Dawn was breaking,as Genar,Py,and the women awoke,to prepare their meager meal,before again setting off.

Genar,had built a fire the night before,and stood watch over the slumbering group.

During the long bitter cold night he had made and discarded many plans,as to what he was going to do,when he reached Lorete's lair.

What means was he to use to rescue Jana? He knew in his heart Jana was still alive.Believing he would feel it,if Jana was dead.

Genar had been told by Py,that Mento had sent out a summons to Darh,the Red Queen,to Roted,the Gold Queen to come to the Palace,but he knew not of the Pink dragon,Yors,or her mate the Blue dragon,Soma.

Never in his memory had either been seen,not even a legend existed about them.

Lanol,stood beside him,not speaking.She knew his thoughts were far away,and troubled.

She did not know this man who had saved her,and Nola. But she felt safe,would follow him,to where ever he led.

Pulling their cloaks around them,against the bitter wind,and the snow,once more they began their journey.

Py,helping Nola over the slippery snow,and Genar leading the way,with Lanol behind,they began to climb once more.

Where are you Lorete? Where are you hiding?

High above them,a storm raged,just like the storm in Genar's heart.

Was this an omen,of terrible things to come? A warning to retreat? Not to continue? Genar knew not.And if it was,it was a warning he could not heed.

Turning his thoughts away,from the storm overhead,he trod forward,with the same determination he would carry with him until he found Jana.

Back at the Palace,Roted waited by the Pool of Forever,watching Genar,and his band make their way up the peaks.

Stunned,she saw that Py,was with them.She grew angry,as she had sent him to speak to Darh.Why was he with Genar?

The pool shifted,and swirled as the scenes shifted to the lair of Lorete.Standing before her was Jana.Roted watched as Lorete tormented the young boy.Telling him Genar was dead,there was no one coming to rescue him.

Jana,stood as proud as his father would have been in his place,and never uttered a word.He wouldnt let her know of the fear in his heart.

If only he knew if Lorete was lying,or if Genar really was dead.Jana had no doubt that his mother,the lovely Belin was dead.

Jana had seen her,laying in the arms of Genar,her breast pierced with the lance thrown by Lorete's band.

Once again,the scene changed,and this time,Roted beheld something she had never seen before.A White dragon!! Who was this? Roted quivered with a fear that was new to her.

The fear,was the fear of the unknown.Of something Roted had no knowledge of.And she felt,she knew all.Was this White dragon one to fear? Was this dragon coming to do evil deeds?

Before the answers came,the pool clouded over,and Roted saw no more.

Of course it was Rosa.She was on her way to the Palace,to try to change the outcome of the battle ahead if she could.

From high in the air,Rosa saw the harbor,and the Guard that waited.He had no name,was only a drone,and knew only one thing.To protect Roted,the harbor,and every thing in the air.

As the drone,with his fiery breath,kept the harbor free of ice,Rosa grew closer.It had been a long journey from her lair on the Peaks of Dana,and she grew weary.

Rosa carried much with her.She was going in to battle,this she knew.And Rosa needed all her strength,and age old wisdom to change the course of this battle.

Rosa rested on a plain of soft geen grass.Just out of sight of the drone.While she sat there,a man crept to her feet.He had never seen a white dragon before.Especially one such as the one before him.

Rosa,gazed down on him,as he stood and gazed at her in awe.So huge is she,her bulk blocked out the sun's rays and the man stood in her great shadow.

Not a word was spoken between the two.Only silence.

But from far away,Rosa heard the sounds of wings in flight.The sounds of battle between two mighty creatures,and she knew her rest was over.

Leaping in to the air,Rosa turned once more to the Palace Of Dragon's.As she crossed over the last high peak,she saw the battle.Or was it?

What she saw,made her heart beat faster.it was not a battle,as it appeared,it was a dragon greeting.

When dragon greets dragon,there is much flashing,and wing spreading,and loud noise.

Rosa saw,it was Darh,the Red Queen.She had answered the call,and was being greeted.

Beware Lorete,she thought.Darh has come,and your time has come as well.

And Genar crossed the last peak,and watched the greeting as well.He knew that they,his weary band would find rest,warmth,and food in the Palace Of Dragon.

What he did not know,not yet that he would also find help.he did not expect.

As Genar stood and watched,Rosa joined in the greeting and Genar could not believe his eyes,a white dragon!!

Remember those young dragon,who had no band? They were once again,causeing trouble.Finding a city,unprotected,they decended on them,killing all who stood in thier way.

They left no one alive,not even the cattle.And they,the people,had fought bravely,there was no way they could defeat them.

One lone man,made his way to safety,fighting his way to freedom.One dragon followed him,and he fought him off,while his mount,reared and bucked.

This man,is to play a crucial part in Genar's journey.His name is,Torm.Torm has his own hatred of Lorete.

And altho he has not yet met Genar,when they do,and soon,they will come to realize,they are brothers.Torn apart by the same evil Lorete,many years ago.

Rosa,felt that it was time to look in the crystal ball,she always carried with her.She knew all of Dorexea stood at a bend in the road of time.

One path leading to the end of all dragon folk,and the other to peace.

It all lay in the hands of Genar,and his brother,Torm.Even the fact,that their paths and not yet crossed,they soon would.

If Roted,and Darh could bring all the dragon folk together to overcome Lorete,then peace would enfold Dorexea.

But if nothing came of this meeting,then she would spend time all alone,until time came to an end.

As she watched the cloudy ball start to clear,she felt the first fear she had felt in eons.

What will the dragon folk decide? Will Genar accept Torm,as his brother? And lets not forget Lorete.She still sits in her lair,not knowing about the gathering,only of tormenting Jana.

Hurry Genar,time is running out.Hurry!! Hurry!!

Chapter Four