Blake and the Bunny

          Blake was a young girl of 12 when she told her mother she wished to have a rabbit. Her mother had just asked Blake what she wanted for her next birthday and the vibrant child eagerly answered. "I want a bunny, Mom"
     "And what will you name your bunny, sweetheart?"
     ”I'll name it Fluffy," Blake answered.
     "What if the bunny isn't fluffy?" her mother asked.
     "It's Going to be Fluffy!" Blake replied, "cause that's what I'm going to name it! And if the bunny's not fluffy, I'll get it a wig!" Blake replied sternly.
     “Well, if you insist, but what color will the wig be??? Did you ever think of that? If you get a green wig people will call it a big green puffball, and if you..." Blake's mother said as her voice trailed off to a whisper. "Well....she continued.....if you get a pink wig it will be a pink fluffy bunny. Think about that. Pink! That gives me an idea. I'll get you a frog. Maybe a purple one. that I think of it, that doesn't seem like so bad an idea. He could hang out with that green worm (if it is a worm) that seems to be popping up throughout this web site."
     “But Mom-eeeeeee!" Blake shrieked. "I asked for a rabbit, and I will have a rabbit!!!" she screamed.
     "Over my dead body," her mother said, under her breath. Suddenly an idea popped into Blake's devious mind. She was going to have the fluffy little rabbit of her dreams, no matter what it would take. A kid in her class, Tamara, had been talking about a green frog that could turn yellow. It wasn't purple, but it would have to do. "No, wait... I want a bunny, not a frog!" Blake thought to herself. Now she remembered, she said “over my dead body...” That means, if she's dead, I can have my bunny!! Blake rushed into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Frantically she removed all the vegetables from the drawer and began slicing them. Soon her mother followed her into the kitchen.
     "Blake," she asked, "What are you doing with that giant butcher knife?" asked Blake's mom.
     "Oh, nothing....I'm just chopping up some vegetables for dinner. Yes, that's it!"
     "Well, okay, if you insist. I need to take a shower, so that's where I will be if you need me."
     "Okay, mom," Blake said...with the thought of her pet bunny on her mind. Then...aha! she thought! "I know!" Blake whispered to herself. "I want that bunny really bad, and I am going to get it, no matter what mommy says." So then Blake followed her mother into the bathroom and when her mother was undressed and humming in the shower Blake decided to go to the shower and threaten her first before killing her. So she went and said: "mother with this butcher knife I could kill you and have my bunny, but i won't do that just yet. You have one more chance to agree to the bunny, or you are dead."
     But suddenly, Blake's mom started to metamorphosis. She grew horns out of her head, turned purple, grew wings and her skin turned to scales. blake stood staring at this weird beast that was once her mother.
     Suddenly Blake screamed, "never mind mommy I want a pink frog not a fluffy bunny!!!!" Suddenly, a look of unbridled anger came over the monster that was Blake's mother's face.
     "A PINK FROG?!" she roared. "A PINK FROG?!"
     "um... yeah," replied Blake.
     "A... PINK... FROG?!... oh Blake..." she said and suddenly she turned back in to her human form as Blake's mother. "Blake, I have ALWAYS wanted a pink frog! Ever since i was 4 years old!" Blake stood in shock. But suddenly her mom broke down sobbing and said, "My mom always said, why don't you get a nice bunny instead when I asked for a pink frog. But when my brother asked for an elephant, he got one! I hated that elephant!! I HATED THAT ELEPHANT!!"
     Suddenly, a strange creature hopped out of the shower. It looked like a pink and fluffy cross between a frog and an elephant. It leaped out of the showerhead and landed on the bathroom floor, Blake shrieked loudly and in her terror she accidentally dropped the knife. It embedded itself in the creatures back, causing it to spasm violently. Eventually it spasmed so hard that it broke every bone in it's body, killing it slowly and painfully.

The End
