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Our Favorite Recipes

These recipes were created by the castle's chef. The Nutritional Analysis was calculated by the Kingdom's Mathematician. No experts in the field of medicine or nutrition were consulted.

It didn't take us long to realize that the hardest part about Jared having diabetes was not that he couldn't eat certain foods, but that we didn't know the carbohydrate values of foods prepared at home. Most of the diabetic recipes are not for children (or for working moms!). Jared wanted to eat the foods that he was used to. These are some of those foods.

Another obstacle I discovered was making all the portions, slices, etc. uniform. We bought metal measuring spoons in 1/8 cup, 1/4 cup, and 1/2 cup sizes. We now use them as serving spoons. We also bought a size D-30 stainless steel ice cream scoop. I use this when I make cookies, muffins, and cupcakes. Now I know each serving is the same size.

In the process of figuring out these recipes, I discovered the value of protein powder. Many of my recipes now include protein powder because the entire family finds the foods more filling and satisfying when it is included. If you do not want to use protein powder, you can substitute flour-but keep in mind that it alters the carb values.

We hope you enjoy these recipes. If you have a favorite family recipe, please forward it to us-we'd love to try it.

Recipe Links

Breakfast Recipes
waffles, french toast, breakfast pizza
Dinner Recipes
microwave chicken and rice, pan pizza, split pea soup
chocolate shake, bedtime chocolate pie
chocolate chip, peanut butter, oatmeal, no bake cookies, snickerdoodles