Denise's Heartfelt Links: Proverbs 17:17 Enjoy!
Peggie's Place
a variety of Christian interests
The Cyber Hymnal
over 1,000 hymns to listen to and sing-a-long with
Baptist One
Baptist Sunday School Board
commentaries for SS literature
Angels Watching Over Me
my dear friend, Rita's, beautiful site!
Annie's Homepage
Christian site with free greetingcards!
Christian Quote of the Day
a daily dose of the scriptures!
Olive Branch
religious kids corner, family site, Bible trivia, etc.
Professor Pocket's Place
Christian children's activities
Random Church Humor
church related humor
The Humor Archive
Christian fun and laughs!
The Bible Gateway
wonderful scriptural reference
beautifully created and organized Christian site!
another Christian search engine
In The Beginning
over 5300 Christian linksfrom this site! WOW!
All In One Christian Index
another good search engine
Contemporary Christian Music MIDI Site
lots of uplifting music, music to anyone's ears!
wealth of sites for teachers!
Fishers of Children
for Christian teachers, devotions,ministry links
search engine, many categories, including denominations
Sassy's Place for Kids
Bible verses,games, stories
Kids To Kids Bible Understanding
test your knowledge of Jesus and his teachings
World Wide Christian Web
yet another Christian search engine
Helene's Heartland Home
a very moving, heart-wrenching page,must view!
Sunshine's Corner
many links for the Christian woman!
site for adult children who've lost their mothers
Gloria's Southern Gospel Page
sites for many Southern Gospel groups!!!!!!!!!

Are there anymore Web-a-Holics out there? Let me hear from you! My family thinks I spend way too much time on this computer!
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew

I'd really like to get some mail in my box! Let me know you dropped by for a visit. I promise to respond to all mail received!
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