TAUSER, Mrs Frances, aged 105 yrs died at the home of Mr Charles
WACHSMUTH, Bestpitch Ferry at 7AM today
Son - Mack WILLEY of Robbins
Funeral at her home on Tuesday & interment in Sandy Hill Cemetery,
Bestpitch Ferry  (Monday - 29 Sept 1930)

THOMAS, C. Harry died at his home, 212 Race St. Saturday afternoon.
Son of the late George M. & Isabel THOMAS of the Neck
lst wife - Miss Bertha MARSHALL of Thomas, Md
Son - Harvey THOMAS of Cambridge
2nd wife - Miss Reba L. HUBBARD
Granddaughter - Shirley THOMAS
Brother - Hamilton THOMAS of RFD Cambridge
Brother - Lee THOMAS of RFD Cambridge
Brother - Albert THOMAS of Thomas, Md
Stepson - William H. HUBBARD
Stepdaughter - Thelma FITZGERALD
Stepson - Wendell FITZGERALD
Funeral at Spedden Church on Tuesday & interment in Spedden burying
ground (Monday - 8 Sept 1930)

THOMAS, Daniel H., Merchant of Cambridge died at 7AM today at his 
home on Academy St.  Born Beckwith Neck 20 Apr 1860 - Son of the late
Alexander & Margaret THOMAS
Wife - Emma Tregoe THOMAS
Sister - Mrs Frances THOMAS of Cambridge
Brother - Walton THOMAS of Cambridge
Brother - James THOMAS of Cambridge
Brother - Robert THOMAS of Cambridge
Brother - William H. THOMAS of Cambridge
Funeral on Wednesday at Zion Church & interment in Cambridge Cemetery
Pallbearers:  Claude BENTON, Earle T. RICHARDSON, J. Everett WRIGHT,
William H. HUBBARD, Nelson THOMAS, Charles E. BARNETT, All members of
Dorchester Lodge of Odd Fellows - Story of life (Monday 17 Mar 1930)

THOMAS, Everett died 21 June 1928 - Memoriam by wife & son, Lydia &
Leslie THOMAS - (Saturday 21 June 1930)

THOMAS, William Huffington of Cambridge died at Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, Monday at 6AM - Leaves:
Wife - Minnie THOMAS
Son - Howard D. THOMAS
Son - William F. THOMAS
Sister - Mrs Sallie MOWBRAY of Church Creek
1/2 brother - Samuel THOMAS of Providence, R.I.
1/2 brother - Wrightson THOMAS of Thompson Station
1/2 brother - Bain THOMAS of Baltimore
1/2 brother - Lewis THOMAS of Baltimore
1/2 brother - Lake THOMAS of near Washington, D.C.
1/2 sister - Mrs Lyda THOMAS of Baltimore
1/2 sister - Mrs Bertha HARPER of Philadelphia, Pa
Funeral at home, 120 Choptank Ave., Wednesday & interment in East
New Market cemetery (Tuesday - 5 Aug 1930)

TODD, Ransom B. aged 73 yrs died at his home at Toddville Friday at
6PM. Leaves:
Wife - Angie Roxie TODD daughter of the late Zachary TODD of Toddville
Son - Creathen W. TODD of Toddville
Son - Howard W. TODD of Toddville
Son - winnie M. TODD of Toddville
Son - Ovy E. TODD of Toddville
Son - Ravon A. TODD of Wingate
Brother - Richard TODD of Toddville
Funeral on Sunday at home & interment in family burying ground.
(Monday - 10 Mar 1930)

TOWNSEND, George T. aged 36 yrs - Body was found - Captain of a barge
of the Charles Warner Co., Philadelphia, Pa - Body found in Delaware
River, Burlington, N.J. - Was reported missing after a storm about
3 weeks ago.  He had moved to Seaford, De from Secretary, Md about
8 years ago. (Thursday - 1 May 1930)

TOWNSEND, Mrs John F. died at 3:50PM yesterday at Cambridge Md
Hospital - Had lived in Cambridge for 14 years.  Had lived in
Husband - John F. TOWNSEND
Dau - Mrs Richard SHORES of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Charles COLLINS of Preston
Dau - Mrs Harley WATKINS of Eldorado
Dau = Mrs Edwin PATCHETT of Washington, D.C
Dau - Mrs Louis GANNON of Baltimore
Son - Thomas TOWNSEND of Bridgeville, De.
Mother - Mrs Sarah MARSHALL, Secretary
Sister - Mrs Covey HUGHLETT of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Joshua SMITH of Bowers Beach, De
Brother - Charles MARSHALL of Cambridge
Brother - Bern MARSHALL of Easton
Brother - Ernest MARSHALL of Secretary
Brother - Walter MARSHALL of Secretary
Brother - Harry MARSHALL of New Jersey
Funeral at home, 407 Maryland Ave & interment in East New Market
cemetery (Wednesday  22 Jan 1930)

TRAVERS, Charles M of Fishing Creek died at Cambridge Md Hospital
Saturday, 24 May 1930 aged 64 yrs. Leaves:
Wife - Not named
Son - Arthur M TRAVERS of Cambridge
Son - Robert TRAVERS of Fishing Creek
Son - Lloyd TRAVERS of Cambridge
Brother - Rev. Alonza TRAVERS of Neavitts, Md
Brother - Warner TRAVERS of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Henry R. PHILLIPS of Fishing Creek
Sister - Mrs John SHOCKLEY of Fishing Creek
Sister - Mrs Corbin TYLER of Cambridge
Funeral from Holiness Church Tuesday & interment in Hosier Memorial
Church Cemetery (Monday - 26 May 1930)

TRAVERS, Robert A. (Capt Bob) died Sunday morning at his home, 219
West End Ave.  Leaves:
Wife - Isabelle TRAVERS
Son - R. Lee TRAVERS of Warrenton, Va.
Dau - Mrs Mary Virginia ANDERSON of Warrenton, Va.
Son - Wilbur T. TRAVERS of Baltimore
Son - Hrbert A. TRAVERS of Cambridge
Son - George N. TRAVERS of Baltimore
Son - Hansel B. TRAVERS of Baltimore
1/2 brother - John ADAMS of Cambridge
1/2 sister - Mrs Thomas EVANS of Cambridge
1/2 sister - Mrs Mary J. HOOPER of Cambridge
Funeral at Holiness Church Tuesday & interment in Greenlawn Cemetery
(Monday 8 Sept 1930)

TRAVERS, Sallie, wife of Charles TRAVERS died at her home in Chester,
Pa this morning - Formerly of Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Ruth HILFERTY of Chester, Pa
Sister - Miss Annie WOOLEN of Chester, Pa
Granddaughters - June & Katherine HILFERTY
Funeral to be held here  (Tuesday 9 Dec 1930) - Funeral at St. Paul's
M.P. Church here on Friday & interment in Cambridge Cemetery (Wednes-
day 10 Dec 1930)

TREGOE, Thomas James, aged 85 yrs died at the home of his nephew,
Capt William TREGOE, 405 Academy St. at 4:45PM Saturday.
Brother - charles TREGOE of Baltimore
Sister - Mrs Sarah BROWN of Baltimore
Funeral at nephew's home today & interment in Cambridge cemetery
(Monday - 3 Feb 1930)

TRICE, George - Miss Lucille CHARLES of Prince Frederick, Md is here
for the funeral of her grandfather (Hurlock Item)  (Saturday 12 July

TRICE, George W. of Hurlock aged 74 yrs died Friday morning 4 July at 
home of a heart attack.  Son of the late Thomas A. & Lovey TRICE.
Born in Hurlock
Wife - Formerly Mrs Minnie MCCARTER of Preston
l Son by former marriage - Lloyd TRICE
8 grandchildren
Sister - Mrs William HARPER of Hurlock
Brother - Luther TRICE of Denton
Brother - Joseph TRICE of Lincester

TRICE, John Elisha aged 75 yrs & 5 months died this morning at his 
home at 125 Mill St..  Moved to Cambridge from Hurlock in 1904.
Wife - Katie E. TRICE
Son - M. Guy TRICE of Hurlock
Son - Calvin TRICE of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs columbus WOODELL of Hurlock
Sister - Mrs Emma PRETTYMAN of Salisbury
Funeral at home Wednesday & interment in Washington Cemetery, Hurlock
(Monday 3 Mar 1930)

TUCKER, Mary C., aged 82 yrs died at the home of her daughter,  Mrs
Carrie E. MORGAN, 302 Hayward St Wednesday  Widow of the late
Nicholas R.M. TUCKER, veteran of the Civil War.
Son - William H. TUCKER of Annapolis
Son - Frank Lee TUCKER of Oxford, Md
4 grandchildren - Mrs Dewey MORGAN, Mrs Leonard CANNON, & Mrs William
GOOTEE all of Cambridge & Mrs Nelson TUCKER of Baltimore
6 great grandchildren
Nephew - Bradford B. FRAMPTON of Cambridge
Funeral at home Friday and interment in Cambridge Cemetery (Thursday
14 Aug 1930)
Brother - Charles TRICE of Texas
Daughter - Mrs William CHARLES died several years ago
Funeral at home Sunday & interment in Washington Cemetery
(Monday - 7 July 1930)

TUCKER, Mr W.E. of Louisburg, N.C. died at the home of his daughter,
Mrs C.S. WILLIAMS in Franklinton, N.C. Saturday 18 Oct 1930.
Dau - Mrs Florence BEASLEY
Dau - Mrs Jesse REED
Dau - Mrs Ernest BRAGG
Dau - Mrs Lois PERRY
Dau - Mrs A.B. PERRY
Dau - Mrs Ernest FERGUSON
Dau - Mrs Herbert DAIL
Son - Blair TUCKER
(Monday - 20 Oct 1930)

TYLER, Bessie, aged 47 died at her home in Hoopersville at 5PM 
Saturday.  Leaves:
Husband - James F. TYLER
Dau - Mrs Sylvia STEWART of Cambridge
Dau - Miss Rhodesia TYLER  of Hoopersville
Dau - Miss Kathleen TYLER of Hoopersville
Mother - Mrs Kate TYLER of Hoopersville
2 grandchildren
Funeral at Bethel M.E. Church Tuesday & interment in Rippons Cemetery
(Monday 17 Feb 1930)

TYLER, Mrs Mary E., aged 88 yrs, died at the home of her son, Herbert
C. TYLER, Fishing Creek Thursday at 9PM of pneumonia.  Had 8 children
& 5 survive:
Dau - Mrs James E. PHILLIPS of Golden Hill
Son - Wilfred TYLER of Fishing Creek
Son - Frederick TYLER of Fishing Creek
Son - Herbert C. TYLER of Fishing Creek
Son - Jabez Z. TYLER of Cambridge
20 grandchildren & 14 great grandchildren
Funeral at son's home on Saturday & interment in St. John's Cemetery,
Golden Hill (Friday - 23 Oct 1930)

VANE, Infant daughter of Mr & Mrs Lake VANE of Wilmington was buried
here at East New Market on Friday (East New Market Items) (Wednesday
15 Oct 1930)

VAN WORST, Sarah Greene Clough died this morning at her residence at
207 Locust St. - Widow of the late William Barrow VAN VORST who died
11 Jan 1915 - Both died in the home they built in 1886.  Born in 
Hudson, N.Y -
Only child, Reginald Roosebelt VAN VORST died 6 Mar 1892 aged 15 yrs
Niece - Cora J., wife of Rev. O.J. WHITE of Watertown, Mass & her 4 
Nephew - Randolph P. JENNINGS of Beverly Hills, Ca.
Funeral at home Wednesday & interment in Christ Church Cemetery
Long obit - (Monday - 19 May 1930)

VICKERS, Orem, son of D.J. VICKERS of Elwood was killed instantly
Saturday 22 Feb when he came in contact with a wire while attending
to some work in the plant of the Magnetic Pigment Co of Trenton
Born at Elwood - Leaves:
Wife - Not named
Dau - Mrs H.O. SUPPERS of N.J
Dau - Mrs E.R. MORGAN of N.J.
Dau - Mrs R.L. HOUGHTON of N.J.
2 grandchildren
Sister - Mrs Edward BANKER of Baltimore
Sister - Miss Bessie VICKERS of Baltimore
Sister - Mrs Carl DEAN of Dorchester Co.
Brother - Thurston VICKERS of Brooklyn
Brother - Raymond VICKERS of Wilmington
Story of accident - Funeral at home Wednesday & interment in Cedar
Hill Cemetery (Saturday 1 Mar 1930)

VIRKOVICH, Joseph, aged 65 years, farmer of near Rock Hall was burned
to death yesterday when a brush fire got into a woods & he tried to
contain it.  Veteran of Spanish American War (Story) (Tuesday 18 Mar 1930)

WALLACE, Addie W., aged 71 yrs died at home of her son, John BURTON,
Race St. Ext Sunday night of heart trouble.  Widow of Anthony R.
WALLACE.  Formerly of Madison, but had moved to Baltimore about 14
years ago.
Dau - Mrs Ernest H. DOBSON of Relay, Md
Dau - Mrs Percy H. HUBBARD of Queen's Village, Long Island, N.Y.
Son - Anthony R. WALLACE of Glenburnie, Md
Son - Frank T. WALLACE of Pasadena, Md
Son - John BURTON of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Mary L. SMITH of Relay, Md
Sister - Mrs Rudolph C. LINEWEBER of Baltimore
Sister - Mrs S.J. MURPHY of Buffalo, N.Y
Brother - Capt Milbourn WOOLFORD of the steamer "John M. Dennis" of
Brother - Jephro D. WOOLFORD of Baltimore
9 grandchildren
Funeral at M.P. Church, Madison & interment in church cemetery
(Monday 28 Apr 1930)

WALLACE, C.H., aged 82 yrs died at his home at Honga yesterday at 3PM
Dau - Mrs Alice RUARK of Honga
Son - Elijah Mace WALLACE of Honga
Funeral at M.E. Church South at Fishing Creek on Friday & interment
in church cemetery (Thursday 13 Nov 1930)

WARD, Harry, col'd, was stabbed to death last night by unknown 
assailant - Found by Frank ALBAUGH on steps on Charles PAUL's house
on the corner of Gay & High St. (Story) (Tuesday 16 Dec 1930)

WASHINGTON, Lacey, negro, was shot & killed by Walter MCGRATH at the
home of Nathan JACKSON near Hurlock after a drinking party (Story)
(Monday 10 Mar 1930)

WESTBROOK, Altenia, aged 74 yrs, wife of John C. WESTBROOK of near
Cambridge died at her home 6:30PM Monday.
Dau - Mrs William WEBB of Baltimore
Dau - Mrs John TYLER of Baltimore
Dau - Mrs Harry WHEATLEY of Reids Grove
Dau - Mrs Dorsey BANNING of Doverbridge
Son - John L. WESTBROOK of near Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Melissa MATTHEWS
Sister - Mrs Charles BRUNNELL of Toms River, N.J.
Brother - Leonard BRITTON of Bayville, N.J
22 grandchildren & 4 great grandchildren
Funeral from home Wednesday & interment in Greenlawn cemetery
(Tuesday 5 Aug 1930)

WESTCOTT, Judge Nathanile B. died yesterday at his home at Onley, Va
Funeral tomorrow at Onley (Wednesday 19 Mar 1930)

WHEATLEY, _________ d 11 June 1926 - Memoriam by wife, Emma
(Wednesday 11 June 1930)

WHEATLEY, Mrs Amanda, aged 75 yrs died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs Herbert MOWBRAY, Race St Ext Thursday at 1:30 AM  Daughter of the
late Mr & Mrs William MARSHALL of the Neck - Leaves:
Dau - Mrs Robert WILSON of Castle Haven
Dau - Mrs Mattie WALLACE of Town Point
Dau - Mrs Leon WARRINGTON of Town Point
Son - Grafton WHEATLEY of Cornersville
Son - William WHEATLEY of Lloyds
Son - Edward WHEATLEY of Baltimore
Sister - Mrs Hester BENNETT of Cassons Neck
16 grandchildren & 1 great grandchild
Funeral on Saturday at daughter's home & interment in Greenlawn
Cemetery (Thursday 30 Jan 1930)

WHEATLEY, Charlie Coleman died at the home of his sister, Mrs Herman
G. COOK, 7 Peach Blossom Ave at 5:30PM yesterday - Leaves:
Wife - Ellen WHEATLEY
Son - Thomas Roland WHEATLEY
Son - Coleman Underwood WHEATLEY
Son - Charlie Arthur WHEATLEY
Funeral at sister's home Saturday & interment in Moore's burying
ground at Cornersville (Friday  23 Oct 1930)

WHITTEN, Miss Elsie Virginia, aged 44 yrs died at her home, 202
Academy St. last night.  Leaves:
Mother - Mrs George WHITTEN
Brother - William WHITTEN of East New Market
Brother - George WHITTEN of Cambridge
Brother - Oliver WHITTEN of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Marcus RHODES of Rhodesdale
Funeral at home tomorrow & interment in East New Market cemetery
(Wednesday 3 Sept 1930)

WILLEY, Carrie, aged 43 yrs died at her home near Sewards 1AM Monday.
Parents - Mr & Mrs Charles ROBBINS of Robbins
Husband - Howard T. WILLEY
Daughters - Myrtle, Nettie, Evelyn, Wilsey, Pearl & Florence WILLEY
Sons - Raymond, Calvin & Gordy WILLEY
Brother - Charlie ROBBINS of Sewards
1/2 brother - Vivian SHORTER of Cambridge
1/2 brother - Buy SHORTER of Sewards
Funeral at home Tuesday & interment at Bucktown (Monday 10 Mar 1930)

WILLEY, Charles C. aged 70 yrs, died at home, 307 Springfield Ave. at
3:30 Sunday morning - Formerly of Lakesville
Wife - Not named
Brother - Thomas WILLEY of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Lucy BURTON of Lakesville
Funeral 8 Apr & interment in Cambridge Cemetery (Monday 7 Apr 1930)

WILLEY, L   infant son of Melvin & Delia WILLEY died at home Friday
1:20 AM 10 Oct 1930 aged 1 month & 13 days. Leaves parents, 1 brother,
Melvin Asbury WILLEY & 1 sister, Delia Elizabeth WILLEY - Funeral
today & interment in Cambridge Cemetery (Friday 10 Oct 1930)

WILLEY, Mack, aged 65 yrs, died this morning at Cambridge Md Hospital
of nephritis.  Lived with John T. & Ottilee PRITCHETT of Bishops Head
past 15 yrs.
Brother - Loney WILLEY of Cambridge
Funeral at St. Thomas Church, Bishops Head on Wednesday & interment
in church cemetery (Tuesday - 23 Dec 1930)

WILSON, Mrs Anna M. died at her home in Rock Hall at 11PM last night
Son - Charles B. WILSON of Willis St., Cambridge
Funeral at Rock Hall on Saturday (Friday 12 Sept 1930)

WILSON, Donald N., aged 18 yrs, son of George H. WILSON of 307 Beleve-
dere Ave was killed instantly last night in Salisbury while repairing
a rear light on a trailer.  Struck & killed by Alexander WINGATE, a
Salisbury farmer (Story)  Leaves:
Brothers: Orem, Clinton, Harvey & Guy WILSON
Sister - Mrs Elsie HIGGS
Sisters - Virginia & Nellie WILSON
Funeral at home Friday & interment in Greenlawn cemetery
(Thursday  28 Aug 1930)

WILSON, Florence Bane, aged 56 yrs on 14 March died last night about
6:30 at home on Beledere Ave.
Parents - Nicholas & Virginia OREM of Talbot Co.
Husband - George H. WILSON
Dau - Mrs Elsie HIGGS
Dau - Virginia WILSON
Dau - Nellie WILSON
Son - Orem WILSON
Son - Clinton WILSON
Son - Harvey WILSON
Son - Guy WILSON
Son - Donald WILSON
10 grandchildren
Sister - Mrs William E. HEARN of Baltimore
Funeral at home on Tuesday & interment in Greenlawn Cemetery
(Monday  28 Apr 1930)

WILSON, George, aged 65 yrs of Easton collapsed & died on his front
porch while watching the burning of a building across the street
which he owned (story) (Tuesday - 27 May 1930)

WILSON, Hattie Ellen, wife of Robert F. WILSON died at home, 105 Pine
St. Monday, 17 Nov 1930.  Daughter of the late Darham & Harriet Ann
CLASH.  Leaves:
Sons - herman, Robert, Harry & Everett WILSON
Dau - Mrs Essie M. STEWART
Dau - Mrs Edna SPRY
Dau - Mrs Lillian JOLLEY
3 sisters, 1 brother, 10 grandchildren & 1 great grandchild.  Funeral
at Waugh M.E. Church Thursday 20 Nov 1930 (Tuesday 18 Nov 1930)

WILSON, Nancy, aged ca 22 yrs was shot & killed by Gorman BOOZE last
night at her home, 11 Cedar St.  Leaves:
Children - Donald, Emma Lee & Carl J. WILSON
Parents - Mrs & Mrs Joseph WILLEY of Aireys
Brother - Daniel WILLEY
Sister - Mrs Minnie BURTON of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Mildred KEPLINGER of Aireys
Sister - Mrs Myrtle BELL of Aireys
Sister - Mrs Susie LEWIS of Cambridge
Funeral from Church of God Wednesday & interment in Greenlawn cemetery
(For additional info check BOOZE listing) (Thursday 26 Aug 1930)

WILSON, Theodore, son of Clarence WILSON, 5 year old col'd child was
killed yesterday afternoon by Louis BARRETT (Coroner's Jury Report)
(Wednesday 30 July 1930)

WINDSOR, Perry C., aged 56 yrs died at his home, 116 Cemetery Ave.
Tuesday.  Born Deals Island, Somerset County
Dau - Mrs August MEYER of RFD, Cambridge
Dau - Mrs Herman TODD of Federalsburg
Son - Planner WINDSOR of Cambridge
Son - Matthew WINDSOR of Cambridge
Dau - Roxie WINDSOR of Cambridge
Dau - Mary WINDSOR of Federalsburg
Dau (?) Robbins WINDSOR of Cambridge
Brother - Matthew WINDSOR of Annapolis
Brother - Clifford WINDSOR of Annapolis
Brother - Charles WINDSOR of Louisianna
Brother - Luther WINDSOR of Louisianna
Funeral at his home on Thursday & interment in East New Market Cemetery
(Wednesday 18 June 1930)

WINGATE, Conrad M., aged 27 yrs died Saturday at Cambridge Md Hospital
of cerebro spinal meningitis
Parents - Mr & Mrs C.M.M. WINGATE of Wingate
Brother - W. Wilson WINGATE of Baltimore
Sister - Evelyn WINGATE of Annapolis
Sister - Carolyn E. WINGATE of Mechanicsville
Brother - Victor M. WINGATE a student at University of Md
Brother - Philip J. WINGATE a student of Washington College
Brother - F. Markham WINGATE of Crapo High School
Aunt Miss Jennie WINGATE of Wingate
Funeral at home Tuesday & interment in family cemetery
(Monday  25 Apr 1930)

WINGATE, Maude Thomas, aged 33 yrs, wife of Alvah WINGATE of Baltimore
died at Johns Hopkins Hospital at 8:33 PM last night.  Daughter of
Mr & Mrs Columbus THOMAS, formerly of the Neck, but now of Baltimore
Son - Thomas WINGATE aged 12
Sister - Mrs Hollie CORKRAN of Aireys, Md
Brother - Russell THOMAS of Baltimore
Brother - Milton THOMAS of Baltimore
Funeral at LeCompte Funeral Home Saturday & interment in Greenlawn
Cemetery (Friday 7 Nov 1930)

WINGATE, Otis Levin, 7 month oold infant son of Mr & Mrs Otis WINGATE
died at Cambridge Md Hospital Wednesday.  Funeral at LeCompte Funeral
Parlor Friday morning & interment at Crapo. (Thursday 21 Aug 1930)

WOOLEN, William W., former resident of Dorchester Co. died of double
pneumonia at his home in Mardella Springs, Saturday - Leaves:
Wife - Annie WOOLEN
Son - Edward WOOLEN of Mardela Springs
Dau - Miss Stella WOOLEN of Mardella Springs
Sister - Miss Anna WOOLEN
Sister - Mrs Charles TRAVERS of Chester, Pa
(Monday  24 Feb 1930) Funeral held Wednesday at church in Mardella 
Springs & interment in church cemetery (Wednesday 26 Feb 1930)

WOOLFORD, Frank J., former resident of Cambridge died today at
Roanoke, Va.  Funeral to be held in Cambridge on Wednesday 10 Dec
(Monday 8 Dec 1930)

WOOLFORD, Frank J. aged 64 years died in Roanoke, Va. Monday 8 Dec
Funeral at Greenlawn Cemetery today.  Leaves:
Dau - Mrs L. Eugene SHAW of Roanoke, Va.
Granddaughter - Miss Inez SHAW of Roanoke, Va.
Sister - Miss Laura WOOLFORD of Cambridge
Brother - William WOOLFORD of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Emma GREEN of Baltimore
Brother - Edward WOOLFORD of Baltimore
Brother - Lee WOOLFORD of Woolford
Sister - Mrs Fanny WILSON of Federalsburg
(Wednesday 10 Dec 1930)

WRIGHT, Amelia died 24 Jan 1929 - Memoriam by sister, Geraldine &
Betty Mae  (Friday 24 Jan 1930)

WRIGHT, Jesse A., aged 74 yrs died at his home in Seaford 8 Sept
Was an ice manufacturer.  Native of Caroline Co., Md.  Opened the lst
cannery on Eastern Shore at Choptank in 1884.
Was married 2 times and is survived by widow & 9 children by lst wife.
Brother - Ollie WRIGHT, former Dorchester County Commissioner
(Wednesday  10 Sept 1930)

WRIGHT, Mary Amanda, widow of Martin V. WRIGHT died at her home in
Warrenton, Va. at 7:30 Wednesday evening.
Brother - (late) James N. SHERMAN
Dau - Miss Christine PHILLIPS of Warrenton, Va.
Son - T. Noble WRIGHT of Cambridge
Son - (late) Rev. W.S. PHILLIPS
Funeral at Warrenton this morning & intement in Cambridge Cemetery
(Friday 28 Feb 1930)

WRIGHT, Mrs Mary Amanda died 26 Feb 1930 at Warrenton, Va. Born
Dorchester Co and was the daughter of the late William Alexander
SHERMAN - lst husband was George PHILLIPS - 2nd husband was Martin V.
WRIGHT - LONG story on life (Wednesday 19 Mar 1930)

WROTEN, Samuel M. aged 66 yrs died at his home in Lakesville Monday
noon of apoplexy.  Leaves:
Dau - Miss Clara WROTEN of Baltimore
Son - Levin WROTEN of Baltimore
Son - Carl WROTEN of Lakesville
Sister - Miss Fannie WROTEN of Lakesville
Sister - Mrs Harry CHRISTOPHER of Cambridge
2 grandchildren
Funeral at Street's Church Wednesday & interment in family burying
ground (Tuesday 21 Jan 1930)

YATES, Anna Grace, widow of Carlton M. YATES died at 3PM today at
Cambridge Md Hospital - Daughter of the late Albert & Susan E SPEDDEN
Born 26 Sept 1871 at Cornersville & moved to Cambridge in 1884
Married 1 Jan 1895 - Mr Yates died in 1918 - Leaves:
Son - Philips A. YATES of Cambridge
Son - Carlton M. YATES of Wilmington
Brother - W. Hamilton SPEDDEN of Cambridge (Monday 24 Feb 1930)
Funeral at home, 107 Church St Thursday & interment in Cambridge
Cemetery (Wednesday 26 Feb 1930)

YATES, Edwin R. was killed in an auto accident early Christmas morning
aged 32 years.  Roger LYONS & Guy THOMAS were injured.  Front tire 
blew out - They were on their way to Salisbury (Story)
Mother - Mattie B. YATES
Father (the late) William B. YATES
Brother - P. Sherwood YATES of Cambridge
Sister - Mrs Linwood HARRIS of Farmington, De.
Sister - Miss Mary W. YATES of Philadelphia, Pa
Son - Samuel Tolley YATES
Funeral at mother's home on Oakley St. Saturday (Hard to read)
(Friday 26 Dec 1930)

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1930 Obituary Abstracts from the Daily Banner, Dorchester Co., Md
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1930 Obituary Abstracts from the Daily Banner - Dorchester Co., Md
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1930 Obituary Abstracts from the Daily Banner, Dorchester Co., Md
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