
Jesus is Life Ministries

Dan Stone Sr.
P.O. Box 15151
Duluth, Mn. 55815-0151
{218) 729-6140

We at Jesus is Life Ministries believe that
God's word is true and infallible. In the book
of I st John 5: 1 1 &,I 2 God's word tells us this:
"And this is the testimony: that God has given us
eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
He who has the Son has life; he who does not have
the Son of God does not have life."
Thank God for sending His Son to die on the cross
for us. We are committed here at Jesus is Life
Ministries to do our part to help spread the Gospel
of Jesus Christ. Some of the ways we are doing that
is by selling our products not only in the Bible book
stores, but also on the internet.
Each time you purchase one of our items, you are
supporting missionaries around the world. Our goal
is to give you a product you can enjoy, use to spread
the good news and to support missionaries out there on
the front lines. We pray God will bless you as you
purchase our products to help spread the good news of
our Lord Jesus.

All Praise Be To God,
Dan Stone Sr.


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