You cautiously pop your head around the door, paying close attention to the sign. Inside you can hear soft breathing so you carefully tiptoe in. The room is filled with eggs of all shapes and sizes. 

You feel a tap on your shoulder and turning around find yourself face to face with the tinniest dragon imaginable. It hovers just in front of your eyes.

"Welcome to the hatchery" the tiny dragon whispers " my name is Sh'har and I am the guardian of this place.  Please feel free to look around , if you are lucky some of the eggs may hatch, there are a few which should any day now.  If you come to the end of the room you will find the babies who are almost ready to leave my care, stay and play with them for a while.  Come! follow me"

With that the tiny dragon circles your head twice and flutters towards a cluster of large yellow eggs.

This is Rodan, he is the first of his clutch to hatch. Rodan and his brothers and sisters are rare pygmy desert dragons. Very few people have ever seen these tiny dragons for they live deep in the deserts where man seldom travels. These eggs were found abandoned and were brought to the hatchery for safe keeping.
Ras and Lida came to live here when their home was destroyed by a mining company, their species live deep in caves where precious jewels are formed. You can see that even though they are just babies they still have a love of sparkling stones.
There is always one comedian in every family, and snoop is ours, he just loves to perch in the rafters and dive bomb the visitors to the hatchery.  Lucky for them he is still a baby.                                
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