The Contra Costa County Men's Group:Samildanach:Member Pages

Steven Vercher
One Wrytyr

I am what might be refered to as a "born again" pagan
but I've felt the pull of this path for as long as I
remember. I've been studying several different
aspects of paganism for the last few years and have
lead the life of a solitary though I love to met new
people and to do new things.

This picture was taken at the Bachelor Party for a
very good friend a week before he got married. What
was special about that wedding was that I was the one
who pronounced he and his wife Carrie where man and
wife. It was a very proud and moving moment for me.

I work in video production and am a struggling writer
(I used to be a starving writer but my job keeps me in
groceries). I have one completed screen play and
several in various stages. I've also written short
stories, prose and poetry some of which can be read at

I am also looking for my long, lost sister Melinda
Vercher and if you'd like to help go to

I am single, enjoy almost all types of music, love
reading biographies and autobiographies and generally
love science fiction, satire, travel and being outdoors
(skyclad whenever possible).

Here is a quote from one of my favorite people:
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That
will teach you to keep your mouth shut." - Ernest Hemingway

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