Nikki's World
I'm not wise and I'm not all-knowing, but the things I've experienced and the things
I've exposed myself to have taught me that the possibilities in life are endless,
which is why I truly believe that we can do anything- if we only put our mind to it.

Sunday, December 17, 2006
I'm bored. I shouldn't be, considering what a mess my apartment is and how many things I have to do before flying out of here on Friday morning. Still, I'm bored.

The last week of gallivanting has made me realize how much I miss socializing with real people. As opposed to my computer and TV. Ha... *cry*

Wait, who reads this thing? I know people are still reading it cause I do get the weekly updates... but who the hell are you? You better comment now and tell me.

The holidays are always crazy times. But they're also crazy fun times. It makes you happy, yet it also makes you realize what you've been missing all year. Like Garrett said, you start thinking about all the things back home and really start missing it. Okay, how many times did I just say the same thing over and over there?

I cannot finish a pint of beer. Or, actually, I cannot finish a pint of beer without feeling sick. Maybe it was just because it was a hefe weizen and all that wheat just made me full. More likely I'm just a cheap drunk now. Hey! Get that? So take me out and get me drunk already. I'm a cheap date. HA.

Seriously, though, I miss those days of drinking and carousing with JackieBubblesGarrett and sometimes the rest of them. We need to do that again. SOON. I'm in the mood to let loose. Uh oh, that's usually a bad thing. Hahahaha.

Can someone find me that responsibility pill and spike my drink with it? Great, thanks.