---===| The Golden Dragon |===---

Of all the dragons the most revered is the rare and beautiful Golden Dragon. The golden dragon, is unique, pure and perfect. Golden dragons never take part in wars or turmoil, they have no flaws, they are the embodiment of love and truth. Because of their natures, the golden dragons were chosen to defend the Enchanted Castle, where a pure hearted knight guards the Sacred Chalice. The sacred Chalice is said to be the font of peace,nature and life. Hidden from the eyes of humans because they were not worthy of it, it remains protected until the time when the dewellers of the earth are deemed worthy to once again drink from it. The Golden Dragon was summoned to carry the guardian and the chalace to the castle and given the task of watching over them until the day the chalice can return to the world of men. On that day dragons will fly once more and led by the golden ones, they will bring an era of peace and light to the world.

~Bard Dance by Enya~