(Updated Oct. 16, 2000)



WELCOME to my homepage!

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Feel free to look around - you may just find something that suits you (or you may not!)  I'll try to update this site as often as I can, but this isn't always so easy, 'cause of school and everything.  But do drop by once in a while.  And don't forget to sign my guestbook!

To start exploring, just pick from the menu on your left!

(If your browser doesn't support frames, 
you'll have to use the menu at the bottom of this page)

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Latest Updates:
10/16/00 Added TWO new songs; minor changes
09/16/00 Added a new song; minor changes
07/24/00 Added a new song; minor changes
02/02/00 Added new links; minor improvements
11/27/99 Added a new song
07/04/99 Added a new song
04/07/99 Minor improvements throughout



Sign My GuestbookGuestbook by GuestWorldSee My Guestbook

Contents of Dave's Homepage:

About Me My Songs Pictures
Bible Verses Car Gallery Animals and Cute Stuff
Trucks Just For Fun Games