stuned.He knew from stories from Mim,that his brother had been stolen.But all in the clan had felt the young boy had been killed.

When Genar told Torm,that Mim,was his mother as well,the tears filled the eyes of this warrior.

Brother he called,and they fell in to each others arms.Who would have ever believed this meeting was taking place,but fate,and Lorete had brought them together.And now there were five.

Torm quickly agreed to follow Genar,and the rest,down to the Palace to seek information from Zelin,to find Jana.

Another figure was coming up behind the brothers.They were so overcome,the sound did not reach them.

Who is this figure approaching? Another enemy?A friend? Who? And what will they find in the Palace below? Help? Or will they be turned away?