DAIL, Laura E. died at her home in Morris Neck at 11:50AM Thursday
aged 61 yrs.
Husband - T.J. DAIL
Son - T. Howard DAIL of Baltimore
Grandson - Carlton DAIL
Grandson - Thomas DAIL
Sister - Mrs Mollie I. DAIL
Funeral at Beckwith Church Sunday & interment in church burying ground
(Note: Saturday paper says burial in Greenlawn Cemetery) (Friday 23
Oct 1930)

DASHIELL, Nathaniel died at his home in Quantico - Funeral to be held
tomorrow at home (Thursday - 6 Nov 1930)

DAYTON, Ira died 5 May 1925 - Memoriam by mother & sisters
(Monday 5 May 1930)

DEAN, Dorothy Alice died Saturday at 6:40 PM at Children's Hospital,
Washington, D.C. - Daughter of Mr & Mrs George W. DEAN
Grandparents - Mr & Mrs A.J. MESSICK of Cambridge
Grandfather - Everett DEAN of Taylors Island
Funeral at home, 300 Auroroa St., Cambridge on Wednesday & interment
in Episcopal Cemetery (Story) (Monday - 10 Nov 1930)

DEAN, Eunice M., widow of Bruce C. DEAN died Sunday at 5:30PM at home
of her uncle, Winnie SPEAR of near Cambridge
Son - Lindon DEAN
Dau - Betty Ann DEAN
Sister - Mrs Wallace MERRICK of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Alice CANNON of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs James WILSON of Cambridge
Brother - Foble STEWART of Galveston, Tx
1/2 sister - Mrs William H. STINER of Cambridge
1/2 sister - Mrs Harry PATCHETT of Cambridge
1/2 sister - Mrs Thomas ADAMS of Cambridge
1/2 brother - EmmettW. STEWART of Virginia
Funeral at home of her uncle, Shoal Creek Tuesday & interment in
Greenlawn cemetery (Monday - 14 July 1930)

DEAN, Florence E., wife of Walter O. DEAN died this morning at home
119 Robbins St.
Parents - John A. & Henrietta ANDREWS
Was born in Lakesville, Md
Dau - Mrs Ruben PRITCHETT of Cambridge
Dau - Miss Frances DEAN of Cambridge
Son - Emerson DEAN of Cambridge
Grandson - Frederick W. PRITCHETT of Cambridge
Brother - Odie A. ANDREWS
Sister - Mrs Harvey CONWAY, Jr
Funeral at home on Monday & interment in Cambridge cemetery
(Saturday - 12 July 1930)

DEAN, Martha E., aged 78 years died Wednesday evening at Cambridge
Md Hospital
Dau - Blanche C. DEAN of Cambridge
Grandson - Allen PARKER of Fishing Creek
Funeral at home, 20 Muir St. Friday & interment in Greenlawn Cemetery
(Thursday 3 July 1930)

DETTBARN, August died in Schnectady, N.Y Saturday night.  Mrs Carl
CLAUSER of East New Market left here to go home (East New Market 
Items) (Wednesday 15 Oct 1930)

DISHAROON, Mrs Harrison was shot & killed by her husband last night
at the home of her parents, Mr & Mrs James MARVEL of near Mardela.  He
then killed himself (Story)  (Wednesday 19 Mar 1930)

DIXON, William H. aged 60 yrs, died at home in Lakesville of paralysis. Leaves:
Wife - Annie, daughter of Mr & Mrs George T. DIXON of Lakesville
Dau - Mrs Charlie SHENTON of Madison
Dau - Mildred DIXON of Lakesville
Dau - Hazel DIXON of Lakesville
Dau - Lillian DIXON of Lakesville
Dau - Anna May DIXON of Lakesville
Son - Sangston DIXON of Lakesville
Son - Lloyd DIXON of Lakesville
Son - Jennings DIXON of Lakesville
Son - Henry DIXON of Lakesville
Son - Monroe DIXON of Lakesville
Grandson - William Edward ________
Sister - Mrs Kate WILLEY of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Izzy WILLEY of Cambridge
1/2 sister - Mrs Howard SMITH of Aireys
1/2 brother - Benjamin DIXON of Baltimore
Funeral from Street's Church & interment in family burying ground
(Tuesday - 15 Apr 1930)

DODSON, J. Ralph who was killed 23 Jan 1929 - Memoriam by sister,
Amelia - Memoriam by sister, Nancy & memoriam by mother, Mrs Bertie
DODSON (Friday - 24 Jan 1930)

DODSON, Margaret Ann, 9 yrs old daughter of Mr & Mrs Everett DODSON
died at the home of her parents, 101 Franklin St. at 10:15PM Tuesday
Leaves parents, 2 sisters, Winifred June & an infant.  Funeral at home
on Thursday & interment in Greenlawn Cemetery (Wednesday 1 Oct 1930)

DOLBY, B.A. aged 52 yrs died Tuesday 6 May at Cambridge Md Hospital
Had been injured by a tree falling several months ago.
Wife - Gertie Tubman DOLBY
Sons - Clarence, Isaac, Leon, Calvin, Vincent & Wilbur DOLBY
Sister - Mrs Henry DIFFENDERFER of Trappe, Md
Brother - S.J. DOLBY of Queenstown, Md
Brother - Isaac E. DOLBY of Centreville, Md
Brother - Hiram J. DOLBY of Hurlock, Md
Brother - John Q. DOLBY of Preston, Md
Brother - Waterman E. DOLBY of Deer River, Minnesota
Funeral held Wednesday at home near Williamsburg & interment in
Washington Cemetery (Friday 9 May 1930)

DUKES, Lucy died Thursday at the home of her son, Arthur DUKES at
Bellefonte near Wilmington.  Funeral on Saturday at Church of God in
Federalsburg.  Aged 65 yrs.  Native of Dorchester Co.  Having lived at
East New market until married to thelate George DUKES.
Son - Floyd DUKES of Philadelphia
Son - Howard DUKES of Secretary
Dau - Mrs Willis HUBBARD of Pittsburg, Pa
Brother - Daniel STEVENS of Wilmington
While Mrs DUKES' funeral was in progress, that of her little 2 yr old
granddaughter, the daughter of Mr & Mrs Willis HUBBARD was taking
place in Wilmington.  the child had taken sick with diphtheria & died 
and was buried in Wilmington (Tuesday - 4 Nov 1930)

DUNNOCK, William John died ca 5:00 yesterday at his home on Washington
St. Ext as the result of being struck by an automobile driven by
Julian B. BRINSFIELD of Reids Grove - Was born in Lower Dorchester
Wife - Sallie TREGOE DUNNOCK of Madison
Dau - Mrs Lelia MARSHALL of Cambridge
Son - William M. DUNNOCK of Baltimore
Dau - Mrs Mary BRADLEY of Vienna
Son - Carl DUNNOCK of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Virgie KRAFT of East New Market
Son - Samuel DUNNOCK of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Mildred GREENWELL of Ross Neck
Son - John DUNNOCK of Cambridge
Dau - Edith DUNNOCK of Baltimore
Son - Reginald DUNNOCK of Cambridge
Funeral at home tomorrow & interment in East New Market cemetery
(Story)  (Wednesday - 13 Aug 1930)

EASOM, Stella, aged 66 yrs, widow of James M. EASOM died yesterday at 
the home of Mrs Calvert LEONARD, 106 Choptank Ave.
Brother - Joseph FITZHUGH of Milton
Brother - Levin FITZHUGH of Madison
Funeral at 106 Choptank Ave Saturday & interment in Cambridge Cemetery
(Friday - 29 Aug 1930 )

ELBERTS, Lily, better known as "Aunt Tootie" died suddenly at her home
near East New Market Sunday night - Wife of Albert ELBERTS, col'd
Funeral held Tuesday at East New Market Church - Took ill while in
Philadelphia with children (East New Market Item) (Saturday 11 Jan 1930)

ELLIOTT, Mattie died 6 Dec 1926 - Memoriam by husband & children
(Monday - 8 Dec 1930)

ELZEY, Samuel L. aged 22 yrs died at Cambridge Md Hospital from Auto
accident while driving from Cambridge to Keene's Ditch - Son of Milton
ELZEY of Bucktown & Mrs Helen COUGHLAN of Escanaba, Michigan
Son - Samuel Donald ELZEY
Sister - Miss Frances ELZEY of Baltimore
Sister - Mrs Pauline WILLEY of Washington, D.C
Sister - Mrs Arthur WROTEN of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Percy TUCKER of Philadelphia
Sister - Mrs Beryl ELZEY of Bucktown
1/2 brother - Edgar ELZEY
1/2 brother - Richard ELZEY
1/2 brother - Russell ELZEY
1/2 brother - Milton ELZEY, Jr
1/2 sister - Miss Mary Katherine ELZEY
Funeral at Trinity Church, Sewards, Tuesday & interment in Greenlawn
cemetery (Story)  (Monday - 1 Sept 1930)

ESKRIDGE, Mrs John E., aged 91 years, a former resident of Cambridge
died at the Odd Fellows Home at Frederick, Md Saturday 23 Aug -
Burial at Greenmount Cemetery Baltimore on Monday (Wednesday 27 Aug

EWELL, Peggy Marie died 6 Nov 1929 - Memoriam by parents, Mr & Mrs
Seymore EWELL (Thursday - 6 Nov 1930)

EWELL, Mrs Thomas J. died yesterday - Remains to be brought to
Cambridge - (Saturday 20 Dec 1930)

EWELL, Mrs Thomas J who died Friday in Washington - Funeral held today
& interment in Greenlawn Cemetery (Monday - 22 Dec 1930)

FISHER, Miss Belle Bennett died at home of her brother in law, John
GETTIER in Baltimore yesterday of double pneumonia.
Parents - (late) George & Mary FISHER
Aunt - (late) Mrs David STRAUGHN of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs John GETTIER of Baltimore
Brother - Orville FISHER
1/2 brother - Not named
Aunt - Mrs John F. WILLIS, Sr. of Cambridge
Aunt - Mrs Elizabeth GRAY of Cambridge
Funeral in Baltimore on Wednesday & interment in Loudon Park Cemetery
(Tuesday - 8 Apr 1930)

FISHER, Belle Bennett - Long Tribute by friend (Tuesday 29 Apr 1930)

FITZHUGH, Capt Raymond, better known of "Penniwinkle" was drowned 
today in the Choptank River off Howell's Point when the bugeye
"Saucy Jane" capsized.  Capt FITZHUGH was trapped in the cabin.  Other
members of the crew, Norman LEWIS & George REAGAN.  Rescued by
Capt William H. STEWART in the "Ella Agnes".  "Sacey Jane" was owned
by Daniel H. WRIGHT (Story) (Monday - 10 Feb 1930)

FITZHUGH, Capt Thomas R. who drowned Monday morning was born in
Dorchester Co.  Better known as "Penny" - Was aged 41 yrs.  Leaves
Mother - Mrs Jennie FITZHUGH of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs George L. MOWBRAY of Cambridge
Funeral at Albaugh Funeral Home today & interment in Greenlawn
Cemetery (Wednesday 12 Feb 1930)

FLEMING, Miss Ida died at home of her niece, Mrs I.M. PRAG, 718 E.
11th St., Wilmington, De. yesterday.  Daughter of the late Ezekiel T.
FLEMING of Big Mills, Vienna.  Sister of the late George B. FLEMING
who died several years ago.  Leaves:
Sister - Miss Edith FLEMING of Washington, D.C.
Brother - Howard FLEMING of Vienna
Brother - Olin FLEMING of New York
(Monday - 1 Sept 1930) - Funeral to be held in Wilmington & interment
in East New Market Cemetery on Wednesday (2 Sept 1930)

FLOWERS, John W. a well known painter of Cambridge died of heart 
trouble yesterday afternoon at the home of Emmett PALMER of Town 
Point.  Was born in Delaware, but had lived in Cambridge for the past
45 years.  Was aged 72 years.  Leaves:
Dau - Mrs William LANGRALL of Cambridge
Brother - Andreww J. FLOWERS of Baltimore
Granddaughter - Miss Alice LANGRALL MCQUAY of Cambridge
Grandsons - William & Paul LANGRALL
Funeral at daughter's home on Thursday & interment in Greenlawn
Cemetery (Wednesday - 8 Oct 1930)

GILBERT, Mary A., wife of Edward GILBERT of Ross Neck died at 6AM this
morning of a heart attack.  Was born in the Neck, but spent most of
her life in Baltimore.  Leaves:
Dau - Mrs Walter ERICKSON of Los Angeles, Ca.
Dau - Mrs Raymond MARTIN of Baltimore
Brother - Charles N. FORSYTHE of Baltimore
Stepdaughter - Mrs R.W. TYLER of Cambridge
4 grandchildren
Funeral at Beckwith Church on Wednesday & interment in Greenlawn
Cemetery (Monday - 14 July 1930)

GLADEN, James H., aged 70 years died at home of his daughter, Mrs
Jesse LIDDEN, Washington St., Ext Sunday night of paralysis.  He had
just moved to Cambridge from Kent Co.  Leaves:
Dau - Mrs Mollie LOWMAN of Templeville
Son - John GLADEN of Cambridge
Funeral at Harley Church in Harley, De Wednesday & interment in
church cemetery (Monday - 21 July 1930)

GOLDSBOROUGH, Leroy died this morning at 3AM at home in Ruxton, 
Baltimore. Married to Isabelle HANNA, daughter of Mr & Mrs Frank C.
HANNA of Cambridge
Dau - Audrey Hanna GOLDSBOROUGH
Also leaves parents & several brothers & sister.  Arrangements not
complete at this time. (Thursday - 20 Nov 1930)

GOLDSBOROUGH, Mary Ellen, wife of U.S. Senator Phillips Lee 
GOLDSBOROUGH died at their home on University Pwy, Baltimore last
night - Was married in 1893 and lived in Cambridge until 1913 when
her husband became Governor.  Daughter of the late William & Ellen
SHOWELL of Berlin, Worcester Co., Md.  Leaves:
Son - Phillips Lee GOLDSBOROUGH, Jr
Funeral in Cambridge tomorrow & interment in Christ Church cemetery
(Wednesday - 8 Jan 1930)

GOOTEE, Martha P. aged 86 yrs, widow of John W. GOOTEE died at her 
home on 104 Muir St. last night of heart attack.  Leaves:
Dau - Mrs William VINCENT of Cambridge
Dau - Miss Bertha GOOTEE of Cambridge
Son - Charles GOOTEE of Baltimore
Son - R. Kenny GOOTEE of Cambridge
Son - Herman GOOTEE of Cambridge
Son - William C. GOOTEE of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Elizabeth J. DELAHA of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Thomas DUNN of Reids Grove
Brother - Thomas C. SELLERS of Vienna
Brother - Frank SELLERS of Steel's Neck
Brother - George SELLERS of Baltimore
17 grandchildren  - 22 great grandchildren & 2 great great grandchildren
Funeral at home Friday & interment in Cambridge Cemetery
(Thursday - 21 Aug 1930)

GORE, Alexine, aged 82 years, widow of Daniel J. GORE died Tuesday at
home of daughter, Mrs Joseph B. ANDREWS of Hurlock.  Daughter of the
late George RUE and stepdaughter of the late Dr. S.S. EWELL of Vienna
Dau - Mrs H.F. NICHOLS of East New Market
Dau - Mrs I.E. JONES of Salisbury
Dau - Mrs Granville HARPER of Easton
Son - Wilbur GORE of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs J.B. ANDREWS of Hurlock
Funeral on Thursday at daughter's home & interment in Vienna cemetery
(Wednesday 30 Apr 1930)

GORE, Annie K., wife of M.E. GORE died 11 Apr at her home on Race St.
Ext.  Daughter of the late James H.C. BARRETT, former postmaster of
Cambridge & Editor of the Cambridge Journal. Leaves:
Dau - Mrs Louise MITCHELL
Granddaughter - Anna Ruth MITCHELL
Brother - W.L. BARRETT
2 nieces and 1 nephew
Funeral at home on Sunday & interment in Cambridge Cemetery
(Saturday 12 Apr 1930)

GRAHAM, Annie M., widow of the late Rev. James P. GRAHAM died Friday
22 Aug at 312 Locust St.  Leaves:
Son - Rev. E.C. GRAHAM of Crisfield
Dau - Mrs Elizabeth COVERDALE of Clayton, De.
Brother - Fred CRAWFORD of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs James FOOKS of Cambridge
3 grandchildren - Donald & Stuart GRAHAM & Arthur COVERDALE
Funeral on Monday at home & interment in Old Trinity Churchyard
(Saturday - 23 Aug 1930)

GRANGER, Mary E. died 5 Mar 1926 - Memoriam by children
(Wednesday - 5 Mar 1930)

GRAY, Mrs Martha died at her home on Elliotts Island at 7AM this 
morning.  Leaves:
Sons - Rannie, Shelton & Roy GRAY of Elliotts Island
Brother - Solomon J. EWELL of Elliotts Island
Funeral at Elliotts M.E. Church & interment in church cemetery
(Hard to read) (Saturday - 27 Dec 1930)

GREENWELL, Frances, aged 89 years died at home on Pleasant St. Wednes-
day night.  Widow of the late Alexander GREENWELL - Daughter of the
late Levin & Mary SEWARD of the Neck.  Leaves:
Dau - Mrs John A. WRIGHT of Lloyds
Dau - Mrs Nee WHEATLEY of Lloyds
Dau - Mrs Grafton SLACUM of Cornersville
Son - John GREENWELL of Wrights
Son - Frank GREENWELL of Cambridge
Son - Robert GREENWELL of Cambridge
Son - Oliver GREENWELL of Lloyds
9 grandchildren & 4 great grandchildren
Funeral to be held from home on Friday & interment in Cambridge
Cemetery (Thursday - 8 May 1930)

HACKETT, William Thomas died 20 May at home near East New Market.  Son
of the late James M. & Hester Ann INSLEY HACKETT.  Born 20 Feb 1844 in
Fork District.
Wife - Charlesanna SHEHEE HACKETT (m) 30 Sept 1875
Had 9 children - 8 living:
Son - Alton H. HACKETT of Philadelphia
Dau - Mrs Philip MERRICK of Vienna
Dau - Mrs Jennie BRADSHAW of Secretary
Dau - Mrs Howard HURST of Wilmington
Son - Luke HACKETT of East New Market
Dau - Mrs John MILLER of Philadelphia
Dau - Mrs Howard BLAKE of near East New Market
Dau - Mrs Harry WEBSTER of near East New Market
Brother - J. Frank HACKETT of Chilton, Tx
Sister - Mrs Adora WHEATLEY of East New Market
25 grandchildren & 1 great grandchild
Funeral from home Friday & interment in East New Market Cemetery
(Friday 23 May 1930)

HALL, Robert H. aged 79 yrs died at his home, 117 Academy St. at 8:10
this morning.  Leaves:
Wife - Not named
Son - J. Gordy HALL of Cambridge
Son - Robert B. HALL of Cambridge
Son - Brice M. HALL of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Salley DORSEY of Sommersville, N.J
Funeral at home Sunday & interment in Greenlawn Cemetery
(Friday - 7 Feb 1930)

HALL, Mrs Theodore F. died yesterday in Baltimore - Sister of William
P. FLINT - Interment in Cambridge Cemetery on Wednesday.
(Tuesday 22 July 1930)

HALL, William died at his home in Baltimore, 7 Mar 1930 at 7:30 of
paralysis.  Former resident of Dorchester Co.  Leaves:
Wife - Not named
Son - William HALL of Baltimore
Dau - Mrs Grace POHL of Church Creek
Son - Ben HALL of Baltimore
Son - Lee HALL of Baltimore
Son - Harry HALL of Baltimore
Funeral at Holiness Church today & interment in Trinity Cemetery
(Tuesday - 11 Mar 1930)

HALLOWELL, May Bell wife of Isaac E. HALLOWELL died 7AM at her home
in Federalsburg (Saturday 30 Aug 1930)

HANDS, James of Baltimore was killed Saturday night on the road from
Bucktown to Cambridge along with his brother in law, Elwood LECOMPTE
(See LECOMPTE obit abstract) Funeral to be held at his home in 
Baltimore Wednesday & interment in Elkridge, Md (Story)
(Monday - 1 Sept 1930)

HANDY, Samuel B. aged 75 yrs died at the home of his daughter, Mrs
Leland HENRY, Cambridge on Friday from paralysis.  Leaves his daughter
& the following:
Wife - the former Miss Maggie HURLOCK, daughter of the late John &
       Katherine HURLOCK of Federalsburg
Son - Lucius HANDY of Woodbine, N.J.
Son - Herman HANDY of Philadelphia
Son - Fay HANDY of Miami, Florida
Son - Ernest HANDY of Bucktown
Son - Harry HANDY of Cambridge
17 grandchildren & 1 great grandchild
Funeral at daughter's home 7 West End Ave on Sunday & interment in
Cambridge Cemetery (Saturday - 27 Dec 1930)

HARPER, Mrs James of Wilmington was buried Saturday - Sister in law
of S.E. HARPER & William HARPER of Hurlock (Hurlock Items)
(Saturday 2 Aug 1930)

HARRINGTON, Benjamin E. committed suicide yesterday with a gunshot to
the temple on a boat in Slaughter Creek - Son of the late John E. &
Elizabeth THOMPSON HARRINGTON.  Born 6 July 1866 at Madison.
Wife - Fannie J. SMITH HARRINGTON, daughter of the late Dr. & Mrs
   Benjamin L. SMITH of Taylors Island
Son - Byron E. HARRINGTON of Taylors Island
Sister - Mrs Edward SMITH of Williamsburg
Sister - Mrs William D. SMITH of Williamsburg
Brother - William W. HARRINGTON of Madison
Brother - Winder F. HARRINGTON of Cambridge
Brother - Emerson C. HARRINGTON of Cambridge
Funeral on Sunday at his home & interment in Christ Church Cemetery
(Long obit & story)  (Saturday 24 May 1930)

HARRINGTON, Benjamin E. (Article on funeral) (Monday 26 May 1930)

HARRINGTON, Mrs J.D. died at home of daughter & son in law, Rev. &
Mrs J.L. JOHNSON of Middletown.  funeral hel at Camden, De. & 
attended by O.W. HUBBARD, Mrs A.V. NEAL & Mrs Mary K. WILLEY
(East New Market Items) (Friday 15 Aug 1930)

HAWKINS, Infant son of Mr & Mrs Sheldon HAWKINS died at St. Joseph's
Hospital, Baltimore this morning.  Mother was the former Miss Nancy
Brown KINSEY of Cambridge (Friday - 5 Sept 1930)

HAYES, Mrs Josephine d 18 June 1925 - Memoriam by children
Wednesday 18 June 1930)

HILL, Mrs elizabeth Amanda died at the home of her sister, Mrs Edward
GILBERT, Ross' Neck at 9:30PM Monday.  Leaves:
Dau - Mrs charles J. NAIRN of Indianhead, Md
Dau - Mrs William MEITZLER of Baltimore
Dau - Mrs William H.H. HUBBARD of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Clarence MITCHELL of Neck District
Son - John W. HILL of Neck District
Son - Samuel I. HILL of Neck District
Son - James M. HILL of Neck District
Son - Leroy HILL of Neck District
Son - Alonza HILL of Neck District
Son - Frank HILL of Neck District
Son - Milton HILL of Baltimore
47 grandchildren & 42 great grandchildren
Funeral at Beckwith Church Thursday & interment in Greenlawn Cemetery
(Tuesday - 28 Jan 1930)

HILL, John, one of the best known colored men of Hurlock died Sunday
at his home at Petersburg (Hurlock Item) (Saturday 2 Aug 1930)

HINES, W. Richard died near Federalsburg 7 April 1930 of double
pneumonia - Son of the late Dr. & Mrs P.E. HINES - Born in North
Carolina & was a retired naval officer.
Wife - not named - was married while on a cruise to Norway
Leaves 8 children
Brother - Edgar HINES of Norfolk, Va.
Brother - Lieut. Creton HINES of USN
Brother - Paul HINES, USN
Funeral on Wednesday & interment in Concord burying ground
(Tuesday - 8 Apri 1930)

HOOPER, Mrs Mary Jane aged 89 yrs died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs Willima R. LEWIS, Oakley St., Cambridge today at 11:45AM - Leaves
daughter & the following:
Dau - Mrs Charles WHARTON of Crisfield
7 Grandchildren & 14 great granchildren
Funeral at Hosier Memorial Church, Fishing Creek Friday & interment
in church cemetery (Monday - 5 Nov 1930)

HOOPER, Miss Mary V. aged 68 yrs died at the home of her niece,
Mrs Henry TRAVERS, Hoopersville this morning at 5:00.  Leaves:
Sister - Mrs Alfred JOHNSON of Baltimore
Brother - Samuel HOOPER of Cambridge
Funeral at Methodist Church, Hoopersville Saturday & interment in
church cemetery (Thursday - 13 Feb 1930)

HUBBARD, Blossom Thomas, aged 24 yrs wife of John Leslie HUBBARD died
at her home in Thomas, Md Thursday morning - Leaves husband & the
Dau - Mary Elizabeth HUBBARD aged 3 yrs
Dau - Geneva May HUBBARD aged 10 months
Father - J. Frank THOMAS of Thomas, Md
Sister - Mrs Charlie HILL of Lloyds
Funeral at Spedden Church Thursday & interment at Spedden burying
ground (Tuesday - 21 Oct 1930)

HUBBARD, Elizabeth Jane, aged 86 yrs, widow of the late James
HUBBARD died 5:45PM Sunday at hospital (Known as "Miss Jane")  Came
from a family of 8 children & is survived by one brother, W. Simon
HODDINOTT of Cambridge.  Funeral at home of brother at 10 Church St.
on Tuesday and interment in Cambridge Cemetery (Monday 14 Apr 1930)

HUBBERT, India LeCompte , aged 46 yrs, wife of William S. HUBBERT of
Mt Holly died at her home Tuesday morning.  Daughter of the later
James C. MEARS & Mrs James C. MEARS of 401 Byrn St. - Survived by
husband, mother & the following:
Son - Philip W. HUBBERT
Sister - Mrs clarence B. ROBERSON of Linkwood
Sister - Mrs J. Percy MAY of Linkwood
Funeral at home on Thursday & interment in East New Market Cemetery
(Wednesday - 15 Oct 1930)

HUGHES, Henrietta D. of Andrews, Md aged 65 yrs died at her home
11:05 Tuesday morning of pneumonia.  Leaves:
Husband - Solomon L. HUGHES of Andrews
Dau - Mrs Emory MOORE of Andrews
Dau - Miss Grace HUGHES of Andrews
Son - Howard A. HUGHES of Andrews
Son - Herman L. HUGHES of Andrews
Brother - John W. JONES of Andrews
Funeral held from Wesley Church today and interment in Andrews
(Wednesday - 17 Sept 1930)

HUGHLETT, Carlton Covey died at the Riverside Hotel in Federalsburg
this morning aged 51 yrs.
Wife - Stella HUGHLETT
Son - Dandridge Carter HUGHLETT
Son - William Richard HUGHLETT
Father - Richard HUGHLETT of Cambridge
Brother - T. Carter HUGHLETT of Cambridge
Brother - R. HUGHLETT of Cambridge
Brother - William HUGHLETT of Baltimore
Funeral from home, 109 Willis St. Thursday & interment in Cambridge
Cemetery (Story) (Tuesday 3 June 1930)

HUMPHRIES, John, aged 65 yrs, U.S. Mail carrier at Vienna was
accidentally killed this morning when the gun he was carrying got hung
in the car dorr & discharged.  Survived by wife & 7 children
Funeral Friday at home & interment in Brookview Cemetery (Small story)
(Wednesday - 17 Dec 1930)

HUNTLEY, Frederick of Baltimore aged 42 yrs, employed by B & O Rail-
road was killed instantly while coupling cars Saturday afternoon.
Wife - Mable Warfield HUNTLEY of the Neck sister of Mrs J. Edward
     MOWBRAY of Thomas, Md
Funeral at home today in Baltimore & interment tomorrow in Greenlawn
Cemetery (Monday 30 June 1930)

HURLEY, C.C. aged 83 yrs died this morning at home of his son, W.W.
HURLEY near Salem.
Dau - Mrs Florence VAN SANT of St. Michaels
1/2 brother - Levin H. HURLEY of Elliotts
Funeral at home of his son on Monday & interment in family burying
ground in Griffith's Neck (Saturday 2 Aug 1930)

HURLEY, C.C. died Saturday morning at home of his son, William W.
HURLEY & was buried Monday with interment in family burying ground in
Griffith Neck (Vienna Item) (Saturday 9 Aug 1930)

HURLEY, Della died 8 May 1929 - Memoriam by husband, Dwight HURLEY
(Thursday 8 May 1930)

HURLEY, Della died 8 May 1929 - Memoriam by son, Rodney TODD
(Thursday 8 May 1930)

HURLEY, Capt Elijah died at home near Vienna Sunday morning 4 May 1930
Had had his 84th birthday in December 1929, having been born in
Dorchester County in 1845.  Orphaned early in life.  Brother, the
late Levin F. HURLEY died ca 16 yrs ago.  He married the widow of his
deceased brother, Mrs Celia E. HURLEY.  Funeral on Tuesday 6 May from
home and interment in Vienna Cemetery (LONG obit) (Saturday 10 May

HURLEY, Miss Mary Blanche, aged 17 yrs, daughter of Mr & Mrs John L.
HURLEY of 409 Henry St. died at her home this afternoon.  Leaves:
Brother - Norris E. HURLEY of Baltimore
Brother - William Luther HURLEY of Cambridge
Brother - John K. HURLEY of Cambridge
Sister - Minnie E. HURLEY of Cambridge
Brother - Grayson L. HURLEY of Cambridge
Sister - Virginia Lee HURLEY of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs William JONES of Cambridge
Funeral at Pilgrim Holiness Church Monday & interment in Cambridge
Cemetery (Saturday 9 Aug 1930)

HURLEY, Peggy Jean died 1 Oct 1928 - Memoriam by parents, Mrs & Mrs
Wilbur F. HURLEY (Wednesday - 1 Oct 1930)

HURLOCK, Flora Agnes, wife of Harvey R. HURLOCK was fatally injured 
Tuesday evening by a car driven by Charles MONBERGER.  Daughter of the
late Mr & Mrs Henry D. HENRY of Williamsburg.  Leaves:
Dau - Lorraine HURLOCK aged 19 months
Son - Arthur CHRISTOPHER of Federalsburg
Son - Charles CHRISTOPHER of Galestown
Dau - Helen CHRISTOPHER of Hurlock
Dau - Jeanette CHRISTOPHER of Hurlock
Sister - Mrs Wilbur CHRISTOPHER of Cabin Creek
Sister - Mrs Norman WRIGHT of Federalsburg
Brother - Solon HENRY of Chester, Pa
Brother - Willard HENRY of Baltimore
Funeral at Baptist Church in Hurlock on Friday and interment in East
New Market Cemetery (Story)  (Wednesday - 3 Sept 1930)

HURLOCK, Miss Gay, aged 47 yrs died at her home in Hurlock Friday at 
2PM -  Was the daughter of the late Robert A. & Jennie V. SEWARD
HURLOCK and a direct descendant of the late John Martin HURLOCK for
whom the town of Hurlock was named.
Sister - Mrs Lillie HARPER of Hurlock
Sister - Mrs A.O. GERMAN of Hurlock
Brother - Charles HURLOCK of Cape Charles, Va.
Brother - Wilbur HURLOCK of Cape Charles, Va.
Brother - James HURLOCK of Allentown, Pa
Brother - Allen R. HURLOCK of Hurlock
Funeral on Monday & interment in Washington Cemetery
(Saturday - 13 Dec 1930)

HURLOCK, John H. aged 84 yrs died at the Cambridge Md Hospital Monday
22 Sept at 9AM - Leaves:
Wife - Arbella F. HURLOCK
Dau - Mrs Anna R. MESSICK of Dover, De
Funeral at hoem of Crosby MURPHY, 117 West End Ave Wednesday & 
interment in Cambridge Cemetery (Tuesday - 23 Sept 1930)

HURLOCK, Mitchell T. aged 72 yrs died thursday 27 Mar 1930 at the home
of his nephew, Herman HURLOCK, Sr.  Born in Dorchester Co., but made
his home in Baltimore.  After the death of his wife about 10 years
ago he returned in Hurlock.  Leaves:
Sister - Mrs Charles BROWN of Williamsburg
Sister - Mrs Daniel BROWN of Hurlock
Funeral at nephew's home on Sunday & interment in Washington Cemetery
(Friday - 28 Mar 1930)

HURST, John Jones died yesterday at Polyclinic Hospital, Harrisburg,
Pa - Born in Baltimore 28 Apr 1872 the son of John J. & Martina A.
HURST natives of Dorchester Co.  Leaves:
Wife - Louise Banks HURST
Son - John J. HURST, Jr, a graduate of Princeton University
Cousin - Winfield WEBSTER of Cambridge
Funeral on Saturday at Grace & St. Peter's Church (Long obit)
(Friday - 12 Sept 1930)

HURST, Laura E. died 10 Feb 1923 - Memoriam by children, Mrs William
WILEY & Mrs Thomas FOX  (Monday - 10 Feb 1930)

HUTCHINSON, Murray, aged 52 yrs, died Sunday at State Hospital - Son
of the late William A. & Annie R. HUTCHINSON - Leaves"
Brother - John HUTCHINSON of Baltimore
Funeral at Willis Undertaking Parlor on High St. today and interment
in Cambridge Cemetery (Monday 28 July 1930)

INSLEY, John W.P. died Tuesday morning in Baltimore.  Was in the
insurance business.  Leaves:
Father - George Dallas INSLEY of Bivalve, Wicomico Co., Md
Wife - Nina WEBB INSLEY, daughter of Mr & Mrs John W.T. WEBB of
Sons - Webb, Frederick, Alan & Edwin INSLEY of Baltimore
Daughters - Charlotte & Virginia INSLEY of Baltimore
Funeral in Baltimore on Thursday at home & interment in family
burying ground in Bivalve (Wednesday - 7 May 1930)

JACKSON, George, col'd tenant on farm owned by Clarence L. SAXTON
near East New Market was killed in a car acident yeaterday morning
(Tuesday - 13 May 1930)

JACKSON, Russell, col'd was shot & killed last night by Samuel ALLEN,
col'd on Park Lane (Story) (Wednesday - 10 Dec 1930)

JACKSON, William (note that 23 Sept paper says his name is JACOBS),
col'd was shot & killed last night at Skinner's Run
(Monday - 22 Sept 1930)

JACOBS, William (note that 22 Sept paper says his name in JACKSON),
col'd - Story of shotting at Skinner's Run - Wilbur BUTLER, col'd is 
sought as murderer (Tuesday 23 Sept 1930)

JAMES, Louise, widow of William E. JAMES of the Neck died at the home
of her son, William H. JAMES, Race St. Saturday night aged 92 yrs.
Dau - Mrs Joseph E. ROBBINS of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Robert GREENWELL of Cambridge
Son - William H. JAMES of Cambridge
Son - Ollie JAMES of Cambridge
Dau - Ella JAMES of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Laura ROBBINS of Cambridge
Brother - Marcellus THOMAS of the Neck
Funeral held at daughter's home (Mrs ROBBINS) on Race St. & interment
in Spedden's burying ground today (Monday 30 June 1930)

JAMES, Mary Matilda, wife of William A. JAMES died at Cambridge Md
Hospital 8PM Wednesday aged 73 yrs.  Leaves:
Granddaughter - Miss Virginia MASSEY
Sister - Mrs Frances THOMAS
Brother - Walton THOMAS
Brother - Robert THOMAS
Brother - Daniel THOMAS
Brother - James THOMAS
Brother - William H. THOMAS
Funeral at home, 132 locust St. on Friday & interment in Cambridge
Cemetery (Thursday - 2 Jan 1930)

JOHNS, Calvin & Roy SPRY of near Williamsburg, both col'd were killed
this morning when a train crashed into their auto at Williamsburg
(Story) (Saturday 4 Oct 1930)

JOHNSON, Georgeanna, aged 85 yrs died Monday evening at the home of
her daughter, Mrs George W. WILLEY on Willis St.
Husband - (late) Aaron H. JOHNSON of Toddville
Son - Goldsborough JOHNSON of Cambridge
Brother - Alfred E. WILLEY of Andrews
16 grandchildren
Funeral at Zion M.E. Church, Toddville on Wednesday & interment in
Greenlawn Cemetery (Tuesday 21 Oct 1930) 

JOHNSON, James C. died in Evanston, Ill on Saturday 1 March - Born &
reared in Cambridge.  Son of the late Edward C. & Katherine Radcliff
JOHNSON.  Leaves:
Wife - Florence Hampton JOHNSON of Washington
Dau - Katherine Radcliffe JOHNSON 
Sister - Mrs William E. HOOPER of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs J.A. JORDAN of Cambridge
Brother - Sewell JOHNSON of Washington
1/2 sister - Mrs R.D. DIXON 
Funeral in Evanston, Ill & body to be brought back here later for
burial (Monday - 3 March 1930)

JOHNSON, James C., native of Cambridge died at Evanston, Ill 1 March
1930 - Leaves:
Wife - Florence Hampton JOHNSON
Dau - Katherine Radcliffe JOHNSON
Sister - Mrs William E. HOOPER of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs J.A. JORDAN of Cambridge
Brother - Sewell M. JOHNSON of Washington, D.C.
1/2 sister - Mrs Richard H. DIXON of Cambridge
Funeral today & interment in Christ P.E. Church graveyard
(Monday 14 July 1930) (Note: wife's tombstone says her name was Florida H JOHNSON)

JOHNSON, Lena W. died 23 July 1922 - Memoriam by daughter, 
Mrs Mitchell WINGATE (Tuesday - 22 July 1930)

JOHNSON, Marie J., widow of William T. JOHNSON died yesterday at her
daughter's home on Oakley St. aged 82 yrs.  Was the daughter of the
late Mr & Mrs John B. WOODLAND of Lakes - Leaves:
Son - Walter B. JOHNSON of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Emerson C. HARRINGTON, Sr.
Son - william C. JOHNSON of Boston, Mass
Son - John W. JOHNSON of Pittsburg, Pa
Dau - Mrs H.P. GEOGHEGAN of Cambridge
13 grandchildren & 3 great granchildren
Funeral at home of her daughter , Mrs GEOGHEGAN on Tuesday & interment
in Greenlawn cemetery (Monday - 23 June 1930)

JOHNSON, Richard died 27 July 1929 - Memoriam by wife & children
(Saturday - 26 July 1930)

JOHNSON, Sadie E., widow of Philip M. JOHNSON died at 11:30 last
night at the home of her daughter, Mrs J. Radcliffe JONES. Leaves:
Dau - Mrs J.W. HASTINGS of Mt Clemens, Michigan
Son - Herman S. JOHNSON of Vienna
Son - P. Alvah JOHNSON of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Carroll BRANNOCK of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs J. Radcliffe JONES of Cambridge
Son - Leland M. JOHNSON of Washington, D.C.
Son - J. Arthur JOHNSON of Federalsburg
Son - T. Ira JOHNSON of Federalsburg
Dau - Mrs Oscar MILLER of Los Angeles, Ca.
Brother - T.J. PALMER of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Jacob A. JOHNSON of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Mollie WINDSOR of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Joseph SMITH of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs George A. HASTINGS of Cambridge
28 granchildren
Funeral on Monday & interment in Cambridge Cemetery
(Saturday - 26 Apr 1930)

JOHNSON, Samuel A., aged 70 yrs died at his home on Washington St.,Ext
Sunday of a heart attack - Formerly of Golden Hill - Leaves:
Widow - former Mrs Dennis ADAMS , Sr. of Golden Hill
Dau - Mrs Edwin KEENE of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Alzie WILLEY of Lloyds
Son - Clifton JOHNSON of Hurlock
Son - Melvin JOHNSON of Cambridge
Stepson - Dennis ADAMS of Cambridge
15 grandchildren
Funeral at Hargis Church, Golden Hill Tuesday & interment in church
cemetery (Monday - 16 Jun 1930)

JONES, Fielder G., merchant in Cambridge died at his home, 501 School
St. Noon today of pneumonia.  Had moved from James Island.  Leaves:
Wife - Lillie Partridge JONES
Son - Fielder G. JONES, Jr. of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Etta WHITNEY of Catonsville
Son - Leonard JONES of Philadelphia, Pa
Son - Bernard JONES of Catonsville
Dau - Miss Margaret JONES of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Katherine LOAME of Miami, Fl
Brother - A.W. JONES of Miami, Fl.
3 grandchildren
Funeral at home Friday & interment in Greenlawn Cemetery
(Wednesday - 15 Jan 1930)

JONES, Frances A. "Miss Fannie" aged 65 yrs, wife of William T. JONES
died at Cambridge Md Hospital yesterday at 1:25PM of ptomaine 
poisoning.  Daughter of the late Mr & Mrs Albert TODD of Toddville.
Sons - Ernest & Sewell JONES of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Montgomery JONES of Cambridge
Brothers - Sylvester & Milbourne TODD of Toddville
2 grandchildren - Elizabeth M. JONES & Ernest JONES, Jr
Funeral at Zion M.E. Church, Toddville on Wednesday & interment in
family burying ground in Toddville (Tuesday - 28 Oct 1930)

JONES, Miss Lue, daughter of the late Col, JONES of Lakes District
was buried on her 87th birthday - Aunt of Ernest E. WILLEY, cashier
of Hoopers Island Bank - Last few years had been at the Methodist
Protestant Home in Westminster, Md (Hoopers Island Item)
(Saturday - 12 Apr 1930)

JONES, Norma Lee, 10 yr old daughter of Mr & Mrs William JONES died at
the home of Mrs Mary AIREY, 304 Henry St. this morning - Leaves 
parents & one sister, Lorraine JONES 
Funeral at home of Mrs AIREY Friday & interment in Greenlawn Cemetery
(Wednesday - 31 Dec 1930)

JONES, Olive D. died 2 Aug 1927 - Memoriam by husband & children
(Saturday 2 Aug 1930)

JONES, Mrs William T. died at her home in Toddville at 5AM this 
morning with pneumonia - Spent whole life in Toddville.
Leaves husband & one sister, Mrs Mosdia JONES of Toddville.
Funeral at Zion Church, Toddville & ineterment in church cemetery.
(Saturday - 15 Nov 1930)

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