~*~Michael Nesmith ~*~

Ok folks! This comes from the '67 British Monkee Annual! that i am so very proud to own =) Wanna know about Mike? his personal ambitions? how he feels about that darned Wool Hat? Read on! =)

Real Name: Not Wool-hat! It's Mike Monkee-er, I mean, Robert Michael Nesmith. Yep, that's me.

Birthplace: Dallas Texas...ma'am.

height: 6 feet er-2 inches or is it 1 inch? well, anyway, tall.

Hair: brown

Eyes: brown

Wife's name: Brown. Oh..sorry, Phyllis.

Son's name: Christian Du Val. He's just about 2, i reckon....

Present home: Hollywood. Wow! Just can't beleive it.

Instruments: Guitar, Kazoo.

Where educated: San Antonio College...er...that's in....er San Antonio.

Age into show biz: Twenty-man, it's all happened since!

1st professional appearance: San Antonio folk clubs

tv debut: 'Monkees'-of course!

Former occupation: Student.

Hobbies: Stripping down cars, hot-rodding and skate boards

fave colour: blue

fave clothes: Oh, i guess like i wear in the programme-realy informal gear. But not woollen hats. I'd like to make that clear, please....

Fave singer: Danny Hutton

Likes: Motor racing- like to have been in the game myself.

dislikes: Tv shows, hangers-on and...being called wool-hat! I'm getting a thing about it.

tastes in music: Country and western-and folk, folks! The kind of music i compose, in fact.

personal ambition: Well, just to be successful in show biz, i guess. Wouldn't go further than that. I'm easy-going-do a lot of thinking, thought. Guess I always want time to myself- and i enjoy talking, too...oh, you going?

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