Nikki's World
I'm not wise and I'm not all-knowing, but the things I've experienced and the things
I've exposed myself to have taught me that the possibilities in life are endless,
which is why I truly believe that we can do anything- if we only put our mind to it.

Friday, November 29, 2002
The newspaper was just delivered.

Current song: Norah Jones' Don't Know Why on MTV.
I think I finally figured out MTV's secret. They only play the good videos in the middle of the night. So that they can fool you into thinking that these videos don't exist if you only watch during normal viewing hours. Which is why I never watch MTV during normal viewing hours. Only when I have an incurable case of insomnia and the Mt. High forum is down.

Norah Jones is like the antipathy (Haha, did I just make up that word? Or is it really a word and I just used it in the wrong context? Wow, it must be really late if I can't answer those questions...) of a music artist. I read in Rolling Stone once that she hates attention. She didn't want to call attention to herself or her music, which is why she chose to be with a jazz label- even though they were the only label that accepted her. She said she didn't want to do any videos, but now she's done one and her label wants her to remake it into a "better" one. So yah, I understand the not wanting to be in the spotlight thing, but if you don't want to be in the spotlight why send out demos to labels??? Huh? Huh huh huh??? Yeah.

OMG. I'm watching a video I just saw them play an hour ago. It's like listening to the radio...

I sprained my left pinky yesterday. Or, now I guess that would be two days ago. I hit it on my steering wheel. Yes, I know I'm stupid. And last night it was so swollen I thought it was broken. And now I'm typing... Yeah... I'm going to pay for this in a hour or two. At least it made a good excuse for not playing the piano tonight for the multitudes of family that came over for the free food. Wow, that was a lot of for's. I've been avoiding the piano lately because there are too many people in the house and I don't want to play in front of them. Since it'll be the first time in a month, fourth time this summer, and probably sixth time this year, that I will have played.

You know what? What, you say? Well, I just read a few of my friend's online journals and it seems that everyone has one topic in common: love/lust/thoughts of the opposite sex. Not surprising I guess. But slightly funny when you compare and realize that everyone is pretty much saying the same thing: I'm never going to find the one / they don't exist / etc. (Oh God, it's John Mayer. I have to change the channel NOW.) Hmmm... maybe it's just cause all my friends are the same as me: single, recently graduated or almost graduated, and abnormal. Hahaha! Or maybe that's the one thing in the world that everyone has in common... Aside from having two biological parents and all that physiology stuff.

Oh Lordy! Is it really raining?? Awww... it's the sprinklers. Damnit. I need to go to sleep. At least before the sun comes up. Especially since I'm typing way too many fragmented sentences.

My one complete sentence of the night: I want to watch ABT's Nutcracker at the Kodak Theater. Yes.

Happy Turkey Day! Which actually ended about four and a half hours ago...

The Mt. High website is down again. I'm sad. And the new forum isn't as fun as the old one... Bah. I just want to board. I need to get it waxed first... and find my boots! Damn.

Why am I not sleepy??? Help!

Wednesday, November 27, 2002
Did I say that last song is my favorite Suburban Legends song? Whoops! I meant that's Marie's favorite SL song... my favorite song is...


What the hell is wrong with me?
I’m in a band, ladies can’t you see
Please don’t judge me by the car that I drive
Or the fact that I haven’t had a date since ’95

Come on, don’t go away
Don’t listen to your friends when they say that I am gay
I try so hard but I just can’t get no play
Don’t have any STDs
Come on, I’m begging on my knees
Come on get close just ignore the fleas

We will take anything that walks . . .
Because we’re desperate

I know I’m not a handsome man
Cuz I look like an ogre with a farmer’s tan
And every time the ladies see me and I’m walking their way
They say, “Brian smells, everybody stay away”

Oh ladies, can’t you see
I can’t help it because I’m ugly
But I’m in a band, don’t that count for something
Come on now, don’t delay
Cuz if you don’t call then I’ll probably rent-a-date
And my tab keeps rising, cuz I do it every day
Oh ladies, can’t you see
I’m in a band, why aren’t you attracted to me?
I don’t care if you’re underage
Just as long as you’ll be seen with me in a public place
What’s it gonna take? (What’s it gonna take?)
For you help me bake cookies? {questionable line... I think it really says: For you to sit on my face... LOL!}
Cuz I need to know
I’m all hot and ready
And I got to go . . .
Because we’re Desperate

Why oh why must I have this rash
No girls talk to me they just step back
Should I lift weights? Would that make me more sexual?
Maybe wear glasses would that make me intellectual?
Come on let's do it fast
Cuz I’m all hot and ready and it just wont last
And I got 20 dollars what can I get for that?

You know what? I think my last relationship completely took away any sort of confidence I had with men- in the finding a relationship sense. I'm fine with guys who are friends, or actually just with guys in general. But when it comes to someone who seems the least bit interested in something less than platonic I completely freak out and back away. It's like... I won't even give it a chance. I'm not sure why, either. Am I afraid of something or am I just not interested in having a relationship? God, you'd think that'd be an easy question to answer... Well, I tell myself I want to meet someone, but I really don't want the complications of having any serious, or even semi-serious, relationships right now. So I wouldn't mind just seeing someone... so what the hell is it that I'm afraid of? I keep telling myself that I don't want to hurt anyone, so I don't let them get close to me so I won't have to hurt them in some way. Hmmm... maybe that's it. I know I'm a heart-breaker. And I don't like being a heart-breaker. So the only way for me to not do it is to not start something with anyone. Is that a cop out excuse? Or is it the truth...?

Well, it's true in the fact that I have broken up with every guy I've ever gone out with. (Not a good record...) But why did I break up with them? Okay, stupid question. I knew I wasn't serious about them and I didn't care for them in that way, so I broke up with them. Good reason, right? Now the next question is: why in the hell did I get with them in the first place? That one I think I know the answer to... It's cause I knew we had no future, so I didn't have to feel as committed. Because I'd go into it thinking it wouldn't last anyway. Geez, I'm so messed up. So now the question is: how in the hell do I fix it??? And by "it" I mean my committment phobia. My God, you'd think I was a guy looking at how phobic I am of committment... So sad.

Oh lament... Mt. High opened tonight at 5pm and I did not go... sigh... Why oh why is the Mt. High forum down??? I'm going through withdrawal!

Lyrics to my favorite song by my favorite ska band: Suburban Legends

I Want More

Again we’re stuck in gear
And lost, but you don’t care
How can it be that we’ve agreed to start again
Agreed that maybe this time it’ll be the end

It’s just a state of mind
And you are looking at the ground
But it’s not raining, look at the sky
But it’s hard when you’re not looking very high

I wanted everything but this
When all I want is happiness
Alone in life, Alone in love (I wanted more)
You show the side of you that’s not
The side of you, you show a lot
All I want is something else
To hold onto

I sit here all alone
Writing words to show
The thoughts and feelings I have towards you
Have we come this far just to figure out there’s nothing new
Between us

I used to fall apart
And wait for that fire to spark
But now it’s over
I know I lost
It’s just so easy to break

I wanted everything but this
When all I want is happiness
Alone in life, Alone in love (I wanted more)
You show the side of you that’s not
The side of you, you show a lot
All I want is something else
But you’re not letting go

I sit back and watch the sunset
Nothing else could ever calm me down
I write words of so sweet breath
Composed to make your world go ‘round
I like things that make me smile
Your personality can’t give me that
And when you frown I think of why we’ll
Never be the same

It’s not cool to play ska music
It’s not cool
It’s not cool to play ska music
It’s not cool

I pulled the microphone from her lips and said, She told me I don’t date guys in a band
“I don’t ever wanna be like this” And besides

Ska doesn’t pay
Ooooo It’s not cool
To play ska music
But I do it anyway

Cuz I wanted more than this
Times are changing stop complaining
It’s not the person you have left behind
Maybe I’m someone else that you can live without

Hahaha... I actually went out tonight. It was FUN! Yay! Thanks for the ride Marie! And yay to Colleen and Frankie and Common Rotation and The Knitting Factory and Wyder's Pear Cider and Adam Busch. LOL.

Monday, November 25, 2002
I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it!!! LOL's pickup test:
What's up frigidaire. You are 33% pickup-able! You're cold and unapproachable, like a big glacier that's unapproachable. And cold. Unlike the Arctic tundra, few even venture to plant their flag in you. You're definitely not a Scorpio, unless you were born between October 23 and November 21. The bad news is that you'll end up miserable and alone, probably knitting doilies out of cat hair. The good news is that this is apparently what you want. Honestly, I don't even feel comfortable talking to you right now, so I'm just gonna go… yeah… wash my friend's hair.

But... once you get me:
Damn, J-Lo! You are... 75% dateable! Attractive and confident, witty and charming, a healthy ambrosia-based diet... you're wanted in the 48 contiguous states, you slayer. Call me. Seduce me. Make me a man (or woman.) Not only do you know how to turn a guy's (or girl's) engines on, but you also know how to oil, lube and rotate it. You put the "elation" back into "relationship," and the "night" back into "one-night stand."

Sunday, November 24, 2002
Life can be so unfair sometimes.

I'm feeling inundated with info and emotions right now. It kinda sucks. My brain can't process everything. I think I really need Thanksgiving vacation to start now.

Things I'd like to one day do...
1) work in (or maybe own) a bookstore
2) go to culinary school
3) spend a few years traveling around the world
4) work with NASA in some way
5) perform well in front of an audience
6) learn to play the sax, violin, cello, harp, and guitar... and maybe the trumpet
7) fly a jet plane... I'd even settle for being a passenger
8) go whitewater rafting
9) snowboard at Whistler and a few other choice places
10) work on a movie set
11) land an axel and a double flip
12) build something from scratch
13) take an auto shop class
14) be good and successful at something... anything.

Geez... that's a lot..

I love Disneyland at Christmas time! All the pretty lights and Christmas music are so nice! And we even got to go on the holiday Haunted Mansion and Small World and watch the fireworks and stand under the snowy soap on Main Street. Hee! I missed having my annual pass!

I've been having these really weird dreams lately. This week sometime I had a dream that I was on an appointment and instead of giving me referrals at the end, the guy gave me a bag of pot. LOL And then last night/this afternoon I've had follow-up dreams that I lost the bag of pot and I had to find it before someone else did. And also cause I really wanted to smoke it, even though I had no clue how to. LOL... Geez, I think I'm more stressed out than I think I am! I mean, come on, I'm trying to do drugs in my dreams! Hahaha...

Oh! And then (and this one's for real this time) my mom asked me the other day whether I could be pregnant! What the hell??? I was like, uh yeah... By what miracle? Shoot... even though I would never have told her if it was possible, unless I've been pregnant for a year it's not. OMG... No wonder I've been dreaming bout smoking out.

Saturday, November 23, 2002
How does one meet decent men these days? Cause I just realized I haven't met any new people, that aren't work-related, in an incredibly long time. I think I don't know how to socialize anymore. I know how to schmooze and how to network, but somewhere along the way I lost all my socializing skills. I realized this tonight as I was walking through the Block on a Friday night with my parents, grandpa, and aunt, wearing jeans, flip-flops, my black tank top that I wore to work, and a blue sweat jacket, with my hair thrown up in a very messy ponytail. What I realized was: I didn't care. It was so weird. Typically, I'd be at least a little self-conscious bout looking like I was gonna run to the bank on a Saturday morning instead of looking like I was walking through the "social scene" I was in on a Friday night. And even more- looking at all the people around me, the teenyboppers whose parents don't allow them to go anywhere else unsupervised on a Friday night, the hip wannabe's hanging out trying to look cool cause they were at "a place to be," and those people literally hanging out cause they had nothing better to do on a Friday night, I just kept thinking "geez, how dumb." It was like you could feel it in the atmosphere, the way people just wanted to be recognized for being there instead of being there just to have fun on a Friday night. It was so stupid. I kept thinking that I was like that, too, once upon a time- and I have no clue when things changed. And now that I realize that they have I don't know what to do with myself. This is why I'm wondering- how in the hell can I meet new people without having to resort to this level of desperation?

Even though I'm bordering on desperation to meet new people (cause I'm really lacking in the social life department right now), I DON'T want to go out just for the sake of trying to meet someone. That's the equivalent of walking into a bar on my own just for the purpose of finding a guy to bring home that night. It might be fun while it lasts, but it definitely won't last. And I hate relationships- of any sort!- like that. Hmmm... after re-reading what I just said I dunno if I'm being clear. Cause it doesn't really say what I want it to say, but I know what I mean so who cares...

Anyway, yeah. I really need to get a social life back. Cause I'm stressing out from work and I don't have any place to relieve the stress- cause living at home is NOT helping at all. And as much fun as I have with myself when I go out alone, it'd be nice to have some company once in a while. Or even just to have someone to call up and talk to bout stupid things on a regular basis. Because it seems I've lost this, too, somewhere along the way... Okay, it's late and I'm extremely tired. So for a couple parting words...

It's been approximately a year now...
The new James Bond, Die Another Day movie is pretty good. I'm even thinking of watching it again. Of course, it still has a few "what the hell purpose is there in this scene? oh, the action..." scenes, but not so many as past ones. Even Halle Berry did a pretty good (which is above decent, so this must be a compliment) job this time around- MUCH better than X-Men. But I think poor Pierce Brosnan is getting kinda old for this... It was slightly disgusting to watch him with Halle Berry in bed... Ech.

Thursday, November 21, 2002
What the hell am I doing up this late? Geez...

I'm so sick of everyone canceling on me. I've had six cancellations so far this week. That's really bad when you figure I only set nine appointments this week. Shit!

I've got a doctor's appointment in the morning. Should I tell her the truth or should I keep with the story I told her last time I was there, when I was under my parent's insurance still? Hahaha... I wonder what she'll say if I do tell her the truth. I'm so not the stereotypical Filipino young woman. Maybe I should've gone to a different doctor, one who's not friends with my parents.

I was thinking bout that in the shower this morning... you know how parents don't tell us things when we're young because it's "for their own good"? Well, everyone knows the roles are reversed when the child grows up, so I see it as not telling my parents things now because it's "for their own good." LOL There's so much they don't know about me. But I don't want to tell them because I know it would shock the hell out of them and I know that our viewpoints are never going to be the same on some things. So why bring it up? I was raised in a completely different life from the one they had. They can't expect me to live that life anymore than they can live mine. Sucks to not have a communicative family.

Monday, November 18, 2002
My teeth hurt. All of them. I really need to see a dentist. Ouch.

Oh, and I'm hungry. And Fatburger is sounding really good right now...

Saturday, November 16, 2002
I came home for absolutely fucking nothing. God I wish I weren't here.

I just watched the sun set on a beautifully stereotypical Orange County day while sitting on Inspiration Point- a place from my dreams. I have this randomly recurring dream that takes place on a residential street that's on a bluff overlooking a beautiful beach. Sometimes the dream is nice and sometimes it turns into a nightmare. When they first started I kept thinking whether this was a place I'd been to before or if I'd just made it up in my mind. Today I realized that it was a place I'd been to before. It was the street overlooking the beach I went to during my freshman year of high school- in Corona Del Mar. It was kind of weird how I happened to remember the place today...

Instead of working, like I know I should have, earlier today, I decided to get out of this house. It's too crowded and the people in here are too loud for me to keep my sanity if I stay here for any extended period of time. So I decided to leave. And I had no clue where I was going, except that I wanted to drive south on PCH. I had no destination, only a journey. It gave me such a feeling of freedom to not have a place to be getting to, but only a road to follow. I drove for a bout an hour, with my music blasting and Carl's Jr. in my hand. And as I was driving down PCH past Newport Beach I kept remembering all the times I used to do this in high school. It was kind of weird recognizing stores and restaurants on the way down, even though I hadn't been down there for over five years. And then I hit Corona Del Mar. And I recognized the street called Marguerite. I recognized it because the day I went there, during my first month of high school, as the bus was pulling out onto PCH, I told myself to remember the name of that street. Because I'd had such a great day that day that I always wanted to remember how to get back there. And today it paid off...

I spent about a half hour making my way down the path to the beach, just stopping every few feet to take in the view. And then I spent an hour wandering on the beach by the water's edge... the water was freezing! But the beach itself was beautiful. It was clean and not at all crowded for a Saturday afternoon. Then I made my way up the beach again to the lookout point and set myself up on a bench with my new book and a towel, enjoying being outside in the daytime for the first time since I can't even remember. And it just so happened that as I was sitting there the sun began to set, so I was able to watch a lovely sunset.

And then of couse, my mom calls and asks me to come home... And the arguments begin the moment I walk up the path to my front door. God I hate this place sometimes...

I debated whether or not to post this day in my blogger. Because it was such a wonderful day that I wanted to keep it to myself. But I also want to be able to remember it and recall it whenever I'm having a bad day. So I decided this was the best way to do that since my memory sucks...

I hate health insurance. I really really hate health insurance. You pay them up the butt you get pennies in return. Fucking piece of shit. And THEN, when you call with questions (questions that you haven't been able to answer using their website because their website is a piece of crap) the lady pretends to be nice as she tries to get you off the phone in one minute or less. God. What do I need to do to start my own health insurance company?

I'm too fucking mad to sleep now. I actually went to bed early. And then an hour later my aunt walks into my room, after busting open the fucking door (I swear she doesn't know how to fucking open doors.) and what's the first thing she does? She YELLS out, "Oh my God, Nikki's asleep already!" so the entire house could hear her. Fucking bitch. And then she picks up my phone and starts talking to my other aunt. Not whispering. But having a full blown fucking conversation. And she's on the phone for 20 fucking minutes. Grrr.

Friday, November 15, 2002
I knew taking weekends off would catch up to me. I'm falling behind at work, in the sense of meeting new clients, cause I'm getting lazy. But tonight I shared a bottle of wine (most definitely the most expensive and best tasting red wine I've ever had- the stuff was limited to only 500 cases!) with one of the partners of our company, my manager, and one of the other reps in the office after everyone else had gone home and we were still pluggin away. It was pretty fun. My boss (one of the four partners who own the company) is a great guy to drink with- and learn from. He always says that his door is always open to us- so long as we prove we're worthy of his help. I always feel not worthy, though, so I hardly ever ask. I'm always bugging my manager for things instead. Haha... The weird thing, though, is that people are actually coming to me for help and advice now. And I so don't feel qualified to give a lot of it. Especially when I can't even set a decent number of appointments for next week. I'm so glad our branch manager left early tonight. I really didn't want to have to face telling him I've only half the schedule I should have for next week. I've gotta get my butt into gear and do some work this weekend to be caught up by Monday. Crap. I feel really bad, too, cause last week I was offered (straight up- no kidding!) an early promotion to be a junior partner in mid to late December- so long as I keep doing what I did last month. Which doesn't look too good so far this month...

I think what I really need is at least 24 hours of good old veg-ing out in front of a TV or something with a friend that I can just hang with. Or just a really great night of something else... Ha. Like that's gonna happen anytime soon! God, I really need to de-stress. And spending another lonely weekend home alone (like I did last week) just is not going to do that for me. I mean, come on!, it's 9:15pm on Friday night and I'm freaking posting here! And my plans for the rest of the night: wash my hands with yummy smelling soap cause they smell like food, clean my room a bit, read my new book. I have such a sad, sad social life. And what's worse is that I'm choosing it. Cause I was invited to be at two parties tonight and I don't feel like going to either one. Ugh, maybe I'll just go straight to bed. I've got too much to do tomorrow...

Thursday, November 14, 2002
OMG. Good book alert!!! Warning: many quotes will soon be forthcoming from this book. LOL

Quoted from Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Tobert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter C.P.A.
What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money- That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not!

"The poor and middle class work for money." "The rich have money work for them."
"...fear keeps most people working at a job. The fear of not paying their bills. The fear of being fired. The fear of not having enough money. The fear of starting over. That's the price of studying to learn a profession or trade, and then working for money. Most people become a slave to money... and then get angry at their boss."

Credit cards are the devil! My best piece of advice for someone who doesn't already have one: don't get one. Then you will never be tempted and will never have to deal with being in debt. Cash is good. Use cash.

I actually made a friend online tonight. Wow... And even more wow... he's way younger than me. LOL! I haven't had a good AIM chat in a long time. So thanks to whatever-his-real-name-is! Hahaha...

My aunt's sleeping on my window seat. I think she wants me to stop typing, turn off the light, and go to sleep. But I told her that I'm up kinda late sometimes...

I had lunch today with an old friend. He is so sweet! I wish we could hang out more often...

Okay, I should go get ready for bed now...

Tuesday, November 12, 2002
I'd like to shout out my inner Britney! OWEEEE!!! My head hurts! Wow, I shouldn't have shouted... I think I'm getting sick. :-/ I can't breathe. My head hurts like hell. I just want to crawl into my bed and sleep forever.

I finally cleaned my room this weekend. Woohoo! I even put up my new blinds- after having them sit on the floor for two months. And I have proof- the peeling blisters on my hands from mounting the hardware for them. Eh.

In the past 24 hours my house suddenly became a hotel. First, my aunt and my grandpa tell us four days ago that they're coming from the Philippines and arriving last night. And staying till at LEAST the first week of December. Then, I get home from work today and find out that my grandpa's half-brother and his wife are staying with us till the end of November. Cause she got into a fight with her daughter, with whom they were previously staying. Great. So my question is: Where is everyone gonna sleep???? Cause I'm not feeling so hot and I really don't wanna give up, or share, my room. I'm so spoiled.

(My God, it's a Martha Stewart K-Mart Christmas commercial. Is she really still making any sort of profit?)

Anyway, the only up-side to all this is that three of them are hella old- I'm talking decades past retirement age- and having nothing to do while they're here except COOK. And my grandpa's half-brother is a damn good cook. So we'll finally have some yummy, healthy, food in the house. Now if only I don't get so sick I won't be able to taste it...

Buffy's on. I must go now. But not without one last OWEEEE!

Saturday, November 09, 2002
My inner rock star is:
Britney Spears!!!
Feel it, sweetheart; the rock star in you is all Britney—the envy of cheerleaders everywhere. One part girl next door, one part naughty sex kitten, you're definitely not as innocent as you look. And that is why nobody can get enough of you. You are the ultimate American girl with some serious staying power. Unlike other success stories, you and Britney are more than just a pretty face: you've got talent, confidence, and the brains to back it up. With a talent list like yours it's no wonder you're at the top of the popularity charts and young men's hearts. We love you. Shout out your inner Britney!

Lost one.

The perfect flip jump... stroke one, two, three, three-turn onto a perfectly straight back outside edge, bend the left knee and reach back, pick! Then you're lifted into the air, with no effort at all, and you pull your arms in as you cross your left leg over your right, turning in the air as you ascend, enjoying the ride down, and then quickly landing onto a perfectly curved back outside edge, with your free leg extended, arms out in triumph, and heart pouding in pride.

Justin Timberlake's new album has only one song that truly stands out. Track 13, the only pure ballad on the CD, is sung with such great tenderness and emotion it makes it the one great song on an album that is otherwise bland. The CD has a great use of rhythm throughout, but the melodies are average at best. And Justin's soulful singing abilities are usually lost in the supporting vocals of guest artists, the blaring rhythms, and the instrumentals. Even the pictures contained in the jacket aren't the most flattering ever seen. Other than the one great song, entitled Never Again, only a few others stand out due to their unique rhythms, including his already released single, Like I Love You. Justin fans will no doubt buy the album based on their staunch support, but many may be disappointed by what they find. I know I was. (In other words: too R&B for me. Just like the BBMak CD was too pop for me.)

Friday, November 08, 2002
"Philippino." What the hell? You'd think someone like Justin Timberlake could afford to hire a proof reader who knows how to spell for his new album's acknowledgements.

OMG! It's RAINING!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY! I've missed this sound so much! And it's not just sprinkling, it's really raining! Wow!

My ankle hurts. I'm actually considering seeing a doctor for it. But what if they say I have to stay off it? I just started working out again! No way! That's exactly how I stopped skating and working out the last three times!

It's pouring! Heee!

Thursday, November 07, 2002
Tonight I realized that I'm attracted to men who've "been around the block" (in whatever way) and returned wiser, stronger, and smarter for their experiences. I guess that's just another way of saying that I like guys who have some experience living in the real world... which I've known since high school. But I've also realized recently that part of the reason I'm not meeting anyone new, nor have I met anyone new in an incredibly long time, is that I'm scared to put myself out there for it. I'm a control-seeker and to put myself out there like that is very frightening. So I just discredit guys as soon as I meet them, usually with some lame-ass excuse. And then I only go for guys who I know aren't going to last for me. Geez, I'm dysfunctional... But wow, I think may have just successfully psychoanalyzed myself. Scary... and what's even worse is that I think some of my close friends have known this about me for a long time- and never said anything about it! Haha... oh well. It's not as if I asked.

Oh, and yes my body still aches from the other day. And my ankle is still killing me! Don't even try to tell me it's not true that old injuries can't be used as weather barometers.

I think I'm finally starting to get how to balance work with the rest of my life. So hopefully the rest of my life will soon catch up from where I left it three months ago...

Ohhh... afterthought. I really need a massage. I think I'm gonna do that water massage thing at the mall on Fri evening... Yay! God, I really need it right now...

Wednesday, November 06, 2002
Oweee. I went skating yesterday almost like I'd never left. Except afterward I was sweating like a pig and completely out of breath. Hahaha... God, I've missed this. The first time I tried my waltz jump I started smiling before I even left the ground, cause it felt like I'd never left. Muscle memory is great thing! Of course I botched the jump, though. I don't think I got over two inches off the ground. LOL! And then I was able to get my toe loop and my flip and my salchow, kinda, and even my loop. Didn't try my lutz... I know that wouldn't have happened. And I was able to kinda center my scratch spin and I got my sit spin and my attitude spin. Wee! OMG it was so much fun! I was just smiling the whole time. And now I'm sooo sore! But it's a good kind of sore.

Oh yah, and i've even managed to make money in the last few weeks...

Sunday, November 03, 2002
I know playing the guitar is supposed to give you calluses, but how in the hell do you get them from playing the piano? My fingertips all hurt from the playing for the last two hours... owee!

I worked out this morning. It was fun! Can't you feel it? Winter's a-coming! Yay snowboarding and skating!!!

Okay, not being conceited or anything... but how is it that I was getting looked at this morning at the gym when I haven't really worked out in all of five years??? My clothes size is proof that I'm not where I used to be...