You find yourself in a beautiful garden, light shimmers in tiny crystal  pools and all around you leaves rustle in the soft breeze seemingly enticing you to wander farther.  As you walk along the shady pathways you realize that you seem to be the only one here. Surely you think to yourself, someone must live in this wonderous place. Suddenly a clearing opens up in front of you and in the centre is a tiny fountain
You walk over to it, and amazingly in the tinkling of the tiny droplets you hear once again the sweet voice of the dragon.
"Well met again bold traveller" she whispers

"Within this place you will find my children, dragons who have come to live with me.  Some are old, some are but hatchlings but all would love to meet  you"

As you listen, you feel a breeze spring up around you and looking skyward, you see floating down from the trees many delicate jewel like leaves.
"Follow the leaves" whispers the dragons voice "and they will lead you to my children"

The Hatchery
Saraks Lair
The Gargolarium
Dixeys Downloadable Dragons
Whose egg is this?
Malatharian Dragons
Ice Dragon
back to the hallway

background and some  graphics © Dragonlady 1998