Nikki's World
I'm not wise and I'm not all-knowing, but the things I've experienced and the things
I've exposed myself to have taught me that the possibilities in life are endless,
which is why I truly believe that we can do anything- if we only put our mind to it.

Monday, July 16, 2001
Ohmygod it's been a long time. And yes, I've resorted to using Blogger. Oy! (Laugh it up all you want you Hawai'i people you!)

Well, at the moment I'm working on three new pages of my brand new website at the same time. (Don't ask.) I've also resorted to using dial-up (thank you BOL!) instead of my so-called cable modem because stupid Adelphia's server sucks. I haven't had a decent connection in over a week- and believe it or not dial-up is faster right now! GRRR!!!! I'm just glad that I'm not paying for it till September, so if Adelphia's so-called engineers don't fix this problem soon I'm sticking with dial-up.

Okay, it's back to work for me. Maybe I'll add s'more once my brain is fried from too much html code...