The approaching foot steps,finally alerted the men.What they saw was a woman,making her way up the path.

They wondered why she was a foot,and not on horse back. But,another sound reached them.It was the sound of beating wings.Telling the women to crouch low,they went to the figure coming up the steep path,and drew her in to the group.

She told them,her name was Piod,and she had wandered for many days.

She knew not how long,but was the only one left from her clan,after Lorete and her brood had attacked them.

Fate has a strange way of drawing your life line.Here we have these people drawn together by the same evil doings of Lorete.

We have two brothers finding each other,each one not knowing the other existed.

The approaching sounds grew louder,and the men could see it was a wild Red dragon.

Telling the women to mount up,Genar leaped on the back of the small red beast,ahead of the dragon,and gave Piod his horse.

Piod,astride the horse,was unsure what to do.Should she follow the fleeing men,or wait for their return?

Lanol,was about to mount her horse,when she saw another menace approaching,a man,with sword in hand.

She knew,it was to be her battle,as she was the only one armed,and Nola was so young,and had never been in battle.

She quickly overcame this fellow,and stood erect,in the blowing breeze,feeling the blood pounding in her veins.

At least,she had protected Piod,and Nola,when before she had failed.

In the valley below.Roted also heard the sounds of the approaching wild Red,and she took to flight to see what was coming.

From her view so high,she could see,not only the chase,but the figures of people she knew were coming.

Zelin,had told her of Genar,and his quest,but not of the others with him.She knew he came to ask for help to find Lorete,and his son.

But Genar was coming into the midst of a battle,that might bring Lorete to him.But,would it bring Jana?

As she watched,she saw in the forest below,the advancing hordes of Lorete.Would the others be here in time to stop them?Or at least turn them back?

Some of the evil horde had set a fire to hide them,as they rushed to the unsuspecting group.

Ginga was separated from them,and she howled in frustration,she was afraid of fire.

On reaching the road,they came to a wagon left on the side of the road.Py,leaped in to the wagon,and Genar,and Torm followed.

Right behind them,came the wild dragon.Close,so close they could feel the hot breath on them,and the wind blowing from the beating wings,almost overcame them.

Up ahead,they could see,a large cave.Big enough to hold wagon,horses,and men.

Trying to out run this wild,and angry dragon seemed as if it was impossible.But,they had come so far,and they would not let a wild one end the journey they were on. the cave mouth,a welcoming roar was heard. The sound of a friendly dragon.(Not all of the dragon folk were evil).

Rushing into the cave,they went as far as they could,and the wild one right behind.

Areta,and Ginga followed,avoiding the horses hooves as best they could.

From nowhere, a man appeared,trying to block the way.But on they came.Hurry!! Genar,Hurry!!

Standing beside the dragon,Py watched as Ginga tore open the throat of the unlucky fellow who had tried to block the way to safety.

Genar felt no joy in this sight,as he was a peaceful man,but these times had caused him to do,and think things he never would have,when Belin was alive,and Jana was beside him.

Would he ever feel the comfort again he had felt then?He thought not.With out his son,he would feel empty and alone,forever.

He had to gather his thoughts together,as they must make their way to the Palace,and speak with the queens who were there.

One of them must know where to find Lorete.They must know!!

Suddenly,from behind them,came the sound of crashing wood.A figure broke open a wooden door behind them,and Genar saw Death.

Where were all these creatures coming from? Genar knew deep in his heart there was something terribly wrong.

He had not faced such a horde of evil beings since Lorete slew his clan.Lorete!!!,that was it.She must be close by.She must be getting ready to do battle again,and perhaps this time it is with the Queens.

Could it possibly be,that Lorete was coming to him? That his search for her was over?

Genar knew if Lorete was near by,it did not mean Jana was.

Overcoming the evil sight in the door way took some time,but once again fate was smiling on them.

After resting a short while,once again they left the safety of a cave.Thanking the dragon who had allowed them the safety of his cave,they set foot on to the Palace.

It was now only a short distance ahead,and as night was falling,they hurried.

Lorete had fought an army of warriors while on her way to the palace,and won of course.

After defeating the men,she had lept in to the air to continue her flight to the Palace.

Above,and out of sight came Lorete.Her horde,she felt had cleared the way for her.She felt she was going to surprise all in the Palace.

Never did her horde go near any holdings.They only cleared the way for her.

I wonder if she would have flown with out such caution if she had known Genar was any where near? but Genar was not in her thoughts,as she flew.Only more conquest.

And on she flew.

Genar,looked up to the sound of beating wings.Not again,he thought,another wild dragon.

His heart started beating faster when he saw who it was.Lorete!!.And she saw Genar,and came to attack.

Genar wanted to kill her.Right then,right now,but if he did he knew he would never find Jana,so he fought only to save himself,and those with him.

Now Lorete had been in many battles,and she knew not who this puny man was.She did not want to be delayed in her quest for the Palace,so she fought for just a short while,and then lept in to the sky.

Lorete sped to the Palace,and wasted no time,in spreading fire to the Palace walls,and incinerating all the folk in the courtyard.

Genar stood,angry as he watched the evil Lorete again kill innocent people,and destroy the Palace.

Calling to the others to follow him,Genar mounted his horse,and left at full gallop,with Py,and Torm close behind.

Will they reach the Palace in time to save the Queens?

Did Lorete bring Jana with her?

What will be the outcome of her attack?

Time Passes